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I'm really nostalgic for that period in the mid 2000s when I was a teenager making silly games with RPG Maker (...XP) with no care in the world, and this is clearly a game made with that spirit! So just for that you have a thumb up, but a really subjective one.

The writing is juvenile at best but the characters are really intertaining! I actually liked all of them! they were characterized and fun enough, even for such a small time! This is actually an achievement!

The art for the most part, is promising. not going to tell you "great" because it's not, but there are some drawings that show promise, and you should keep practicing! 

Now, if you'll ever consider game development on a professional level, I'll give you some ***Constructive Criticism*** to help you improve!

  • The average player doesn't care of how confident or not-confident you feel about your skill with the RPG Maker. This means that all the "I didn't make this asset" jokes (like the dragon and the chichen) and the joke about the design of the shop map will only land on other RPG Maker devs with similar skills to yours. (The chichen "shut up" was a lot of fun though)
  • Similarly, the averege player doesn't forgive your lack of knowledge of RPG Maker. This means and all the "please don't break my game" requests (like "don't recruit people too soon or you can't solve the puzzle") will irritate him and communicate a lot of amateur. (I did something similar once, so I related!)
  • The combat makes no sense: the boss brings no challenge and I beat with a few items and no equips. I didn't equip anything because no item was equippable.
  • You should guide the player somehow in buying the proper items because he doesn't know what the fight will need and how to spend its money!
  • The spells make no sense. I don't mean "story-wise" but "gameplay-wise": why should I rely to a spell that costs me mana to just damage of an amount comparable to a simple attack?
  • I know for a fact (at least on XP it was possible) that you could set up events during a fight, like dialogs. Since the boss has too much health you should set up some dialogs to hint the player she's going down!

Hope I helped! Overall I had a nice time playing! Keep going! ;)

(6 edits)

Thank you for your feedback! I have been working on an update to increase the quality of various things in the game. I will post about it soon. (EDIT: The post is now up.) I am still working on this update, but I will keep your feedback in mind to improve some of the things you criticized.

Can you please explain what you mean by the writing being "juvenile?" I do enjoy writing for kids, and although I originally envisioned this game being for general audiences, I guess I wound up leaning more towards kids as my audience. I haven't spent much time on this website, but it does seem like most of the games (at least the RPG Maker games) are more serious and adult-oriented. Is that what you mean? I wonder if there's a better (by which I mean more fitting) platform for indie kids' games...

No item was equippable? That's strange. I specifically set every item type used to be equippable by every class in the Database, and I'm pretty sure I was able to equip them when I tested the game. Maybe it didn't save. :P I'll have to take a look at that.

It looks like I'll have to buff the boss and/or nerf the power of the normal attack move. Buffing the boss will be easy, but setting stats for the playable characters has been difficult for me. Please bear with me as I try to figure it out.



With "juvenile", more than "oriented to kids", I intended "wrote by a kid", and I didn't intend it in a offensive manner, but in a objective way. If kids are your target than I guess it's an approriate style of writing!

Unfortunately I can't be of any help about finding such a specific community for game makers. I only know "general porpouse" ones.