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Strive: Conquest

A successor to first Strive For Power game, currently at alpha stage · By Strive4Power

Default Route (w/o cheating)

A topic by GH-MrSomebody created Jul 27, 2021 Views: 9,380 Replies: 75
Viewing posts 1 to 19

For many the Default Route  (w/o cheating!)  can be very difficult, & if you're unlucky,  impossible.  

For those that succeeded,  (all the way to freezing elections/bank stealing $/civil war)  How did you do it:

-->>  Upgrades (if any)   [IMPORTANT,  as this allows or rules out many options but is costly]
-# slaves bought  (if no upgrades limit is 4 + Master)   & *WHEN*
-Characters & classes  (esp if non-human)
-How many days did you take?  &
-How did you make most of you gold?
-Did you do any quests that pay -0- gold?   Do any servants Quests?  [have yet 2 meet anybody who got 500 pts there]
-Did you buy weapons or make your own?   [fighting doesn't pay much but weapons R *EXPENSIVE*!]    [eg,  staffs can cost 1k gold or more]

Lots of stuff I've seen recommended pretty sure is only possible after start of Civil war.   (or in advanced, u have more @start & Bank demands R skipped)

(like upgrading stats----sure it's great but it's *NOT* FREE as some have said-- ~800 gold (PLUS hard 2 get resources!) just to get from factor 2 to 4)

[if you're giving general hints/advice,  *PLEASE* make sure is possible in 1st 21 days (fighting tooth & nail just to still have 2 sell most of what you have 2 pay Greedy BANK on D 28,  is *NOT* fun.  ]

PS   Has anybody done it w *FEMALE* char,  & if so,  how did you handle mage quest?   (requires *MALE* MC,  or MALE Elf)

So this might qualify as cheating, but. If the first set of quests looks bad, I just start over. They need to be pretty bad for me to give up though. Next, you can go all min/max on MC and first slave.  

My favorite is a Seraph fighter MC (female or futa for Valkrie) with a Dark Elf scholar for first slave. 

To make quest more rewarding set the MC's social factor as high as possible, remembering that Fighter class requires 2+ Physics factor. A high Social factor for your MC  boost the Guild quest rewards. 

Set the first slave's Magic, Growth, and Tame factors high. I side with the Mages. This gives a boost to their rep points and gives the mage a decent staff. I set their  starting sex traits to Life Power (healing from sex) as this permits doing more dungeons. 

Get 1st slave's loyalty up quickly ( if you want to use submission, set Timid factor high instead of Tame). 

Get Druid as 1st slave's 2nd class. Pick MC's classes to increase HP and Physics. 

Get Daisy as soon as you can. 

Set her and the 1st slave to fishing (more money per day than whoring at this point). 

Now hit dungeons as much as possible.

 If you can, make the first Tailor or Forge upgrade. This usually takes a while unless you stumble upon a forge hammer.

 You have 14 days to make 1000, so 72 profit per day. Now, you will need to buy weapons, but often you get a decent one for the first fighter quest. 

The Servant quest often depend on luck at first, so don't worry about them unless they are easy. The Servants will always support you for Mayor, no matter your rep points with them.

Put off starting the civil arc until at least day 27. Some of the combat is difficult and you need equipment and classes to survive. Also by this point you should have a decent amount of coin.

Don't increase the number of slaves too quickly. You'll need to build them rooms and keep them Loyal(or Submissive).

This is one way to survive, but people have followed other strategies with good success. 

Wow.   ok,  ...3 ...2... 1...

How bad "bad enough to start over"  ?  (cheating makes game a *LOT* easier,    but the more u cheat the less stuff matters;       Cheat most likely to use is "teleport"---doesn't change anything significant except waiting time. )  Learning to *AVOID* Quests that don't pay any $$  gold   (should be removed or changed)    Everything's *WAY* way way too tight 1st 28 days. 

"you can go all min/max on MC and first slave."----sorry didn't follow you here?  Please explain  Thanks.

Mentioned problem w Female MC on "Demoness" post  (hey u on both--thanks :-)      

"Social factor"----u mean,  *CHARM*, right?    Figured that one out! :-)  (been doing MC with:   Charm-5; Either hi Physics or hi wit)  -->>  Help w *LOYALTY* on dates too!   (1 of best  things)
Just started new 1 recently w DE  (Dark Elf)  MC  (MALE)  + DE Peon (helps w smith/Tailor) Really gotta like the Druid's "Overgrowth"! 

"Lifepower" is interesting.  1 problem w early fights is healing   (esp from Hi dam)  takes good skills or lots good healing items  (cost gold)   + of course Severe dam = lower productivity.   (they need 2 recover  :-)     Unless sex factor hi   (usually keep mine low---Need hi Charm & points elsewhere)  takes *LONG* time to do more than 1st worker.    (speaking of which,  usually make most of 1st 5 "workers"  into *WORKERS*  (class)    Those upgrades you mention cost resources, & Greedy Bank want gold,  (fighting pays very little,   possible a lot more  [depends on *LUCK* & if you have Thief + engineer!]---even w thief have yet to get into armory,  & sometimes fail 2 pick locks  (so loose anything inside :-(  ]  

--->>  Generally tend to have BAD LUCK   (which also means more locks fail/loot lost) 

Daisy's a *BIG*  ?   
Ya she's cute 2 look at,    but PTP   (Practicality Take Precedence)  -- she has poor stats,   isn't good worker, or good mage,  &  *UPGRADES*  cost  GOLD & Resources not avail early on!      (1 fail b4 I think was trying to upgrade stats----NO,  NOT "FREE"  as some have said)
In most recent attempt,  only getting her *AFTER* 1st upgrade  (rooms)  so,  *NOT* early on & NOT in 1st 5; 

BTW,    interesting thing----*EVEN*  w  "Harlot" class,    Fishing pays better than being a hooker!  
What do u do with Daisy?   (1st 14 days)        If u have team of 6,    {*ALL* w weapons!]  she could be one,    but WAY too weak to be one of 2----or even 3. 

Oh,  FYI,  tried it enough that  making 1k (D14) isn't hard.        Hard part is *WHAT*  to spent it on  [Do u buy Worker's outfit's for EVERY worker?  (@ 300 each,  5=1500!)    VERY unlikely have enough to pays bank *AND*:     Buy weapons   (mages can B fun but staff's R EXPENSIVE!) Tools, etc   Mostly luck/roll of die,  but so far thinking:   need TOOLS 1st  (WO helps as much as 25% tool) and weapons 2nd----I prefer to MAKE own weapons----saves gold but takes longer---& means staff's are not avail for long time.    (tailor upgrade)    --->>>>   Note that   1k gold doesn't go very far  (1 staff can cost more than that!)  

Goblins can B tough w/o decent weapons  (+ to hit)   hi Evasion

SPEAKING OF WEAPONS:    (esp since GOLD major issue)    What's advantage of "sword"  over  Dagger?     (need fighter for sword,  but *ANYBODY* can use daggers,  & they can have  "+ to hit"   (or armor pen) 
Swords also use more materials (figured it out:   Swords/bows/staffs all use 5-3 materials;  Daggers use only  3-2   (which makes them *CHEAPER* to both buy & make!)   [Forge 1st upgrade   (not sure how "forge tools"  could be possible 1st w/o cheating!  Even w teleport,  *VERY* slow to mine!!!)  -----allows TOOLS   (cheaper 2 make than buy---EXCEPT FISHING)   *BUT* not *BOWS*  or STAFFs.  ]   

Fighting:     Some have talked about "soloing"  but I don't see how this is possible early on.   (1st 21 days?)     So,  teams of:  5?  6?  [ASSUME   only 1 staff;    Working on UPGRADEs,   so try to avoid selling material   (good example is CURRENT route,  2 DEs  {1 staff lol} Forge lvl 2, Rms lvl2; 8 char---have found pays to leave AT LEAST 1 room EMPTY----otherwise,  anyone you rescue gets lost or dies  :-(    )  Current route has  *ONE*  extra weapon  (club,  so not good against Goblins)  ]
Does everyone on team need weapons?!?     (tried----seem to depend on enemies & #   ---generally YES against goblins or 2 clear Dungeon.

Speaking of averaging,   to get 500 pts,  w only 3 quests   (1/wk!)  [D1/14/21] you need:  167 quest pts  PER QUEST, & even w max Charm,   most don't pay nearly enough.     (so issues isn't just enough Gold,  but also how to get 500 pts BEFORE day 28)
any way get more quests?    (if you discount Servants, often miss 1  [fighters--Dun Clear/mages----hard to get items-need Alchemy to produce] but also often only come *CLOSE* on others!   [Eg,   4xx/500 pts;  ]  
(have had this happen several times)

"Put off starting the civil arc until at least day 27."----lol  Never been a problem;     IF  by some luck manage 2 get enough points  (happened once???)    Main goal to me  [get to "ADVANCED" mode]  is to:    1)  FREEZE Greedy Bank clock   so you don't have to pay them 3,000   (& go broke in the process!)     VERY EASY get wiped out &  loose most/all saved material just to pay them off  [& *NOT FUN!*]  
-->>   One more reason:     $$$/Gold seem 2 come *BEFORE* anything else   (unless you know a way 2 get more quest pts?)

1 Possible:    (*AVOID*  fighting   [unless quest]  weapons/armor  cost way 2 much---UNTILL  have 3k Gold banked & *SAVED* for Greedy Bank;

"Don't increase the number of slaves too quickly. You'll need to build them rooms and keep them Loyal(or Submissive)."----(part of "Upgrades" issue)  
"Fishing Trial"   (see post in Wiki)  *POSSIBLE*  do w 5 char---NO UPGRADES-----but not recommended.      (Daisy probably bad idea too!   lol)
Obed/loyal doable w 5  (or less)   inc # = greater difficulty  
-->>   BUT TO DO QUESTS  + make  RESOURCES /GOLD,  you really need more than 5    (if someone has alternate would love 2 hear it)    [current test has 10 rooms@ D 14] 

CW arc----EXACTLY when does this happen?!?  
Since we're on subject,  as stated goal is to STOP BANK CLOCK    (so nobody coming D28 & demanding 3k Gold!)  ----*BUT*---Milford closing early on is bad idea too.    
Esp as is often happens,  you're very low or wiped out on resources   (Milford good source:   Grain/WOOD, IRON----& usually closest good source to home. [Inc Travel affects Obed etc] )
OH,  even had 1 time where got stuck in ERROR loop:   Had people still working @ Milford when it closed.   They kept getting "reset" & were unable to continue.   (Reset:   Set to "Rest" state & send back home like end of fighting quest)    [now Im doing LOTS of saves!  LOL]
Im thinking:    *AFTER* you get Fred's 500 gold  (hey you need that! lol) but before you talk to anyone else.


