I've tried the "med" Quest setting before----got crazy stuff like "Mythic leather" (still no idea where to even buy/mine the stuff!) or large amounts of Obsedian. Oh, tried "solo" just for kicks---not much difference------as mentioned most BAD luck is with Quests (1st 21 days)
Having the option to *CANCEL* (& get a different one) might help a LOT on same cases. [like "Dungeon clear" to start instead of Wolves (can't rem quest name) or items that you need Upgrades for that you don't have (& can't find to buy) }
"Guild Quest" #? It's actually backwards-----by the time I get to 1,000+, [past D28] they don't matter anymore; (strong enough to fight/have enough upgrades etc) More about facing the Lich (bypassed him b4 but just doesn't seem right to go ----& not fight ;-) ]
Might also help if Quests didn't EXPIRE so soon! (like "Dungeon clear" at very beginning----heal/earn gold buy potions etc )