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I'm not sure I know what you mean... Could you be more specific or attach a video/image?


Miscounted, sorry.  So I walk east to the button-and-platform room (#2).  I go up.  I walk east into the red-guy-below-me room (#3), and walk across it.  I walk east into the red-guy-and-button-below-me room (#4)  I walk east, the guy follows me and falls down onto the button, which opens the door. Cool.

Now I walk through that door, and...boom, screen wipes, and I'm back at the start.

If I screenshot really fast, I get the above image, if that helps.

I see, I've just figured out the issue and I'm getting 1.0.5 out as I'm typing this, thank you for letting me know

I've fixed it, and you can play the game (hopefully) as normal now, I should really playtest before I release updates... Thank you!