Very fun and tranquil experience. I loved the vibe and music and the feeling of being tiny in a normal world. I liked flapping my wings to fly and once I realized I needed to squeeze the trigger to go forward it was fun pollinating the flowers. I sometimes got a bit disorientated when I was forced to twist around when I tried to go past the game bounds. I was thinking if you could expand it, wouldn't it be cool to have:
- Swimming-mechanics in your locomotion. Maybe this would look silly but I always felt it would be cool to kind of swim through as in doing a breaststroke to go forward. With the current mechanics, it felt like I was a human holding bird wings and trying to fly.
- Maybe having to avoid pets like dogs and cats, and have to compete with bees? I just thought it would be interesting to have an antagonist, too, like a hawk or a lizard.
Overall, thought it was so fun to play and worth the download.