Thanks for the response, some good info on what to look at for the next iteration.
There is a building to increase max pop, its just the house; the tile info page can be scrolled down with the arrow keys and a lot of the later game buildings are there, I should have made it clearer that you could scroll there.
Windmills do in a way make fields more efficient as they work all adjacent fields with enough fields surrounding it becomes more efficient to put one worker in the windmill than the multiple workers in multiple fields. There is a sawmill that completely chops down a the highest level forest adjacent, which is more efficient than assigning worker to the forest individually, and there is a mine that increases the odds of getting iron from adjacent quarries but it doesn't affect stone output. I should have made all this info easier to find.
Thanks for seeing the potential, I've had the concept for this game for a while and I think this is a pretty decent first step and I will be working on this more without the one month constraint.