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Ok, so I've been playing the game for a while now, and got a pretty solid grasp on things and mechanics, but not to the point of minmaxing yet.

I've tried to run things 2 ways mostly. I've made it to day 14 getting 500 rep with all 4 guilds by changing the quests on day 7 to medium difficulty and running bandit dungeons and farming some slaves from those, either for gold or personnel. My start is always the same:

1st slave: Dark Elf. Apprentice (Druid-Caster-Necromancer). You build your Master to be your nuker early on, and since you have to worry about training high wits ASAP, I'd recommend buying a slave that can benefit from wits early on aswell, either a second magic user or a worker, to spend the first day building up your wits with that slave.

Side with fighters. Don't sell anything you can use yet, we're not in a rush. Unless it is for an improvement, or an extremely good slave.

2nd slave: Seraph (Fighter-Valkyrie-Knight) or another high health race. I like Seraphs for the sole fact that you can get holy lance by day 4 to 5 by doing physical training, and that allows you to snipe those bandit assasins and make your day7+ runs much smoother.

3rd slave: Worker/2nd Nuker, whatever is available with high wits. This slave will have to be your lockpicker/fisher early on, so make sure you spend that first day training your wits with it.

The first couple of days are just goblin runs. Demolish stone shrines, ignore others, lockpick with your 3rd slave, and just keep using your social skills building up obedience/loyalty. Once you're confident your team can take on bandit dens, you go and start farming slaves. I usually get there by day 3 or 4, depending on the first golbin runs and the gear i have with me.

What's important to have in mind is that demolishing shrines gives you a lot of stones/obsidian early on that can make a difference by the time you get to hour 23 and want to go to the shop and trade for food/gear before the reset happens at 0hs.

Make sure you rush your rooms to expand towards making a second team to run in parallel with your main team, either by splitting the first team or starting one from scratch with a good tank. With good medium armor you can get away with a single slave frontlining and healing after combat. But things need to die for your lone frontie to stay alive through the entirety of the combat.

Use your hours wisely. You'll mostly be using them to travel to your dungeons, don't rush things.

Keep in mind always that you'll need to train every day with a slave. At the moment, there's only one interaction available per day and getting wits+charm  maxed on your master should always be a priority, so that by day 7 you can make the most out of the medium difficulty quests you'll get.

There are no hard quests, just some that take longer. If an item requested is not in the market, you can always look for it elsewhere.

Slaves come and go, so long as it's not one from your main team, they can be replaced, and even those in the main team can too.

You can also spend an extra couple of days grinding on a single slave to meet the requirements for a quest, it's fine so long as you remember to multitask and not rush to the next day to complete the training. If you don't rush your hours, you'll get to day 14 with 500+ rep on at least 3 guilds AND 1k+ gold.

If you would like me to expand on this I'd be happy to document a run and post it somewhere.

WOW!   [one of the most interesting replies I've gotten thanks]

Zer---    Interesting idea---mult  (run & then by another one?)   Dungeon runs.

FYI-- ran into problems later on----do some dungeons & then later can't do as quests-----Do you *BUY* you dungeons?     "Forget" them,  or always keep them?

D14----so 1st set  (D1) R easy,  & 2nd set  (D7) are Med

What's a "nuker"?   [no class by that name]    Hi wits?  {back row?}

A NECRO  b4 D14?!?    [gotta try THIS!]      you are serious right?

*** Assume ALL below talking about Day 14 or lower ---as you mentioned.  ***

What Med Quests did you do?   I've found some there were impossible  ex,  Large amounts of Mythic Leather (if you know where to find that did a separate post on it);     

also had bad luck with:  


-Quests  (usually mage)  that Require upgrades  [bad luck/can't find item to buy w/i time frame]
-Quests that want slaves w certain high states  (YES you can train,  *BUT* if they have factor 1-2,  you can't train anywhere NEAR enough to get high stats in 6 days!)

