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A member registered Apr 06, 2020

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Great next chapter m8..Really can't wait for the steam release where the "poor man" can also enjoy the bonus edition.. Yeah, it was a bit on the short side, but, to me, it felt like this chapter wasn't as much about the sex..or the action, but more about the story in regards of relationships and pregnancy, so i digged it.. a lot ^^ Keep up the good work, and can't wait till chapter 18...

Can't wait till the full edition hits steam ^^ Ya're doing an awesome job 

This sucks. Not for us, the players. But for the great developers like yourself. I really loved the bussiness model that was here, and now sadly. It is gone.
I already owned TTUV on steam, but not SL.. And ofc, i bought it straight away.. Not even fully so i owned the full edition again, but also to support you where i can.

Speaking of Steam, (and i know this doesnt work for everyone..sadly) maybe you can go fully to steam and patreon? I play Come Home there, another AVN, wich is Free to play, but she also uploaded a Premium Edition wich will get the patch earlier then the F2Players..It is basicly the model you have here..

I dunno.. I wish you best of luck..and i keep playing the games, as long as i can.. and i try to support you with the budget i have.

This suck. Period

Since my RL was a bit busy lately, i didnt kept track of the episodes and when they release. So it was a nice suprise when it did :)
I like it that the last chapter is more story based and less sex. Shows how good of a story teller you are ^^
The ending was a true wtf..ow no.. moment.
Can't wait, for when the next part drops

I read on the discord, that you needed to be a jerk to Vess in Season 1. You know, when you discover her betrayal and all.. So i replayed it.. and relucantly did it (broke my heart). Threatened to leave her behind and everything.. But now,the savefile doesn't work in the continue style. It loads in the wrong one and give's a lot of ren'py errors. Maybe take a look at that, ow great and powerfull Perveteer? Again, keep up the good work :) ^^

Bonus stuff is usually released when the season is released.. And then you can buy the edition with bonus stuff enabled. Since this is s2 e1 (or e13..) i doubt it's after a bonus render :)

Yeah.. Thim has some great character development. He can use some love ;)

I've always been nice and trusting towards her :)

Me @ 21.40 Yeeeh.. Finally, the adventure continues.. 
Me @ 22.45, Finally... We continue with my favorite girl <3
Me @ 23.03... Aw man.. Was that it already :s 
It was once again an epic playthrough ;) Keep it up.
2 things though... If you open the scene gallery while playing the game, a error occures.. (If you open it from the main menu, it's fine) 
And how the heck do i get gratefull vess? I mean.. i want to let her out of the brig... And i went back to do things differently, but it didnt seem to trigger anything..
Keep up the good work ^^ 

(1 edit)

Took me a while, this time around to leave a final review regarding season 1. My pc had crashed and i had to start all over. Luckily the full release is on steam (im sure it will release here soon.jpg), so i played that one instead. ^^

It was a amazing trip. The season fits real good together, something you notice if you play the full season, instead of episode after episode and i loved every inch off it. The characters are great and well written, the humor and story is amazing and the game is a solid experience. Same as with SL, you come for the sex, you stay for the story. Keep it up m8, and keep us surprised in season 2.  ^^ Can't wait to see more of the adventures in this unending void :)

You bastard. You utterly bastard. Must you toy with my feellings so much? More Raene..a romantic path that finally starts to get shape.. 

That plottwist in the end... , M8.. ya're killing me.. To bad this was quite the short chapter :s.. but i guess, that's becuz it's a 2 parter,..
Also..end of S1 soon... Awesome.. can't wait for the extended edition ^^

Owkay :) okay.. K..
After scraping a couple of bucks together and pay for the game....and after playing the 2nd part, the only thing i can do is:.... Say: Great game ^^ It makes me laugh out loud. The story interests me and i enjoy it... a lot (even creeped me out a bit here and there). The connection you have with the other people in the game, is really well written...and (as i have grown accustomed too in these kinds of games) the sex isn't the main (selling) point in these AVN's.. it's the story arround it.. So keep it up, and i await patiently the release of 0.3 :) 
Enjoy the hollidays ^^ 

Another update.... Yeeh :) I enjoyed it, once again. It was a good episode, the story really lifted off (Litterly ;) ) and am curious to where it goes next. My only (usual) "complains" are that it was to short (Cries.. i want more.. ;) )  and i always want more Raene story, and am always sad if it's just a few nods to her (Her dad's a dick by still calling her a boy.... a-hole).. So more Raene pls <3