Thanks again 4 your help!  :-)   Major health problems  + other problems (& NO HELP)  *REALLY need anything that help''s deal w STRESS    [like Strive2 Conquer]  keeps me from going *POSTAL*  =0  =/ 


>"For many the Default Route  (w/o cheating!)  can be very difficult, & if you're unlucky,  impossible."

Eh?  There are some less intuitive elements since it's an alpha work in progress, but the game is easily beatable without much effort. 
Just set yourself and all your girls to fishing.  You can prioritize slaves with a high wits factor, but it's not necessary.  Similarly, fishing rods will help but don't stress out over them.  The strategy is to maximize the # of slaves fishing as quickly as possible, and there are a lot of ways to improve your efficiency along the way but the biggest is upgrading the mansion to hold more people.  I go 4/5 beds for the first week to establish a decent buffer before upgrading the mansion, and will then wait until after the day 14 loan payment to upgrade the mansion a 2nd time.  When you reach the point where mansion rooms requires iron wood to upgrade, that's the hard signal to move girls out of the mansion into the forest to gather exotic materials.  The big difference at this point is that (pick) axes are more important for gathering high end materials like magic/iron wood and mithril, than rods are for fishing.  You will want your labor camp slaves equipped, and you will want to eventually craft them solid mithril work implements.  After you've gotten the hang of the game's meta, you'll be able to swiftly align efficiency bonuses to quickly jump straight to mining and selling mithril to short circuit production.  Using this method, it's possible to accrue enough wealth to pay off the full cost of the loan, completely upgrade the mansion, and fully kit out all your slaves with good gear.  Prostitution is a red herring, since each girl needs to have her sex stats trained up personally, you won't be able to scale production as quickly; the harlot class tree provides methods for increasing obedience in the work camps.  

When it comes to getting rep, beyond doing all the quests they put on the notice board, you should note that quest generation is kinda out of the way if you dismiss/ignore the tutorial.  At the guild, you can push the upgrade button to bring up a menu for increasing # and quality of hirelings. Pressing "Quest Generation" brings up yet another popup where you can change the difficulty level of quests the guild assigns.  You will want to raise the difficulty of the quests as you go to maximize reputation gains.

>-Characters & classes  (esp if non-human)

To minmax your PC along the lines described above, you'll want to start with PHYS1, WIT5, CHA4, SEX1, and MAG4.  Caster and Soul Eater class give +1 MAG, and Dominator gives WIT+1.  You can spend money and wood at the slave market to upgrade your PHYS and SEX factors; you will want to do this prior to doing the lich hunting and myr's sister quests so you can get their events.  The initial slave assigned by the guild should be built similarly.  Race isn't super important, but I like having the init girl be a dark elf for the magic attack boost and access to druid.  For the first few days, you'll want to use your date to study together.  This will quickly raise wits for both characters, improving fishing efficiency and granting access to higher tier spells.  The aoe attacks employed by casters are very OP, and the demoness boss with her high MDEF is inserted as a counter to that play style, but you can just pummel her with your staff.  Though by that point you really should have at least one decently equipped fighter-type standing in the front row.  Right click her to bring up the weaknesses.

>-Did you do any quests that pay -0- gold?   Do any servants Quests?  [have yet 2 meet anybody who got 500 pts there]

Even if the quest doesn't offer gold, items and rep rep are still valuable. I always get the 500 with all four guilds for the necklace, but the random quest generation does frequently push servants to be the last one.  With lucky quest gen, I've gotten 500 with all four by day 28 (before the loan payment for that day), but more frequently hitting it around day 42-48. If you keep an open bed slot, you can buy slaves for servant guild requests.  Training up the various slaves Amelia requests can be a pain, so I just do the item requests and simple factor quality requests.  Unfortunately, in the first few weeks of the game, slaves for servant guild requests will provide less gold compensation than the cost of the slave requested, but that rep is valuable itself.  Sex toy is great for maintaining obedience in work camps, and breeder has obvious utility.  

>-Did you buy weapons or make your own?   [fighting doesn't pay much but weapons R *EXPENSIVE*!]    [eg,  staffs can cost 1k gold or more]

You will want to do both.  In the first 2 weeks, you won't have access to a blacksmith so it's your only option.  You will want yourself and your 2nd caster to both have decent staves.  It's less important that your fighter be equipped at that point.  They exist mostly to stand between you and the goblins while you cast spells.  Longer term, you will craft your own weapons for use and buy weapons to disassemble; the latter being a reliable way to obtain rare ingredients like obsidian, adamantine, and the like.  Outside of the main questline, you enter dungeons to fulfill guild requests or get rare materials which are otherwise ungatherable.  Most notably mythic leather and adamantine.

>Ya she's cute 2 look at,    but PTP   (Practicality Take Precedence)  

Honestly, the game really isn't that tight.  I always grab Daisy, and I pick all her classes based on aesthetic principles.  Right now she has Pet, Maid, Bard, Cook and Head Girl, next will probably be alchemist, and it doesn't matter that I haven't upgraded any of her factors yet.  Though in terms of absolute practicality, as I said earlier: the fighter on the front row is mostly there to stand between you and the goblins and doesn't need gear or training to fulfill that purpose.  Stacking bard and the other utility classes can provide practicality in the mid game, and by the end game you should have slaves on every node making mats so abundant you can afford to fully upgrade each individual slave.

>(Milford good source:   Grain/WOOD, IRON----& usually closest good source to home. [Inc Travel affects Obed etc] )

Milford is trash.  You can just buy grain, wood, and iron in the city, and the travel affecting obedience is just a one time transition tax.  Once the slaves arrive, they can use their obedience abilities on each other so they all stay in line.  This is as easy as including 2 with the pet class, but having someone with maid or watchdog on site is also handy.  If you need extra wood send your slaves to the next town over where they can get silk, which isn't sold in the quantities that you'll need for making magic cloth.  Otherwise send them into the forest or the caves for higher end materials.  If you have access to the smithy, then you're ready to send people mithril mining.  Worker, Foreman, and Trainer classes go a long way to improving efficiency on mithril and ancient bone.

lol!    Ok if you're hitting it in the 40's,  you're on par w me & I don't feel so bad.     (some were saying that most got it b4 D28,  but think that only happened once if I don' t cheat)    Still means you're paying bank 4k gold

Oh, note on higher diff quests:      (this is off top of head)   1:    X # of Mystic Leather   (don't know where to mine it or find it!)     Slave w X stats  plus hi charm     (possible in later days if u have lots gold/can make Tailer stuff,  but early on b4 upgrades, no way)
Most difficult quests I've tried, had 2 forfeit.       Maybe only get 1/3 on med/hard quests.   (would help a *LOT* if you could get 2 quest at once,  that way if you can't do one at least you can do the other one.

Fishing   (I did a piece on Wiki about this---works,  but not good if trying to do quests/upgrades.      Not recommended. 
FISHING requires hi wits,   while nearly everything else   (that you need for production/quests) requires hi Physics----so almost opposites.   (very rare to find both)    So do you BUY rods?    (decent one can be over 1,000 gold!)   can't make until upgraded  Forge/Tailor
Sure Mythril's nice,  but very hard & slow to mine, + you loose obedience fast going that far!

lol  you're right about the harlot----makes more to Fish than be a hooker---even w prostitute class! 

Quest generation:   far as I know, you can increase difficulty, but NOT # of quests, right?    Many, many time,    sort of "sat there"  waiting for more  (empty quest board) --    Even when have enough gold (to get by/pay bank)  almost always not enough quest pts by day 28.

never got to anything like Dominator   (you have to BUY it)  1,000 pts I think?   
Anyway goal here was to get 500 EACH Guild so no more bank issues.
Upgrading  is great----problem is,   *VERY* EXPENSIVE!   (both gold & hard to mine resources) just to go from 2 to 4----mostly 1st 21 days scramble get as much gold as possible *WHILE* not missing any quests   (still do sometimes anyway----items not avail to buy,  etc) 

500/3= Each quest needs to pay  *AT LEAST*  167 pts each,  & problem is many don't pay anything close to that.

"I always get the 500 with all four guilds for the necklace,"-----huh?   What necklace are you talking about?     Are you saying you've gotten 500 w all 4 Guilds *BEFORE* D28?!?
I'm becoming a fan of Druids also---- but Elves in general are very hard to find----so mostly this is about 1st slave?  (I prefer Peon so they can help smith)

Weapons----I think one way got myself in trouble before   (esp 1st 14 days!)  is spending too much!  Weapons cost a *LOT*----many are 500-1k or more;      So options:    Avoid fighting in 1st 14 days???    ("Dungeon clear" & sometimes even Goblins  [hi evasion] can kick my butt w/o decent weapons)    -->>  PLUS  prices *REALLY* suck,   so if you have to sell weapons you loose a lot. 

Servant Guild----since as mentioned  *NEVER* got 500 rep  [b4 D28]   I'm learning to avoid them unless they pay good gold.    Almost always take a big loss on any slave you buy/sell.
Isn't "sex toy" one of those you have to buy?    (500 pts or higher)      I take it you've gotten 500 pts there?   [b4 D28] ?   if so,  how?  

I agree w training---1 more thing I've learned----problem is,  getting someone far away   back home!    (can't have dates away from home----very costly in time  [or do you cheat? ]

Daisy----so you never have her be a Worker/Hunter/farmer etc  [anything practical]  ---even cooks need hi wits or they don't work as good.     Do you get her among 1st 5   (before upgrades)  or,  wait till after upgrades?     Best thing about her (besides looks ) is she's CHEAP!   But more than once got quest---& she was only 1 that fit it so...
Would need to check but I think head girl has to be bought (guild pts) also;  

I usually have lots of workers---at least 4-5+   (can always sell Iron/wood/etc if don't need it) which means I mostly look for high Physics for 1st 5-7 char   (as opposed to fishing/wits) 
Besides,  *STAFFS*  are *VERY* expensive   (usually 1,000 gold +)  to buy,  & takes quite a while before you can make them. 

