Nice work! I really loved the art, it’s so polished and bright with simple lines. Can’t praise it enough. I especially liked the character designs, and their movement animations looked really good.
Gameplay was fun too, I enjoyed having to throw weapons while jumping over the boulders and dodging arrows. But after a point it got a little broken/repetitive. I could just keep throwing axes as the viking character and nothing could really get near me. I think it could be more fun with better pacing, i.e as you keep playing more enemies arrive in combination with the arrows/boulders etc.
The individual sounds were really well-made and fit the game well, top-quality stuff. I felt like some of them were too repetitive or loud though (especially some of the attack sounds) which was a bit aurally tiring. I would have also liked some more visual feedback when something happens in the game - for example, some visual indication of damage when the player or enemy is hit. Sprites of objects disappearing suddenly was also a bit jarring - such as the boulders/enemies.
Great work overall, I had fun playing this one. Looking forward to more!