Thnx for the awesome work. :) Keep it up ^^

Okay. Review time :) Cuz if you can play a game for free, the least you can do is leave (good) advice for the next one to play. ^^

This game was great. It wasn't perfect but it was really good. Overall i really enjoyed the game and yesterday i finished the game @ 1.30 in the night. Yeeh :) I now want to go over my points, what i liked... and the one thing that i didnt like as much :)

What i liked:
-The story. It was a great and excellent story. It had quite the plottwists here and there and finished totally different then how it started (You go from highschool love game to a save the world from a immortal demon...pretty epic :) )

-The characters:
They where all pretty good written, i got emotionly invested into most (if not all) of them. I hated the characters i should have hated, i loved what the game wanted me to love... And the side characters where pretty well written aswell ;) 

-The humor:

YES... F*CKING YES. I lolled, i giggled, i had to stop the game on some moments cuz i laughed so much. I aint gonna spoil anything... But if you want a good comedic show. Play this game

What i liked for the most part:

-The animation

This one is just a warning. If you boot up the game and start the first sections, you notice the animation.... Isn't as good as other projects. But since this is the creator's first game. You should cut him some slack there. The animation improves, the further you play, the further you come/cum :) So if you are there for the graphics... Just keep going... The start of the game and the endgame are miles apart. So just keep going on that ^^

What i didnt like as much

-I think that this is also to blame for the fact that this was his first game... But especialy in the start... The sex scenes are click click click scenes. You f*ck. You cum. Dun. Later on.... There is some choice (PoV... where to finish) but that's still following the script. I played only 2 VN's from here (same from another developer, 1 is still going) and there is more freedom in the sex scenes there. I prefer that a lot more. 

So yeah. A great game. A good game If you can improve the sexy part for the next game you're creating.... I think that game is going to be epic ;) 

Cya on the discord :) And have a great day ^^ 

Episode 09, it was another great and fantastic one. To bad they don't take longer.. Im always like... Aaaw, is it over already? :) Back to the waiting game ^^

Oooew.. A couple of hours :)  Cant wait

Hello :) Here i am again. You do listen to your fans :) More Raene story... Yeeh :) 
It was once again a great chapter. Didnt found any bugs, The story develops amazing.. And as i saw another comment.. The sex stuff, is like a happy bonus (Couldnt agree more Overtake40 :) ) The only downfall.. Is that it's over before i know it. To short :s But yeah. Story and art takes time. Im gonna patiently wait again till the next chapter. Keep it up ^^ 

So, this morning my mailbox said to me.. New update is out...And i waited the whole day for RL to be done (This isnt a game for 5 year old kids ^^) and started, like 22.30ish..and im already done with this episode...dayum m8. I said it be4..and i say it again..Ya're doing a excellent job...and if i was in the financial position to become a patreon..i would do so... Can't wait till the next part.. Keep up the good work...
Also.. Beta tester job.. On pc, i didnt found any problems.. Besides, ofc.. that i want to know how Raene's story continues...wich i couldnt this episode.. But i wait patiently :) Cya in a month orso...or 2.. Take ya time..ya're making art ^^

This one, was one of the best. Poor Raene... I want to hold her, put me close, and tell her everything will be okay. I even have a (very rare) tear in my eye, just cuz how...Sad the story is...I mean.. How'd ya go from incest love, to a story as this... Jeez dude, ya made me feel stuff... GJ  :)  Can't wait to see what's next in store

thnx m8.  But i figured that out myself. ^^. Thnx for the reply 

Thnx bro..Ya're a life saver.... Well, not "life" life..but more of a horny life saver :) Thnx alot ^^

Hai, im here again.
How in tarnation do i start the romantic route with Mrs Smith (Mom). Replayed over and over again.. But cant find it :S

Okay.. i took a long route to come where i am now.
Found this game on a torrent site (Non-taboo version)..thought, hey check it out. Loved it...screwed it all up. Ended with the side chicks. Not the main chicks. Played it again, this time i ended up with 3 of the 4 main girls. Found out this site...played the free version. Ended with all girls. But since i loved it so much (and felt a bit guilty for torrenting it in the 1st place) i bought the game, (for 15 dollar) and played it again. This time with walkthrough. Almost done, already planning to play it again..since i missed. Iris?. (Curious to how to get to her)
Yeah, well.. My point is.. mate, this is a excellent game... And when the untold void is fully done. I skip the torrent, and just buy that game straight away :)
Keep it up <3