What about you MC?     you prefer Dark elf or??  

Mythic leather is obtained from dungeons.  It's an occasional drop off enemies but is more reliably obtained by gathering after completing a dungeon.  The jungle dungeon with the ants & centipedes is best place, but it is possible get a few pieces from the grove dungeon IIRC.

It takes a while for wits to naturally climb, so selecting slaves with high factor for fishing isn't important for the first 2 weeks.  They won't reach the skill cap before you can buy the wood/cloth for upgrading the mansion.  Upgrading the mansion to have 5 additional hands will do more than dropping dosh on rods that early in the game.  That said, I do generally buy a rod for main character at the init girl.  There's a lot of wiggle room for the day 14 & day 28 payments. It's only if you get unlucky quest generation that you really need to worry about cash generation for day 50, and even then the 10k is easily scrapped together with a dozen girls fishing.

As for mithril taking a while to mine, that's really only applicable for the first 50 or so ingots.  After you've gotten that many, you have enough to outfit entire work camp with mithril pick axes, which greatly increases their efficiency.  That said, mithril and other high end materials are where you do want to stack efficiencies.  Worker outfits, collars, and the foreman class skill help a lot.  So while mithril initially comes in at a crawl, it's possible to ramp up production quickly.  

>Quest generation:   far as I know, you can increase difficulty, but NOT # of quests, right

Number of quests does increase, but this occurs automatically as you complete quests.  If I recall correctly, it stages up every 500 points to a max of 3 requests per guild.  

Dominator is 1500; it's Archmage that's 1000.  Though I would agree with the sentiment that the rep rewards are all overcosted.  In my most recently playthrough, I edited the worldgen doc (*/assets/data/worlddata.db) to bring them down by an order of magnitude and while I think I went a tad too far and undercosted them, it's still much closer to what feels appropriate.

>Upgrading  is great----problem is,   *VERY* EXPENSIVE!   (both gold & hard to mine resources) 

800 gold, 10 rough wood, 10 magic wood, and 10 iron wood is all you need to bring your sex factor up from Terrible to Good, allowing you to unlock Aire's and Xari's events.  The gold cost is inconsequential, and the materials are easily obtained by sending girls to the lumber camp.  In fact, magic wood in particular is high prices and quickly chopped, making it a good 2nd tier to move into after fishing for making money.  Higher tier mats may take longer to gather per piece, but they also sell for significantly more.  

>Are you saying you've gotten 500 w all 4 Guilds *BEFORE* D28?!?

Yes, once before, but most runs are off by a couple days because the final quest was a long assignment and I forgot to send a girl out until it was too late to make the d28 deadline lol.  The 4k paid off by 28 is pocket change in the grand scheme, and even the 10k needed on day 50 is only a big deal if you haven't been upgrading the mansion to add bedrooms.  If you've gotten production to the point where you can make the day 50 payment, you shouldn't have a problem paying off the full loan on 100.  

>So options:    Avoid fighting in 1st 14 days???

I usually avoid fighting until my init girl gets druid for overgrowth & mass heal.  It can be a bit too much of a slog going in early with just mind blast and a couple unarmed frontline girls.  Caster for main character also helps, since blizzard can be used to stunlock enemies, and Necromancer is similarly useful with its AOE dark spell. If you're doing study dates each day with your init elf/dryad slave you will quickly reach the 75 wits for the higher tier class unlocks.  

>Servant Guild----since as mentioned  *NEVER* got 500 rep  [b4 D28]   I'm learning to avoid them unless they pay good gold.    Almost always take a big loss on any slave you buy/sell.

Worrying about money is for poor people; just eat the gold loss.  You're receiving compensation in rep, and the gold needed to repay the loan is better obtained through gathering.  Sex toy is a rep class, that comes in at 750.  You can use dancer in the meantime (performance skill is also site wide effect).

>I agree w training---1 more thing I've learned----problem is,  getting someone far away   back home!    (can't have dates away from home----very costly in time  [or do you cheat? ]

If a girl needs to be dated, I'd do that before sending her to work camp.  But the mining/lumber slaves usually don't require that treatment.  Watchdog class allows for a slave to improve submission of other slaves; pet and maid allows them to increase loyalty.  So it might take a while for them to reach max relations, but as long as their obedience is in the green, they'll do as they're told--which is the important thing.  This is also why the obedience tax when slaves travel long distances is unimportant.  It only becomes an issue if they're already close to making a runaway attempt, and even then if you have someone use an obedience skill on them on the hour that they make it to their new destination, they'll be fine.  

>Daisy----so you never have her be a Worker/Hunter/farmer etc  [anything practical]  ---even cooks need hi wits or they don't work as good.  

No worker, hunter or farmer, but I'll give her chef, alchemist, and headgirl.  Whether or not she's the most efficient at the task isn't a big deal.  If I need the cooking done quickly, I'll just assign more slaves to the task.  As you pointed out she can be used for servant guild assignments, but I don't trust Amelia with any slave that I like, so I usually refrain from sending her in favor of another girl.  Or more likely no one at all; I'm not exactly worried about getting the 500 rep across all four guilds before day 28.  Even if I'm rushing to get Anastasia, each day that passes means more exp, more gathered materials, and probably more upgrades to the mansion.  

>Besides,  *STAFFS*  are *VERY* expensive   (usually 1,000 gold +)  to buy,  & takes quite a while before you can make them. 

You need to zoom out your perspective.  1000 gold is approx 1 day's worth of entry level fishing.  It's pocket change.  That said, you can get a decent staff by siding with mage's guild at start, and they're a relatively common reward from mage requests.  There's enough wiggle room in the first 14 days to pay off the 1k, buy an exotic on day 7, upgrade the mansion to 10 beds, and buy miscellaneous items.  

>I mostly look for high Physics for 1st 5-7 char

My #4 (after MC, init, and Daisy) is also a high physics character, picked to potentially be worker or fighter depending on the first round of exotics look like.  Ideally, I can score a seraph (Valkyrie is great racial class), but honestly, I tend to be somewhat picky and prioritize virginal girls with nice assets.  If there are no girls on offer who enflame my passions, I'll usually wait.  This is the sort of game where you're supposed to think with your dick ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>What about you MC? 

Usually it's human, but I've also gone with slime.  The normal damage resist and not having to worry about knocking up the fighter are both nice perks, but even so I still find myself using human more often than not if for no other reason than that I am human.

So, I was kinda confused when I saw this post, cuz it was never trully hard to pay off the bank for me... But I see you play very differently. So I'll just explain a bit of what I do.

To start with, I get a MC with good magic and socials, the first char is focused on phys, but I choose the mage guild. This way both can heal, and it's really not hard to pivot her into more tanky classes, while the MC get's the initial mage equipment. The first few days are simple: you use your skills to build loyalty while both fish, and get started on the quests that you can. Really, don't worry about the quests that much, do the ones you can, and start clearing the easy and closeby dungeons. As said before, you should get the Life Power, and if you have a bad fight or just insecure, go back and heal. Which also means, you shouldn't waste your daily sex at start, use it to heal, the heal spell is only for mid fight, IF someone can die, cuz you waste battle time, that can be used to take less damage.

Finally, don't waste money. Really, you don't need to buy anything, unless it'll save you time for a quest, or you are already some 2k above what you'll need. Money is the least important thing in the game, but the first and second payments can be harsh, so don't use it at all. You can get equipment from dungeons, always enslave the bosses, and then sell them. Anything you get that isn't resource and you don't have immediate use, sell. Yes, it might be really good, but really good is easy to get later on.

Daisy is good, you can get her as soon as day 3, though I don't know what makes her appear, and you need the gold for it. She is weak at start, but even wihtout better attributes you can just put her in the back row for extra damage, and then easily turn her into bard. Believe it, bard is GREAT, I mostly use it to attack faster, but it can help with damage and defense too. Also, it's useful to have someone doing upgrades or mining the completed dungeon while others go fighting, and you won't keep the initial enslaved ones unless they're incredibly good. The completed dungeons resources are recovered faster, so abuse it, it usually takes less time to clear a dungeon, mine it and recuperate, than to go to another town and mine the same amount.

So, I follow loosely those lines, and have never had a problem with the payments, most of the time I wait longer and pay more to make sure my characters are ready, and that I can comfortably get all 4 approvals, even with bad quests.

(2 edits)

Honestly I just sell materials if I don't have enough from the quests. I've so far started with a magic user in the first run, and a worker in the second run. Fairy race for both runs (didn't realize at the time that other races also had hidden classes). In the first one I got some of the most cursed quests, for example my mage guild would only offer me aphrodisiac quests, my fighters guild only wanted me to full clear dungeons with the occasional slay x amount of bandits, my servants guild just spam asked me for permanent workers instead of the 3 day lease variety, and my worker guild wanted increasingly drastic amounts of food. In that run I actually had to go through I think 3? debts before getting the points needed. Didn't help that I didn't really know what I was doing either. 2nd run I only had to do 1 payment and got some fairly blessed early quests, it was overall significantly easier.

A few pieces of advise: Do not hire poor growth workers to keep, only to fill quests at best. Always aim for at least good on the ones you are going to keep and always check all the guilds as well for recruits. Avoid trying to clear out dungeons before you are ready, it can be incredibly expensive time wise if you end up dying. Make sure no workers are idle, always have them chopping wood, mining stone or iron, or at the very least getting food. Even if you don't use the materials they harvest, you can sell them to make up whatever deficit you have come debt time. Also use the "date" function every 24 hours to fill loyalty, or train workers for quests. 

Oh and as for upgrades, only do tailoring and smithing until you get the debt taken care of. Otherwise you starve yourself for materials and waste a lot of time farming them. Doing it this way in my 2nd run got me through the debt phase on like day 21ish I believe.

