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Super cool locomotion system (although a little bit intense on the old vestiblar system... haha). Also was a bold move to start the game by dropping the player.

Loved it when I got the hang of how to move around the world.

That said I did encounter a few problems with my hands becoming stuck in the geometry forcing me to reach for the menu button with my free hand.

I was also a bit lost as to what the "score" was, as there were no clear objectives or time limits bar destroy as you will. But as that objective is so cathartic in itself I almost felt that there wasn't a score necessary.


Thank you for your feedback. The score system wasn't fully implemented because I didn't have enough time to do this. And hand will be stuck sometimes because I've used the animator to animate the hand and I should make my own animation system which will work on FixedUpdate. But all this issues will be fixed because we have plans to develop further this game :3