Now that I finally had an account, I need to review this game! Played without walkthrough at first, then I decided to use one when I can't get Rama's happy ending no matter how much I replay it urgh >///<
1. MITRA IS LOVE MITRA IS LYFE honestly I'm so betrayed whenever I play the rest of the game because he's too nice to me why can't boys be like Mitra aaahh~ and why kissing people at the chin is way more attractive than the lips? Sweetchiel please cure me :( Reksa came closely as the second place, though! His character slightly reminded me of Hak from Akatsuki no Yona. And although Rama's story is the most interesting, I somehow can't really love him like the rest of the boys, sorry! I consider him as the little brother I would like to protect with my life and along with Mitra (although Rama's bad ending is my favorite!)
2. My lecturer joined the Indonesian VN creator FB group and mentioned your game in the class. Since I need references to finish my project, I decided to look up your game to enjoy Mitra's godly bod, and I reallllyyy wish I could integrate Indonesian culture as good as yours, like, dang gurl the culture integration was well done! Not a cringe-fest! Yay!
3. the art, since there's so many six packs and glorious wings i wish angels in heaven look like this the story! I thought Mitra's was already good but the more I play, the more I got captivated! basically I only played Rama because of the story I'm sorry
4. Just like your next game Nusantara: Bermuda, I dislike the UI design (too clutter-y?) and the crowd's animation (too crowded!). There's also some serious problem with the game flow. For example, since I played Mitra first, I wonder when did I agree to look out for Rama ...? Turns out it was a Rama-oriented event.
5. After playing the last demo, and considering how you write Rama's route, YES. I'lll give you my money (preferably if you sell it in Steam because the price in Indo market will be cheaper? I'm still a broke college student and saving 3 bucks means a lot T_T)