Edit: Forgot to mention how I got through Dungeon / Slaying quests. Either your main character or 1st servant need to be some form of combat class obviously. I usually side with the fighters guild first so I can get the sword and armor, then go archer class on the 1st servant to  get wind flurry which hits 2 enemies at 0 cost, you can use it with any weapon. Then I'd send my fairy master in with the 1st servant cause he gets access to the once per day fairy heal ability that heals 50% hp. That will easily get you through any slay quests, for the Clear Dungeon ones, you need either your Master to be a healer or have a 2nd servant thats some form of combat class. If you need any extra classes, make sure you use the 'Date' option every chance you can as well as clicking 2 people for some bedroom fun, you can also get exp through intercourse in this after all.

Edit 2: So I initially thought prostitution was a red herring job early, but then I tried a 'challenge' run more or less where I ONLY use prostitution to get out of the debt, Master was a Rabbit, first servant was a Fox. And....on day 3 I had the 1k I needed for the first debt. I imagine by the time I reach the deadline, the 14th day, I'll already have enough for the 3rd loan payment. The only downside to this is that there are very few guild tasks my mansion full of prostitutes can do. And ofc my first 4 tasks were all of the "go slay some wolves" variety. So its probably still gonna take me a while to move past the debt phase, but I doubt I will ever have much trouble paying.

"Fairy Race"----sorry didn't understand that.  Were you MC & 1st slave both fairies?

"Sell everything you have"---BEEN THERE<  DONE THAT FAR TOO MUCH!   [& wind up broke!]       Should be noted as said elsewhere,  good weapons/armor/tools cost $$$,   so selling too much can really make you take a big hit.

BAD LUCK w the quests is part of what this post is about.    [Assume even w 5 charm, you can't get enough Quest points by D28   (once in rare while I get lucky, ESP if give myself *HELP*)]    As you say,   Quests for items you can't get  (or can't get enough of)  "DUNGEON CLEAR" Quests   (often *IMPOSSIBLE* 1st 14 days!    Bandits aren't too bad---but how about  "UNDEAD MONSTER HUNT?    

Many, *MANY* of the quests need to be re-balanced,  *OR*,  simply not allowed 1st 21 days. 

Your  "3 debts"  I assume you mean D28???

Actually,  $$$ PRICE   (1  WT I've seen posted a lot says cost doesn't matter & that's complete BS!)  cheap as possible *PLUS*  Hi  PHYSICS       (growth is nice, but not Req;)      I'd MUCH rather have GR 1 PH 5,  than GR 5, PH 1 !!!      [not that newest version changes some tasks to Wits that were prev Physics]

You didn't mention Upgrades much----I've found it *VERY* difficult to do Quests *PLUS* resources/$$   [GREEDY BANK!]  w only  5 workers, so Rooms upgrades  are a must.   (done some where avoid some quests,  LESS Upgrades/people,  but otherwise----10 [?]  rooms is a min?

Never tried fairy, sounds interesting.   (usually get "Scholar" 4 their heal)     EITHER WAY,  WEAPONS/STAFFs  cost  $$$  that I rarely have avail.   (unless cheat ;-)    
I tend to go with hi dam chars ----everybody "heals" even while working----so as long you have enough hp to fight & not die & still go back to work...

2nd run is where you were  "fairly blessed early quests",so  " it was overall significantly easier."     LOL   EXACTLY MY POINT!     [I think many of the quests should be re-balanced, OR not allowed  1st 14 days.

FYI fishing is usually much better profit than hooker   (you didn't mention version----*MANY* new restrictions in newesst version, including no fishing   (I hear fishing a lot)  @ start. )     It's very similar to your idea:   ***  Make  $$$ ***  OR***   do Quests      (but not BOTH!)

(3 edits)

Your post is kinda all over the place but I'll try lmao.

So in my first run I went Fairy for the MC, 1st slave was a Wolf beast person. 2nd run the MC was a Fairy, 1st slave was a Dragonkin (this is where I found out there were other hidden classes). It should be noted that for my first run I never bought any gear from the shop AT ALL, never had the spare money to cause I didn't know what I was doing. The only upgrades I took before dropping the debt was Tailor, Smith, and Alchemy. Alchemy ended up being completely a waste since I didn't know where to get the mats for it at the time. 

Also the Dungeon quests can be cleared with JUST your fairy and 1st slave, but you need to take archer first for your slave, and also go very slowly till you can get some gear drops from the dungeon or at least until you get a healer class for your fairy. Bear in mind, this is what I did on my FIRST playthrough, when I had the roughest time and had no idea what I was doing.

By 3 debts I mean 3 debt payments. The payment on the 14th, 28th, and 50th(?) I think.

Taking anything below good growth is fine for a slave you don't intend to keep, or if you just need one temporarily.I agree that some of those quests need to be rebalanced though. Getting 2 "clear dungeon" quests first thing is annoying. 

Like I said, I barely touched upgrades at all on my first character before the debt was cleared. Oddly enough my unarmed Fairy healer, and slightly armed Wolf Beastkin archer, were able to take care of any Slay quests, Dungeon clear quests, or beast hunt quests. After I figured out Mithril exists and was able to mine some to make heavy armor for my beastkin those quests were a breeze.

Yeah my first and second run was the difference between night and day. My first quests were all "slay wolves" or turn in 10 cloth. Easy stuff.

The version I've been using for my hooker run was the current one (at time of posting) I was able to get enough money to pay off 2 debt payments within the first 7 days or so days. The only hard parts were doing dungeon / slay quests with a group full of hookers, and getting materials beyond basic wood and stone. After I got the Incubus / Succubus class with the charm ability I was able to actually go in dungeons despite each character having only hooker classes. I never would have set foot in a dungeon if the fighters guild would stop giving me ONLY those quests for 4 weeks straight. I haven't tried the full fishing build yet, will probably try it next.

Edit: Also make sure in the beginning that you only use the "train" option when using the date feature each day. Getting those early stats quickly can make all the difference for any run, but especially so in the hooker run. 

Fairy-----ok,    [v  5.2B,  SOLO]    
BTW someone said some solo was harder than "Default" but I found them both about the same----since by far *MOST* of my bad luck/difficulty has been QUESTS.   (Mentioned in other posts)

+  To fairy Idea!   (Fairy/Cent)   Free heal Helps a *LOT* w early fight/clear quests.  

Now bad news: 

Had got 2/3,   [ok tech Xari still in prog, but just need 2 go back lol]   ----*FIGHTERS*     (STRIVE if you're reading this,  *MOST* of my troublesome Quests R *FIGHTERS or *MAGES*;  )  


They wanted an ARCHER (Assignment Q)----didn't have one----so saved up & GOT ONE----& now says  "YOU HAVE NO SUITABLE CHARS!"  

(sorry Beran not your fault)

if it's *MY* fault & I'm messing up then I understand I need to change/try something else.       But   *UNLUCKY*  Problems like this----make me want to give up this whole thing Entirely!  

[BTW,  D20,  so *REALLY*  need to clear this one so can get another one]

So much has changed recently!      What version did you do you Fairy runs on?  
I got super frustrated b/c most of my runs were taking longer than D28   [that would be past your "2nd payment" the way you're Calendar is]
Don't think ever past D50----ok,  maybe once   *BUT*:      

1)  Getting to D28   (that's DAY 28)  & having to sells lots of stuff   so you're broke again  (3k Gold worth!)  OR
2) Getting to D28,   & being really CLOSE   (less than 100 pts)   from 1-2 Guilds,    (cause most Quests don't pay enough  or you get some you can't do 1st week) OR 
3) "Finishing"  close to D 50 b/c you have *SO* much BAD LUCK    (often partly quests-----lots of pple talk about it being easy cause they have "good" luck----but 3/4 of my runs have been BAD luck.   (Esp with QUESTS)  

Recently started new version- - [5.2B] ---changed a *LOT*   ---Upgrades,   no fishing @ Man  (start)     Fishing is something I've heard a lot---make   $$$, won't work new V;      Now there's 5.3 out!   LOL

Anyway lots that I used to use----   or that's recommended----doesn't work or not as well in new Version

Makes me wonder-----is it really fair---or right or even helpful----to bring in old saves  which used tactics   (like fishing @ Man)   no longer valid?

Ok, so I've been playing the game for a while now, and got a pretty solid grasp on things and mechanics, but not to the point of minmaxing yet.

I've tried to run things 2 ways mostly. I've made it to day 14 getting 500 rep with all 4 guilds by changing the quests on day 7 to medium difficulty and running bandit dungeons and farming some slaves from those, either for gold or personnel. My start is always the same:

1st slave: Dark Elf. Apprentice (Druid-Caster-Necromancer). You build your Master to be your nuker early on, and since you have to worry about training high wits ASAP, I'd recommend buying a slave that can benefit from wits early on aswell, either a second magic user or a worker, to spend the first day building up your wits with that slave.

Side with fighters. Don't sell anything you can use yet, we're not in a rush. Unless it is for an improvement, or an extremely good slave.

2nd slave: Seraph (Fighter-Valkyrie-Knight) or another high health race. I like Seraphs for the sole fact that you can get holy lance by day 4 to 5 by doing physical training, and that allows you to snipe those bandit assasins and make your day7+ runs much smoother.

3rd slave: Worker/2nd Nuker, whatever is available with high wits. This slave will have to be your lockpicker/fisher early on, so make sure you spend that first day training your wits with it.

The first couple of days are just goblin runs. Demolish stone shrines, ignore others, lockpick with your 3rd slave, and just keep using your social skills building up obedience/loyalty. Once you're confident your team can take on bandit dens, you go and start farming slaves. I usually get there by day 3 or 4, depending on the first golbin runs and the gear i have with me.

What's important to have in mind is that demolishing shrines gives you a lot of stones/obsidian early on that can make a difference by the time you get to hour 23 and want to go to the shop and trade for food/gear before the reset happens at 0hs.

Make sure you rush your rooms to expand towards making a second team to run in parallel with your main team, either by splitting the first team or starting one from scratch with a good tank. With good medium armor you can get away with a single slave frontlining and healing after combat. But things need to die for your lone frontie to stay alive through the entirety of the combat.

Use your hours wisely. You'll mostly be using them to travel to your dungeons, don't rush things.

