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(1 edit)

Excellently scoped game for this jam. Some nice QOL features (the little indicator showing your x position when you're above the screen for example).   I liked how the traps/hazards weren't unfair with their collisions (I see this a lot in jam games).  I even found a secret (I think)! First attempt got 2 min 16 seconds !  Also *love love love* the audio motif thing you've got going on.  There was just one point that I thought was a little unfair (a jump you have to make to a platform offscreen which has a spike trap on it.  theres no way to time this correctly without luck AFAIK? unless i internalized the timing, or if it's synced to the music or something-- wait is it??)


Thanks for the feedback. I know the exact platform you're talking about and I agree that it is a little unfair, although if you tip-toe close enough you can barely see it. Also, since you mentioned it it would've been pretty clever to make the traps sync to the music. Lastly, I'll confirm that there is indeed a secret and I think if you mentioned it then you probably found it! Thanks so much for playing.