I really enjoy sliding up walls, and the little jump/dive animation is very cute, but while the exploration is very well done, I found the amount repetition that would be necessary to complete this without cheats to be tedious.
Now, it's totally possible to use the cheat room to restore lost progress and return to checkpoints, but only if the player exits and reopens the game. The option to have permanent unlocks as an easy mode would be very welcome, haha.
Exploration is easily my favorite aspect of this game, but it's hidden away atop a high skill floor, and without the ability to quickly retry difficult sections, every failure felt far too punishing.
That's not to say I didn't have fun here though. Once I started cheating, and I was able to experience the exploration and platforming puzzles with the full moveset, the game became much more enjoyable.
Also, the bosses look great, the color palette is visually pleasing, and again, sliding up walls is really fun (along with the rest of the movement mechanics when fully upgraded). Oh, the fade-out on the location names is really good too. I can't quite figure out why I like that so much, haha.
I still haven't found the bagel yet (unless it's only in the cheat room), and there might be more than one hidden resting place, but I can say that yes, you forgot to lock the door.