Keep in mind always that you'll need to train every day with a slave. At the moment, there's only one interaction available per day and getting wits+charm  maxed on your master should always be a priority, so that by day 7 you can make the most out of the medium difficulty quests you'll get.

There are no hard quests, just some that take longer. If an item requested is not in the market, you can always look for it elsewhere.

Slaves come and go, so long as it's not one from your main team, they can be replaced, and even those in the main team can too.

You can also spend an extra couple of days grinding on a single slave to meet the requirements for a quest, it's fine so long as you remember to multitask and not rush to the next day to complete the training. If you don't rush your hours, you'll get to day 14 with 500+ rep on at least 3 guilds AND 1k+ gold.

If you would like me to expand on this I'd be happy to document a run and post it somewhere.

WOW!   [one of the most interesting replies I've gotten thanks]

Zer---    Interesting idea---mult  (run & then by another one?)   Dungeon runs.

FYI-- ran into problems later on----do some dungeons & then later can't do as quests-----Do you *BUY* you dungeons?     "Forget" them,  or always keep them?

D14----so 1st set  (D1) R easy,  & 2nd set  (D7) are Med

What's a "nuker"?   [no class by that name]    Hi wits?  {back row?}

A NECRO  b4 D14?!?    [gotta try THIS!]      you are serious right?

*** Assume ALL below talking about Day 14 or lower ---as you mentioned.  ***

What Med Quests did you do?   I've found some there were impossible  ex,  Large amounts of Mythic Leather (if you know where to find that did a separate post on it);     

also had bad luck with:  


-Quests  (usually mage)  that Require upgrades  [bad luck/can't find item to buy w/i time frame]
-Quests that want slaves w certain high states  (YES you can train,  *BUT* if they have factor 1-2,  you can't train anywhere NEAR enough to get high stats in 6 days!)

[buying such slaves is again matter of luck---& w high stats----they don't come like that]

Goblins R a pain----VERY early on  (like you're talking about)  ----with poor or no weapons----easy to get you butt kicked & "loose"   a char  ["death" cuts production by like half;   can't fight;   etc]  

SO  (assume poor luck!)  how do you handle those?     [I'm not debating well equipped on D30;  but on day 1-2 for example   (did you spend your 500 on weapon or slave?   [if you're lucky,  2 slaves,  but usually only 1 weapon for that much]

Training---I agree,  & usually good idea!  HOWEVER,  very early  (no upgrades,  & I assume no collars?)  easy to have problems w loyalty   (gets worse with travel)  ----so I often spend 2-4  (what is there,  10 ticks?) date time to improve loyalty.   Do you use collars?  Watchdog?   (lots of stuff helps but it all takes TIME/GOLD/UPGRADES/etc that you simply don't have b4 D14!)

lol  See another  (repeated) post to make things easy was  "SELL"  whatever you get!    [I've learned some of these posts are BS & some are just plain WRONG  (no offense, you have a lot of fresh ideas haven't heard before]

***UPGRADES***  (I mention this @ beg post---requ lots of TIME/Resources----so IF/WHEN/  R major factors!  )  

What do you do?    (besides forge)    [what version did you do this on?  He changed Upgrades  a LOT in 5.xx !!]  

Assume limits   (I think  2 now?)     POOR or no tools   [again,  buying is LUCK!]  so 2-3 people  spending a DAY or more,  1 upgrade   (that's a DAY lost out of 6 days,  EVEN if you have lots of stone)     If you have 20 char doesn't matter, but you have have only *5* ,  that's half your workforce gone!

Obsidian----Usually if I find it I KEEP it----buy etc----VERY useful----so let's be Generous----say you have 50 stones from mult runs   (5 chars,  2-3 busy w upgrades,  *ALL* heavily hurt/dam)     [Obs is rel CHEAP to buy sell, so if your using it for that it's just another 1-200 gold  (could just as easily be wood etc)]

Mult freq Fights----how do you HEAL?!?   (I don't see any fairies!)  I like Scholars---but for them to work good you need staff(s).  [takes LOTS of upgrades OR easily over 1k gold!]  

I'm liking the idea of "high health" char myself   (solo run----Fairy + Cent ----until failed quest that wasn't even my fault! :-(

The  *QUESTS* Q very important   (Mythic is example but others have proven impossible in timeframe)    *AND*  HEALING.

PS     You can't really  "min/max" in this-----*FAR*  too much  "randomness" & "luck"   ----so a strategy that works in one run may not work in ANOTHER.  
The reply been trying to give, is *ASSUME BAD LUCK*   [so can't find item to buy;   more likely char "dies" from fights;  no or very few easy quests.    (point of fact:      With current bad design,   all you have to miss is 1 or 2 *EASY* quests to wind up being stuck past D28!)

sidenote:  you mentioned all *FOUR* Guilds---so servant too?     (I think only gotten them to 500 *ONCE* before D30!) 

One time even  "sold" Daisy to meet their quest!  lol   What if you can't find the slave they want?   [ex:   ELF,   50 charm]       not only do you need to BUY it, but TRAIN it!!      Gold aside,   that's not always possible.      (let's assume bad luck----so several days to find/"buy",  but FACTOR 2-----so  *LONG* time to train! )  

sorry  PPS!   LOL  
Your "Bandit runs"    [D 3 or 4 you said]   -->>   Is that *POST* upgrade   (so you have full 6)   or before---so you only have 3?   [1 in front]  

Regardless of race,  *REALLY* hard to do   3 vs 6!!!     [upgrades & times makes *BIG* diff----both # char & resources]

oh, & *WHEN*   (or if)   do you get Daisy?     [she has poor stats,  so not very good for worker or fighter w/o upgrades ]

Ok let me get this str8  [doing MED Qust run:  ]   you got 500 Guild quest pts  *BEFORE* Day 14----meaning, from, from  1)  easy quests  (start)  + 2)  Med Quests   (D7)   ?!?

Maybe you're just a lot luckier than I am!
POST D7 Quests :

Mage:  364 pts;  Workers:  414     (normally they're the the easiest to get to 500----BEFORE D28)   ;

Fighters Quest:    [CLEAR] Ancient Jungles   :-(      [YES did this before, but *NOT* this early,  lots of resistances + high HP monsters!    -->>  have you EVER done this one before D14?!? ]     *MED* armor isn't enough!    (thick armor helps but you still die easy)      Last time it took Mult HEAVY armor char  + good weapons, healers, etc   Post D30?

Per your post:    you never actually made any:   Workers/Farmers/Hunters?  [class]

What were your *ACTUAL* Quest point #'s?   (on day 13)

Oh----slave from Bandit run:    1 Phy 1 Wit,   Sold for <200  :-(        [at least was able to use 1 to fufil Quest!]

Ok so I was already well underway with a run, but I'm gonna start one from scratch and document it for you, and please do mind that there might be some oversights to certain aspects I'd assume you're familiar with.

   Master - Dark Elf (+5 MATK) - Apprentice (+10 Wits)

PHY 1 - WIT 4 - CHA 4 - SEX 1 - MAG 5 (You could argue that 5th point can go to either CHA or WIT but I prefer starting with high magic affinity right away)

Likes fish, hates meat. Sex trait: Curious.

   1st Slave - Fighters guild - Seraph (140% Health, 10% light resist, and the most important thing, Valkyrie as class upgrade) - Fighter (+5 Physics, +15 Health, + 5 Speed)

GRO 5 - PHY 5 - WIT 5 - MAG 4 (Rest with no additional points but here's the gist: the first slave is usually my frontline and ends up with high wits/physics thanks to some training and working, so it also ends up being my upgrade/crafter)

Likes fish, hates meat. Sex trait: Curious.

   Day 1:

Grab 4 quests: Workers want 14 bones, Servants want a female with at least average timid, Fighters want 8 goblins defeated, Mages want 2 aphrodisiacs. Market has 2 aphrodisiacs on day 1 so we complete one quest. The slave market has a female with average timid factor but it's over 300 so not worth it. Buy 2 aphro, complete the quest, that's +272 gold (-200 spent +472 reward). I buy mana and health crystals from the shop. Change quest difficulty to medium (because I might forget later)

There's no staff on the shop, but there's a slave that caught my eye.

   2nd Slave - Slave Market - Halfkin Tanuki (115% health, +5 Wits) - Fighter, Rogue (Crit Chance +3 , Speed +10)

GRO 2 - PHY 3 - MAG 3 - WIT 3 - CHA 2 - SEX 3 - TAM 4 - TMD 3 (Basically, this slave will be a second frontline)

Loves fish.

I put extra rations on everyone and luxury room on my first slave. Use praise and sedate once on each, then date with my Seraph to train wits. Sex with them too to get a little bit of experience, and check my dungeons. Goblin cave 3 hours away, so we head there. Armor on 1st slave, sword on 2nd, nothing on PC.

My 2nd slave hits around 30 with ordinary attack, while PC and 1st hit for around 15-20.

Inside the dungeon I completed the Fighter quest, and got Druid with my PC before the boss fight, so I healed up my team, finished the run and farmed the leather for a couple of hours. The leather is important for the stables upgrade. Sell some obsidian I got from demolishing the stones, and bought some food. Saved 200 gold, and ended the day with my team resting.

   Day 2:

   3rd Slave: Daisy

I always get Daisy ASAP so I can start training charm on her and my PC, that way I can make the most out of the training sessions. And she's an extra body for dungeons, since we're only healing with druid heals with no staff atm.

Team: PC Dark Elf Apprentice, Druid - 1st slave Seraph Figher, Watchdog - 2nd slave Halfkin Tanuki Figher, Rogue, Watchdog - 3rd slave Daisy

With 4 members I can easily tackle more goblin dungeons until I farm enough gear to move on towards bandit dens and better gear.

Daisy can be useful in dungeons after getting Harlot, since she can distract enemies and bosses, which is sort of a help, and she's the one that demolishes shrines from now on, that way if she gets cursed, she's not that important and therefore the debuffs don't have a big impact in the rest of the team, who are the damage dealers. Basically, she's the cursed bitch.

