Visually (barring the gothic font, a little hard to read) and the fact that a VN was combined with a rhythm game is nice, and the online leaderboards is another plus, too.
However, control wise because of how things were mapped out (horizontally), I played with my head tilted most of the time because the way that the receptors are lined up vertically was throwing me off otherwise.
The idea of slowly adding instruments to the song was interesting story-wise, but in gameplay terms meant that each successive level is just a longer version of the previous one.
Aside from the fact that each chart was strictly hold notes, the hit detection for these felt oddly lenient since you are able to “start” holding the note regardless of how much you initially missed unless another note in the same lane comes immediately after it.
I am interested in seeing a breakdown on how scoring works though, considering the gaps near the top of each leaderboard: