Hey guys,
I'm a programmer finishing up my bachelors in computer science and I live in the Central Coast of California. I've been trying to program bad games since the beginning of highschool.
Here's my website http://www.patrickscottriordan.com. It has most of the browser games I've worked on. I'm familiar with javascript with canvas/webgl, C++ with OpenGL (cross platform), and some lua.
Some things I know about in game dev:
- 2D Spritesheet loading
- Sound generation (made a synth program to generate fun wav files)
- Working with different types of noise (i.e. perlin and symplex)
- Pathfinding (A* mostly)
- 2D and 3D collisions (last 48h game I developed object oriented bounding box colliding with axis aligned cylinder in 3D)
- Physics stuff (Did my bachelor's thesis on deformable solid simulation)
- Networking (Peer to peer connections, as well as peer to server e.g. http://www.dopeness.ninja multiplayer web game using nodejs server. If you try it bring a friend, no one is on usually)
- Markov chains and basic neural networks (aka weird learning ai)
Can do some shitty pixel art. On my website, checkout Office Party (if it loads for you), Runner (background and character sprite), and Clashers (the most shitty of art).
So far I've only completed 3 game jams, 48h ISR3 with a friend and 2 3h game jams. I really want to work on coming up with ideas that are scaled properly and prioritizing time. I'm also really excited about working with new people especially designers and artists.
I will be free for the entire jam period, so if we team-up I'm ready to put in all 72 hours minus 7-9 hours sleep the first two nights and food breaks.
I can do all the programming or contribute to a project or if you really want I'll do crappy pixel art all day. Let me know if you want to make something cool!
[EDIT: Game I like: Katamari Damacy, Noby Noby Boy, Shadow of the Colossus, Halo 2, Super Smash Bros. Melee, F-Zero, Animal Crossing]