I bought 3 goblin runs on day 2, completed the Workers quest, bought/farmed some gear and got back to the mansion to rest for a couple of hours. I lucked out on getting an adamantine spear from the shop, which I completely forgot to check, and a steel staff. So now my team is ready for bandit dens.

Consume all the social skills you have, they're useful ways to boost obedience, and your slaves also can help you with that.

   Day 3:

Now the team is set to run bandit dens and farm wood and slaves to get the Servants quest done.

Team: PC Dark Elf Apprentice, Druid, Caster, Necromancer (yes, I got to 75 wits with the last chest on my 3rd goblin run) - 1st slave Seraph Fighter, Watchdog, Trainer, Worker - 2nd slave Halfkin Tanuki Fighter, Rogue, Watchdog, Trainer - Daisy Harlot, Natural Pet.

At this point, the 2 fronties are geared enough for the dens, and we do enough damage to clear the first one without casualties, and get the last bit we need to expand our rooms.

After running 2 dens, we completed the last quest for the Servants with one of the slaves at the end.

So before finishing the day, I go to the shop and trade some leftover gear for food and queue up the mansion upgrade for rooms. At the moment I only have 4 people, and haven't kept any extra slaves, so I'll run another den after doing 0hs training.

   Day 4:

Team: Same as the previous day, with my Seraph now a Valkyrie and Daisy a Dancer.

After finishing expanding the rooms, the objective here is to get the best possible gear/slaves we can from runs, because now we have 2 great nukers which are our Necromancer with Decay, and our Valk with Holy Lance and Swipe.

I'll update when I get the chance to continue with this save.

wow!   LOL  honestly didn't need all that----


1)  UPGRADES   (& WHEN)      [even if u have gold,  can't buy what you don't have room for!


2)  QUESTS   (including all relevant points)            [eg,   EASY   100 GP,   GOT day 2,  Monster hunt---goblins]
Doing a separate post in *IMPOSSIBLE* Quests.   

OH,  check out my Daisy post too.    (having some regrets about getting her early)

oh PPS  DAISY.  
Charm bonus  (took me a while to figure this out) ----is based on your *FACTOR* , NOT actual charm. 

[so get charm 5 on your master,  & you'll get MAX bonus.  ] 

Doesn't matter if you actual charm is 0 or 80   [not for the TRAINING bonus!]

1. Upgrades get queued as soon as I get materials for them. Priorities are rooms>crafting>wood>others.

2. Quest points, by day 5 I have all guilds at around 140, except fighters which was at 230.

And continuing the save, On day 5 I sent my PC and one of the 2 tanky slaves to farm a grove for magic wood, so I can do some slave upgrading if I need it, and if i'm lucky catch a fairy too.

I kept my Valk with daisy and another slave I picked up running dens while the other party traveled to the Grove, and by the time they got there I had finished 2 dens and had 2 more slaves to train with (both with average magic/wits so it's a good start for magic users), the extra heals are always helpful, and I don't have heavy armor on yet.

It's my preference to not farm the resources at the end of the dungeons this early, since you can buy them from the shop, and you can get a good chunk of stone/obsidian after demolishing a couple of shrines. I simply forget the dungeon once I unlock the chest and cast a social skill on the new slave if I'm to keep it.

On the matter of items, I'll use every weapon or armor I can, and if I can't use it, save it for disassembly later. That is arguably the most valuable thing you can get out of the guilds, since we're doing 2 parties already and running dungeons all day long. And you can get it this early, with only 100 guild points. This is how you get the rarest materials super early.

So I got to the end of day 6 with 9 slaves. 2 tanks, 6 magic users and Daisy.

On Day 7 I got the 4 medium quests. Fighters was defeat undead, Workers wanted whiskey, Servants a slave with Succubus and Sex toy (might be too early to complete THIS one quest) and Mages wanted 6 Aphrodisiacs. 

I completed the Workers quest and got up to 350 points.

Fighters up to 517, bought knight class.

For the mages I'll just buy aphrodisiacs from the shop, and for the servants I might forfeit it, depending on my luck towards day 13.

I'm assuming 230 was a Dungeon CLEAR???     (I don't understand the point sys----some pay a *LOT* less  [you need to average 167 EACH even on easy ones]----and some more.    )

Was fighter's  "med"  or "easy"?    [I know got the undead one before!]

Oh,    "shop" depends on luck  (had that problem even with "easy" quests!)     Sometimes you can get *SOME*  ----but not the 5 or whatever they request.     [MUCH easier if u have upgrades & can MAKE them]


MQT:   (2nd attempt)  

*GOT* the Chastity Belt----but all the UPGRADES took *WAY* too long, & wasn't able to get all 13 Magic Cloth.   :-(     [making post on Silk---very confused]

(But even if I HAD,  NEITHER ONE of the Med quests were enough to get me to 500 pts by D14!

POST magic cloth (when finished):

Workers:  453;   SERVANTS!  563  (the LEAST useful of the 4!  lol)  Mages:  429   [so 1/3, with 2 CLOSE----but this isn't hand grenades, so doesn't count]

If,  ***IF***  had finished ALL that Magic cloth  (mult upgrades *PLUS* resources!) in time, MAYBE make it by D21?

Got Daisy  (maybe a mistake?)  but not *NEAR* enough hi Physics people  :-(

See my Daisy post----this run again, (even w some "help"!) has me thinking getting Daisy early   [1st 5 or 10]   is a BIG mistake!

Upgrades----did you do your Forge 1st or?        [w newer version, Upgrades R even tougher----few slots = less people, +  he nerfed unskilled workers]

Most valuable thing  (ur post)  Obsedian?   

Except for your sex toy   (good luck w that one!  lol)  you got lucky.      
Did I mention my Impossible Quests?        (yes there R hard ones too---but given the time limits some are *IMPOSSIBLE*  )
Been doing too many posts lately---anyway did one just for that.

Yeah 230 points was a dungeon, and btw, I got lucky on some things, and unlucky on others. High physical slaves are either farmed from scratch, or found on the early days. I simply grabbed the best one I came across and built it up. Still haven't continued after day 8 but I do get bored eventually after so much grinding and micromanaging.

The most valuable thing you can get from the guilds, is an upgrade from the workers that allows you to disassemble items to get some materials back. Since I run dungeons non-stop I end up hoarding a bunch of items, and if you press shift while hovering over an item you'll get to read the materials it's made of. I've been lucky enough to end up with some dragon bones by day 14 and even made a chestpiece for a knight.

But anyways, there's always workarounds for when things get super unlucky. You either get to the quest before day 28, or pay 3k and it's really not impossible. If it turns out to be troublesome, simply run easy quests all the way. Though I find that to be a bit of a gamble and have to end up saving 3k of money.

I had a save for last version where I was aiming to farm the 100k with dungeons, and I had gotten past day 50 with like 30k or something, and I'm sure I had enough materials to make above 50k if I emptied my bags. Totally doable, just a lot of farming for something that's not intended.

I also find that it gets way easier when you start splitting into 2 or 3 parties running dungeons with like 1 or 2 main slaves and the rest farming experience. To the point where I get bored of that lol.

I like the game, and the RPG side of it is quite engaging, but I also understand it's an early version, although with a lot of content and hours of entertainment.

When I did my (what do you call your method?!?  lol)  "dungeon running"  like you,   I mostly only used 1 team  (2 teams = 12 char,  & I didn't have enough upgrades) with the "bad luck" thing my thief fails/can't open ~ 50% (HALF?)  of the locks,  so I don't get as much    (later---MUCH later,  can do/have done w thief PLUS Engineer,   success jumps to ~  90%)
The problem w getting slaves that way----sell value is really, *REALLY*  low   (~150g ?)      can get that much in few hours wood if u have decent stats (& good tool/worker suit) 

I know you mentioned "Bandits"  ---did you do other dungeons?    [can't find dragon bones w bandits]
The "disassemble" thing is expensive---500 pts I think?    (used it for Adamantine [sp] once)

--->>  HAVE YOU EVER GOTTEN ANY MYSTIC LEATHER from you dungeon runs?   (& if so, how much---& WHERE!)    1 of the things req for some upgrades,  IMPOSSIBLE as far as I know, & also requ for some Quests.   (need 2 figure out how to remove that)

BAD/DOWNSIDE to dungeon runs:   (maybe not so bad after have 10+ char & only use half at a time? )  
1-Upgrades:     W newer version, these R tougher/take longer than before.

2- QUESTs.   (Def related to #1!)   Some of these take a LOT of upgrades,  like one 2 I got recently:   Chasity belt  & mult Magic cloth.  
but *BOTH*  need hi PHYSICS  guys  (your magic hi wits guys for fighting don't help much here)   non-combat Hi Wits  only helps w fishing & cooking---neither of which helps w Upgrades OR Quests OR Production.    (Including Smith/Tailor)
Oh,  another recent one   (med?)   100+ FOOD!     (can't get from dun runs)

SILK is  ....   !?!    [check my other post]

Seems to me dungeon runs  [ good name?  ;-)  ]  R good way to get XP,  & *SOME* gold/loot   (if bad luck,  this amount gets very small)

230 seemed high---but doing the math   [x2=460]  it still won't get you to 500 by D14

...."so much grinding and micromanaging."-----That's a big part of what "Dungeon Running"   is all about.
Since i'm mostly focused on QUESTS & getting the *&()&*!!!  GREEDY BLOODY BANK off my back,   they don't seem to help much.    [production/UPGRADES/Smith/Tailor/etc all take TIME while it "freezes"  on DN runs]

I THINK IF MAVERICK   [STRIVE4POWER r u reading any of these?]     would ELIMINATE the IMPOSSIBLE Quests,  & WORSE  luck   [2 hated foods [makes cooking BAD idea!], 4 foods/day,   **INCREASE** chances of THIEF opening stuff, INCREASE basic slots   (upgrade should be 3; SMITH 2  (everybody needs a helper!) ; Tailor 2;   )      Makes chances of completing early Quests ***ON TIME***  possible.   

(With current sys----ALSO a *BAD* idea----if you take too long on 1 quest   (say,  "Magic Cloth")   you don't get another one!)

"But anyways, there's always workarounds for when things get super unlucky. You either get to the quest before day 28, or pay 3k and it's really not impossible."     -----I'd say 85% of the time  (ok that's a previous version, might be even worse w 5.3!)  

