Interesting idea.
The door doesn't give you a choice after prompting you about skipping, it just does so.
Could have used visuals for the selection menu. The second choice of who to eliminate is messed up and shows horizontally.
The computer terminal should definitely not have you input right away.
The cow collection was a bit annoying because you don't just touch the cows, you have to interact with them. This isn't clear from the dialogue.
The game basically tells me to spread my relationships evenly while focusing on whoever is eliminated that week because they'll vote on the winner, but I found that it might be better to just focus on 2-3 of them. The important part is getting the power to eliminate (and power to rescue if possible). First week, get rid of your lowest relationships. This is your throwaway. The top 3 relationships, you want to work on them. Second week, work on your top 2 (or top 3) relationships and eliminate them. If one of them gets the power to rescue, switch to the third choice (or, do a second throwaway and take the risk of that throwaway being picked). You want them to be around the 60-70 range. Third week is fairly easy. Bump up the top two and ignore the third unless one of your choices gets the power to rescue. If that happens, use your influence to do the stronger relationship boost. You want your allies to be in the 60-80 range. Last week, keep the person with the lowest relationship and focus boosting the other. Since you'll be getting the last power to eliminate, if there is a tie, you win.
If you cancel the relationship menu, it picks the relationship loss option instead of just cancelling. I think I almost failed because of this and another issue. (I still got 1st place, but only because I got the power of elimination every week).
Why does it look like you can eliminate yourself? (I didn't dare test it though).
I wish the game was a bit clearer about the fact that whoever you pick at the end is not the one that is auto eliminated. It says it, but it isn't clear at first because of how the game works until that point. Also, add confirmation dialogues please. I almost failed because of this.
Influence is honestly fairly useless here because you need to sacrifice relationship to gain influence. I didn't try to see if I could go negative though.
You can cheese a lot of the minigames. Wasn't a big fan of the spike traps area though.
Not a huge fan of the memory puzzle. You can record it, but some of the icons flash almost at the same time.
It felt like one of cannons misfired at some point.
I wasn't ever able to get the power to rescue. The minigames for that one...