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(1 edit)

The perspective used feels quite unique, and the HTML version actually worked perfectly for me as far as I could tell 👍.
Something a bit tricky was trying to figure what I was supposed to do, I thought okay, maybe I'm the square, and I tried pressing the arrow keys, I then read the description and realized I had to use the mouse, but still didn't get how to move the square, eventually I moved a gear and was like oohhh, lol.
Locking the gears in place could be good, but I think it might be more interesting if you find a way to make the gears moving around like that a feature, it was kinda funny they kept popping out of place, making me have to rush to get to the next set of gears.
I look forwards to seeing if this gets improved upon, and get some more levels in the future, cheers!


Glad you liked it! it was interesting to know your experience of passing the game. It costs a lot. I will definitely try to find the time and finish the game.