"Though I find that to be a bit of a gamble and have to end up saving 3k of money."----EXACTLY MY POINT!   [& I'd MUCH MUCH MUCH rather spend that on needed UPGRADES  (char)  weapons/armor,  etc.    [decent STAFF can cost over 1k EASY!]

Oh,   FYI,     "IMPROBABLE"     is generally just as bad    (if there was a 95% chance you'd get HIT BY A CAR crossing the street,   you'd be a LOT LOT LOT more careful----but you'd also look for an alternative way.)

"I also find that it gets way easier when you start splitting into 2 or 3 parties"----you're talking (TOTAL)  6-18 char?   (or at least,  5-10?)  
my rooms in 1st 14 days are usually 10 or less,  or   [didn't I ask about upgrades---FORGE sometime?)  

Seems to me,  once again,  we're talking about *UPGRADES* ----& their timing.      For mult parties you need extra rooms.   To *MAKE* weapons   (or did you BUY yours?)      Requ upgrades;        

Oh speaking of saving,    since I ran out of gold b4---after about D10----save up 1k for 1st bank payment---that early,  it's still a *LOT*---your DRs pay what----2?  3 gold/ level?   Assume bad luck   (fail to open most stuff! :-(  )   so you might only get  100 gold ----OR LESS ---from a run. (Bandits/Goblins)    + slave---200 gold    (best thing about it if you're a *little* lucky---can use rescued slave 4 Quest!)     That's about 20 wood or 67 fish.      (fishing's a *LOT* more difficult w limit slots in new version---sounds like you use mostly Hi WIT char 4 your fighting right?      So who does your Upgrades/smith/Tailor etc (hi Phy) work? )

You mention of Daisy was confusing---did she stay @ home, OR go fighting?   [she dies EASY!   leaning towards her being bad idea early on]
Armor---did you use any?  how many?  MAKE or buy?   (heavy needs guild upgrades;    Med---even if you can buy it,   for whole team gets expensive fast;    MAKING it----even "normal"  Med armor req Mult upgrades! )      Cloth "armor" generally worthless IMHO


"But anyways, there's always workarounds for when things get super unlucky. You either get to the quest before day 28, or pay 3k and it's really not impossible. If it turns out to be troublesome, simply run easy quests all the way. Though I find that to be a bit of a gamble and have to end up saving 3k of money."     
----That *REALLY* sums up what my whole posts & this thread R about!    ASSUME BAD LUCK   (totally my life  LOL) 
-->  the longer you wait,  the BIGGER your  "Emergency Fund"  needs to be!
[note that this wouldn't be so bad if you *KEPT* it]

-Even "easy" quests can be missed IF you're *UNLUCKY*   [can't find it or NOT ENOUGH in shops]   *AND* don't have needed UPGRADES  (see how much upgrades impact stuff?!? lol)      (had this happen before----MORE THAN ONCE)     (usually mage or servant items?)   

-->>  The problem with the *WHOLE* damned system   (hint hint HINT dev!)  ----&  i've heard others talk about this------is missing even ONCE    (1 "bad"/unable to do/ Impossible/etc) --just ONE quest,    can put you over than 28 day line.

-->>   THE WHOLE QUEST SYS  (tied to the bank loan time-limits) directly impacts difficulty.    (which is why solo runs R about the same as default runs)

Oh lastly:   If you did any "DR"s   [Dungeon Runs]   besides   Bandits/Goblins   [MYTHIC LEATHER?!? Magic Cloth? etc ]     Let me know.   [b4 D14 of course!]
It's just so much worse:    W few/poor/NO armor;  few/poor/NO weapons;       [staffs R good example:    very EXP to buy,  very rare to drop,  take mult upgrades to make   (did u ever *MAKE* one 1st 14 days?]
With the whole "saving up" thing  (as u mentioned above)   scared to buy (esp more than one!)  expensive items----*SO*  easy to come up short on D14!

UPDATE:      (same run where missed   D14)  

***GOT 4/3 support ***  !!!   (D22,  b4 NOON)     

 [also 1st time ever got 4/3 support------IF you have the upgrades,   some med Quests R easier than "easy" quests   lol]

Maybe,  MAYBE,  could've gotten earlier,  but just doesn't seem right to work that hard on it,  have a "testing"  "quest", (Lich)  ---& then talk your way out of it!   

Not one of my best Lich fights, but did prepare *SOME*, -----w new limited slots    (TOO MUCH IMHO)   took  1 guy   (hi wits)  almost a FULL DAY  to make a STAFF!   :-(            (even if you have lots gold,  very rare to find armor with DARK RESIST for sale)

OH,  FYI  if anyone else reads this,   main method:  

1)  Hi  Physics   (Prefer factor 4+)
3)  Quests:    (not sure who did Mythic Leather)    Fighters----Easy;   Workers/Servants/Mages-----Med

IF you have upgrades & avail materials,  most Quests (EXCEPT some "Dungeon Clear" [fighters] & the "IMPOSSIBLE" Quests) are MUCH much easier.

TBH, never had too much of a problem.  I always go smarty-pants (because I'm a huge nerd who wants to be a wizzard! instead of something manly) and do a crapton of fishing.  I don't waste money on tools (they pay for themselves eventually, but I stop worrying about money eventually) for the most part and only worry about getting the easy quests done (and hoping they're easy enough).  

I "cheat" in that I only advance the plot when I feel ready.  Need me to run fast and find the criminal?  Too bad, I'm scavenging 12 bandit dens and making better armor first.  He'll still be "about to escape" 4 weeks from now when I finish my Ancient Medium Armor and scavenge enough ancient wood to make a super-staff.  

I *do* have to chase the suspension of loan payments, but making the first 2 payments is actually quite easy.  Payment 3 or 4 is when I have to have gotten enough rep to advance the plot to the election cycle.  Once that happens I'm coasting.  

Boring7  [strange handle]
What VERSION?    (the latest restrict fishing @ Mansion)

Tools can vary greatly in cost---but are generally cheaper than weapons.

are you doing "default" or "advanced" mode?     [Default has GREEDY BANK loans, +  more quest restrictions.]  
ADVANCED----you can advance the plot at your own pace   (as you say) 

D14 is 1st payment [1k]  ;   D28 2nd payment   [3k gold]   3rd is  D50?  (need to check)  10k gold,  so    14,000  gold TOTAL ---which is actually quite a LOT  if you're focused on doing *ANYTHING*  (quests, Upgrades, etc)  besides making gold 4 Greedy Bank.

This whole thread of posts is about "freezing bank loans" or "advance the plot to the election cycle"    as quickly as possible!  
[Literally time is GOLD here!   LOL ] 

I definitately concur w some: Working very hard, & then giving EVERYTHING to the bank, *SUCKS*.  
[FYI the whole  "BALLOON PAYMENT sys"  was how *THOUSANDS* lost their homes in the RL 2008-9 Recession. ]

(3 edits)

depending how many risks you are willing to take.

dark elf or fairy for the magic attack stat + apprentice class for master > custom slave - side with workers guild go with a human  + worker class + high phys with tmd and tam, stack the equipment on them travel to a village with wood cotton food , sit there farming wood and cotton, usually check slavers guild, buy a few other slaves with worker class or blank if not avaliable and spread them out accross resouces. that's pretty much an easy foundation to work off since buy about the 2nd or 3rd day can be upgrading the mansion to have room for another 5 slaves. daisy is a safe pick up usually go farmer class and then into pure social classes afterwards

Other way i will do it is worry about the 1st payment and the 2nd payment so about 4k total and just rush faction quest on medium or hard quests, make sure to get meat soups for the healer class and just rely on fish and wood for resources where possible can be through becoming mayor quest before end of 3 payment, from there smooth sailing. i do recommend going either archer or rouge on the master, siding with either mages or fighter guild and having a peon scholar for the custom slave for the heals. just recommend getting peons with the figher, rouge, or scholar class, and just rush a caster and healer, druids are a plus same with fairy because of the innate healing skill per day.

with the start of the civil war quests usually spend a bit of time building up gear and stats since no pressure of time constraints. dragonkin and seraphs are worth while if you see them at the exotic slave trader. And start moving resource production into the mansion.

usually have both questlines done by about day 60 give or take.

usual build for fairy - apprentice > druid > rouge > archer > scholar > caster > theif > necromancer

if fairy or mage just leave them on fishing there's no real need for them to be taken off of fishing.

social slaves just rush dancer and watchdog all you really need and have a class on them for gathering materials get more use out of them. one dancer per resource village - leather collars and maid outfits go along way with making it less micromanagement.

human slaves are prefered with worker outfit, respective tools and class for the job they're doing due to racial bonus.

master stat's i tend to do a 3 split on all and boost up physics charm and sexual just to bypass the lich fight, get the scene with aire and have options for the final bit with anastasia

worth taking zephyra to elven capital for the interaction there to save sacrificing someone .

daisy quest is usually done to the outfit for the bonus's and completed at end of game. 

shop items - usually will buy up axes and sicles when i see them, weapon wise ancient/obsidian and draconic are worth buying just a minor financial setback but saves making gear in the long run.  armour wise i usually tend to just use what's rewarded in quests and loot in dungeons.

there's no real incentive to stress over getting the classes in the faction shops they're not worth while or worring about they're just an after thought don't need them to beat game. blood mage and healer is a nice combo with mass heal and using health to restore manor.

with just melee and archer slaves i will usually stick scholar on them for a back up healer to keep the main one's alive.

There's some irony somewhere----in between BUGS, & new versions,  & different modes  (default/solo/advanced/etc)  have *NEVER* actually gotten to D60!    Then again,  only found ----CONQUEST recently,  not like some who've been on here over 6 MONTHS.

X5X6 (?)  
Recently started trying the Higher  (med)  Quests  ---haven't tried hard yet-----but some are flat out IMPOSSIBLE  (see my other post)  & MANY require a *LOT* of upgrades----eg,  Chasity belt  ----so mostly It's become an "upgrade as soon as possible"   in order to do the tougher Quests-----but some need to simply be *REMOVED*    [again, see other post]

Sounds like you've been doing this a while---ever come up against some Quests you couldn't do?  

