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Okay. Review time :) Cuz if you can play a game for free, the least you can do is leave (good) advice for the next one to play. ^^

This game was great. It wasn't perfect but it was really good. Overall i really enjoyed the game and yesterday i finished the game @ 1.30 in the night. Yeeh :) I now want to go over my points, what i liked... and the one thing that i didnt like as much :)

What i liked:
-The story. It was a great and excellent story. It had quite the plottwists here and there and finished totally different then how it started (You go from highschool love game to a save the world from a immortal demon...pretty epic :) )

-The characters:
They where all pretty good written, i got emotionly invested into most (if not all) of them. I hated the characters i should have hated, i loved what the game wanted me to love... And the side characters where pretty well written aswell ;) 

-The humor:

YES... F*CKING YES. I lolled, i giggled, i had to stop the game on some moments cuz i laughed so much. I aint gonna spoil anything... But if you want a good comedic show. Play this game

What i liked for the most part:

-The animation

This one is just a warning. If you boot up the game and start the first sections, you notice the animation.... Isn't as good as other projects. But since this is the creator's first game. You should cut him some slack there. The animation improves, the further you play, the further you come/cum :) So if you are there for the graphics... Just keep going... The start of the game and the endgame are miles apart. So just keep going on that ^^

What i didnt like as much

-I think that this is also to blame for the fact that this was his first game... But especialy in the start... The sex scenes are click click click scenes. You f*ck. You cum. Dun. Later on.... There is some choice (PoV... where to finish) but that's still following the script. I played only 2 VN's from here (same from another developer, 1 is still going) and there is more freedom in the sex scenes there. I prefer that a lot more. 

So yeah. A great game. A good game If you can improve the sexy part for the next game you're creating.... I think that game is going to be epic ;) 

Cya on the discord :) And have a great day ^^ 


Thank you so much for your review!
I'll try to improve on that aspect!