[buying such slaves is again matter of luck---& w high stats----they don't come like that]

Goblins R a pain----VERY early on  (like you're talking about)  ----with poor or no weapons----easy to get you butt kicked & "loose"   a char  ["death" cuts production by like half;   can't fight;   etc]  

SO  (assume poor luck!)  how do you handle those?     [I'm not debating well equipped on D30;  but on day 1-2 for example   (did you spend your 500 on weapon or slave?   [if you're lucky,  2 slaves,  but usually only 1 weapon for that much]

Training---I agree,  & usually good idea!  HOWEVER,  very early  (no upgrades,  & I assume no collars?)  easy to have problems w loyalty   (gets worse with travel)  ----so I often spend 2-4  (what is there,  10 ticks?) date time to improve loyalty.   Do you use collars?  Watchdog?   (lots of stuff helps but it all takes TIME/GOLD/UPGRADES/etc that you simply don't have b4 D14!)

lol  See another  (repeated) post to make things easy was  "SELL"  whatever you get!    [I've learned some of these posts are BS & some are just plain WRONG  (no offense, you have a lot of fresh ideas haven't heard before]

***UPGRADES***  (I mention this @ beg post---requ lots of TIME/Resources----so IF/WHEN/  R major factors!  )  

What do you do?    (besides forge)    [what version did you do this on?  He changed Upgrades  a LOT in 5.xx !!]  

Assume limits   (I think  2 now?)     POOR or no tools   [again,  buying is LUCK!]  so 2-3 people  spending a DAY or more,  1 upgrade   (that's a DAY lost out of 6 days,  EVEN if you have lots of stone)     If you have 20 char doesn't matter, but you have have only *5* ,  that's half your workforce gone!

Obsidian----Usually if I find it I KEEP it----buy etc----VERY useful----so let's be Generous----say you have 50 stones from mult runs   (5 chars,  2-3 busy w upgrades,  *ALL* heavily hurt/dam)     [Obs is rel CHEAP to buy sell, so if your using it for that it's just another 1-200 gold  (could just as easily be wood etc)]

Mult freq Fights----how do you HEAL?!?   (I don't see any fairies!)  I like Scholars---but for them to work good you need staff(s).  [takes LOTS of upgrades OR easily over 1k gold!]  

I'm liking the idea of "high health" char myself   (solo run----Fairy + Cent ----until failed quest that wasn't even my fault! :-(

The  *QUESTS* Q very important   (Mythic is example but others have proven impossible in timeframe)    *AND*  HEALING.

PS     You can't really  "min/max" in this-----*FAR*  too much  "randomness" & "luck"   ----so a strategy that works in one run may not work in ANOTHER.  
The reply been trying to give, is *ASSUME BAD LUCK*   [so can't find item to buy;   more likely char "dies" from fights;  no or very few easy quests.    (point of fact:      With current bad design,   all you have to miss is 1 or 2 *EASY* quests to wind up being stuck past D28!)

sidenote:  you mentioned all *FOUR* Guilds---so servant too?     (I think only gotten them to 500 *ONCE* before D30!) 

One time even  "sold" Daisy to meet their quest!  lol   What if you can't find the slave they want?   [ex:   ELF,   50 charm]       not only do you need to BUY it, but TRAIN it!!      Gold aside,   that's not always possible.      (let's assume bad luck----so several days to find/"buy",  but FACTOR 2-----so  *LONG* time to train! )  

sorry  PPS!   LOL  
Your "Bandit runs"    [D 3 or 4 you said]   -->>   Is that *POST* upgrade   (so you have full 6)   or before---so you only have 3?   [1 in front]  

Regardless of race,  *REALLY* hard to do   3 vs 6!!!     [upgrades & times makes *BIG* diff----both # char & resources]

oh, & *WHEN*   (or if)   do you get Daisy?     [she has poor stats,  so not very good for worker or fighter w/o upgrades ]

Ok let me get this str8  [doing MED Qust run:  ]   you got 500 Guild quest pts  *BEFORE* Day 14----meaning, from, from  1)  easy quests  (start)  + 2)  Med Quests   (D7)   ?!?

Maybe you're just a lot luckier than I am!
POST D7 Quests :

Mage:  364 pts;  Workers:  414     (normally they're the the easiest to get to 500----BEFORE D28)   ;

Fighters Quest:    [CLEAR] Ancient Jungles   :-(      [YES did this before, but *NOT* this early,  lots of resistances + high HP monsters!    -->>  have you EVER done this one before D14?!? ]     *MED* armor isn't enough!    (thick armor helps but you still die easy)      Last time it took Mult HEAVY armor char  + good weapons, healers, etc   Post D30?

Per your post:    you never actually made any:   Workers/Farmers/Hunters?  [class]

What were your *ACTUAL* Quest point #'s?   (on day 13)

Oh----slave from Bandit run:    1 Phy 1 Wit,   Sold for <200  :-(        [at least was able to use 1 to fufil Quest!]