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Hi, I've added a video playing first 3 levels, take a look at it if you want.

All values work in "world" coordinates (it is represented with axes in bottom left) and gets applied from starting point. Which will be apparent in 2nd level's rotation and offset combination.

Just to note few things, the object you control with nodes is the grey one. Camera follows it making it look like the cyan one is moving which is not the case. And the axis values are in grid - offset: 1.0, rotation: 5.0, scale: 0.5.

Also, slider was broken in current version of engine and we tried to make a workaround which is why slider is in half broken state, so please use keyboard for changing values if slider is too irritating.

Hopefully you'll figure out how to play it because I had fun playing it despite being the one who created those puzzles :).

Thanks for taking your time playing... at least trying it! Have fun! :)