It should be on there? I just checked and it’s listed.
No, that should be right (and you can see it listed under 'BackDoor' if you check ).
Are you using the MacOS beta? It looks like the latest version is from 2019- I wonder if you need to update the games list somehow to include newer games. BackDoor 3 came out in 2020, so that could be why. I tried searching for some newer games through the MacOS beta version and they haven't been showing up for me.
I don't really know how updating the games list would be done though, sorry.
FYI: Looks like they got the Newgrounds player working for AS3, so you can play the games there now! e.g.
Ah, I was think of using the Newgrounds Player for running the game, but I'm discovering that the player isn't supported for MacOS. Sorry about that!
The forwarder tool might work though, I haven't given it a try for macs. Hopefully it should work.