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The aesthetics are quite nice - I appreciate low-poly style even if it's not my preferred style, and you certainly had a nice low-poly style. The UI and menus are nice and fleshed out, which is always good for a game jam game. The gameplay is nice and simple and the level design is quite nice - both in terms of gameplay and visual appeal.

My main issue was that there seemed to be a bug where the moment you collide with a non-box object (such as a wall or spike) you would be unable to move the box. I wasn't able to play through much of the game because of that unfortunately.

Overall - good stuff man! Keep it up!


Thank you :D I have just started creating these low poly models hahaha and they're the easiest to create in a short time so I used that style. As for the unable to move the box, I think this is also related to the feedback of other play testers that they don't know whether the character is still alive or not. If the character is color white or dead, the intended mechanic is the player won't be able to move anything and they must find another container/body to revive (color yellow).  Will still improve this feedback mechanism probably after the jam due to busy hours :'(
Thanks again for the feedback :D

Oh, I wasn't aware that the character becomes dead during the game. And I did notice that there were bodies on the floor, however I may not have interacted with them correctly. How do I interact with them to increase my lifespan?

You can only interact with the bodies if you are dead or the character is in color white. Take note that this will reset the position of the movable objects in the game :D