[DEFAULT-----b4 end of "Bank loan"   (1st 21 days?)  ------but Quests in general have a time limit.


not really, some equipment requests are a bit BS luck based but shops reset daily so just a bit of traveling can give more insight but generally, i mainly see slave requests from servants guild or assignments on medium. fighters guild quests aren't too bad to do, dungeons are easily enough to be abused since mages guild for the free staff + fair and you can 2 shot most bandits with overgrow, just need some connon fodder, 4 slaves needed to beat a dungeon in my experience, and that's bandit forts on day 14. can also abuse the date feature to build wit up early to get to the caster class with study as an option in there.  undead quests to kill undead are doable just be prepared to fail to clear a stage of the crypt one day, fully recover in the dungeon by passing time and try again that usually gives me the 7/8 needed for that quest.

honestly it's just planning to be fair. can sell bread and veg at the start for extra money, can usually get another slave for the bonus if you are careful and again gather and sell wood and gather fish for food.

regardless of upgrades they still have a chance of showing up in the shop and some of the other requests seem to offer items are rewards at times.

racial bonus's  and unique classes are just the easy way of playing the game, for the druid class - elf, fairy dryad, can't remember if there's anymore races on that one, beserker - orc, valkyrie - female seraph, dragonknight - dragon kin, true sucubus/incubus - demon.

like heck the games not as easy as strive for power where 4 slaves + magic on master + long swords and chain mail pretty much allowed you to steam roll through the game.

again if you're struggling with medium take your time getting wood it sells for 10 gold each 3 slaves on wood can usually result in like 70/80 wood + with axes and bonus's given worker class + humans the easiest way, 70 0 to 800 gold a day, beginning is slow but you can also use extra rations to boost that by 15% production on the characters. 

there's no right or wrong way to play the game. once i have the money covered for a payment and i'm maxed out on slaves i focus on production for more slaves or funding gear. by about day 5 i usually have the 1000 needed for the first repayment,  that's 9 days of getting upgrades sorted, also can just buy materials like cotton from the shop while producing some to speed it up just sell some extra stuff. 

the beast and half kin wolf gives bonus to hunting, nerid to fishing that's more production, dryad to farming if you want to go that route, there's always options to take it just lies in choices. once you're past the repayments since you only need 3 factions at 500 rep to progress through the mayor quest and get into not having to worry on deadlines. if you get all 4 you can get the bonus item but it's not all that useful.

solo doesn't work in my experience always gives me the option of the slave when i use that start and just puts me on default.. and that's annoying since i want the challenge of not being able to get an decent day one start.

quest wise it depends on the quest, trolls are weak to fire, druid class is early game utility just start as an apprentice on any of the races that get it. 

anyways back to your question. it depends on the run and what the game feels like throwing at me quest wise, haven't really came across any i'd skip. sure i've failed a couple but in the long run it doesn't matter it's just a minor delay. like some item quests i'll just accept and deal with if i see the item in the shop somewhere. usually day 1 i complete what quests i can that need items from the shop before actually starting to play since 600 gold start with selling bread and veg usually sit around 550 to 700 gold after but have a few factions rep built up.

the repayments go up to day 89 where 100k is needed that's plenty of time to get 500 rep, same with day 50, since 4k gets you through the first 2 repayments. faction quests pop up near weekly and slaves reset weekly, shop resets daily. exotic slaver about every 2 weeks after the first week.

at this point i'm tempted to start as a gnome or goblin just for the penalties and see if that makes things any more difficult for me. but magic is busted for now so abuse it, since game seems to favour magic classes anyways.

heck if your interested in what one of my saves looks like on a bad run where i got unlucky here you go

mayor quest done 

daisy quest - near complete in progress last couple of stages.

got screwed over on shop rng with only 1 or 2 axes and a scythe showing up, fighters guild giving me a dungeon in the jungle with about 4 centipedes second round got one shot each time, abandoned the quest and got lucky getting an ogre one or two, only upgrade i have is mansion rooms one. master has apprentice, druid, caster and necromancer classes + all 4 factions at 500 rep +, saves pretty hard to fuck up at this point, went double fairy start with mages guild for the hell of it.

saves in the link if anyone wants to have a mess around with it.

I have 2 admit---the Nec is kinda fun  ;-)  

BUT----D29!   *LOTS* different from the  D14  (or earlier)  many talk about.  
WOW!  You didn't even get the forge upgrade?     --->>>  So how did you make tools?!?    [some quests---workers I think--requ specialize tools (like bone blade axe)  ----or did you ignore those quests?]

1 staff,  1 Obs sword,  rest weapons R crap----or NONE!   
*PLUS*,  very few materials   (most went to pay bank? )   Ok,    maybe my D29's weren't so bad afterall!  LOL

FYI my best "chances"----both in fighting, & in Quests  (having done many, many Default/solo runs now)  is  1)  Med Quests   &  2)  PUSH UPGRADES!     (even on a bad run,  Post D28---like yours----still have either weapons, or tools, OR  (if enough saved resources)  BOTH.  
If unlucky  (lockpicking fails/chests jam etc)  Dungeon runs don't make a lot----so you're safest bet is saving gold or LOT of resources.    
MIN upgrades:     Forge1/Tailer1/Alchemy1 + rooms1

Oh,  final note  (took me several tries to figure this out!)  if you *SLAP* that haughty stuck up princess *BEFORE* the elf's do  (your only chance)   you can avoid loosing anyone there----including "princess."

Oh no i did get those quests just 3 shops worth of rng to complete them since shop at aliron + 2 villages at one point just churn the tools into rep points and keep what's needed, didn't really see many tools that are useful lot of fishing rod, hunting knives and pick axes, pick axes not worth it for me to get until after the mayor quest is done, hunting knives and fishing rods are a waste.

Upgrades are secondary to me,  depending how good of a start i get it depends what i buy, if i get a goid start with a lot of axes and workers and couple of dancers I'll end up just buying weapons and skipping upgrades all together. 

I will see if i can get a good run to show you what i mean. But quests i got were assignments, slave requests, kill ogre twice and jungle which if I'd have had week 2 i would have went for and probably beat because of actually having classes at that point.

My advice just take zepyhra to the elven capital and let her negotiate still avoids a slave and gets some interesting story out of it.

Never made tools i just check daily for them,  I'd rather spend the time producing material and gaining exp than take a few hours travel to upgrade just to travel back when u can make money and just buy it if it shows up.

Bit sad nec skill for undead is still wip. Kind of would like to see more races or at least solo mode fixed so i can't sway things in my favour a bit. 

It's tempting to do a social class only run it would be slow but i wouldn't need to leave the mansion. 

High wit and at least 1 thief class for chests stick it on a mage and 99% of the time you'll get the chest open

Would definitely be interested in your Quests  (any runs you "finish"  D21 or earlier! [ie "end" bank quest] )
Pretty rare can even do all easy quests w/o upgrades!  (buy/luck only)  Eg,  "Obsidian Axe"  (needs 10 Obs just to MAKE!

I have same problem---takes good luck 2 find useful tools in short time---but DIFFERENCE is *HUGE*!      (even  "none"  vs  "Steel") 

if you only get stone,  not much benefit.   Fishing rod's don't help as much  (~20% cloth)  UNLESS u get the hi end stuff  (EXPENSIVE! to buy!) 
But hi quality knives help w meat & leather;  +  (new version)  Tailor.

I just know if I'm gonna *GRIND* it all the way out to D29+   (UGH)  Best to MAX tools & upgrades.    (steel min;   Mythril is better) 

Will have to try a run w a Zeph to the capital.   (very hard to get unless they're you're 1st two)

Chests----do you know if Wits impacts chest "luck"?     (often mine fail/jam, even w thief)
Best is thief + Engineer, but takes *LOTS* of Guild points!  

You mean you don't date your slaves? Because when you date them you can train/study/rise charm.

Wits have a huge impact  on chest lockpicking, you don't need to have a lot, around 40 is enough with thief.

If you don't train your slaves no wonder you struggles so much. A tips: growth is very important as it affect how fast you can level up.

Any slave below average in growth is not worth having, good or higher is perfect, you'll see the difference instantly.

On another note I have done a run with prostitutes, upgrade capacity to have 10 people, no fishing and finished the reputation quest on 3 guilds by day 24 easily (the 4th is the servant and guess what, I  go with them at the beginning) (oh and by day 24 I had 3k+ already).

On the first 2 weeks I had 3 prostitutes. MC + Daisy and 2 others slaves going dungeons, didn't even bother fishing when they returned.

3rd week I bought another slave for prostitution and that's all.

Doing the reputation quests on easy/medium.

Workers needing a tool? I bought it in the shop, refresh everyday.

Mages needing a beer or whisky/ aphrodiacs? same. I buy them each time they appear in the shop.

Fighters wants something dead? MC is here with his squad 2 frontlines/ 2 mages/healers and the job is done. My equipments? All bought from shop, no need for something at 1k gold, any cheap  weapons are a direct upgrade to your DPS then you use what you got from the dead/dungeons. I tend to favor armor first for survivability, need less healing.

In this run I typically buy daggers, there are surprisingly efficient and very cheap.

I have done those runs multiples times, no cheats needed, no impossible quests to remove.

Yes def date ( & train) them----but only 1/day allowed, so that's ~ 2 each  in 20 days.   (if 10 char)    [a *LOT*  depends on their Fs  too!]

Interesting.    Maybe some  (?)  of my failed attempt R from low wit  (LOL)  thieves?        If you get a "Dun CLEAR"  early on,   most have low stats---except maybe Master, & that's usually only from Training & usually only Physics.   (need at least 1 thief for those)
I'm guessing  21D (?)    Before I have more than 1   40+ Wit;   Except for Fish/cook  (fishing limited by slots!)   wit chars just aren't as useful outside combat----most tasks take Physics.
-->>  Do you use *COOKS*?!?    I didn't use to,  but since "cooking" more been trying it more----however,  takes up 1 Critical *EARLY* class for my Wit chars.       SO...   Debatable.    (might be "cheap"  but even cooking for 5 can take 12h  (low wit char)  or more!
App/scholar,  Hunter,  (cook?)  THIEF.     early on need GOLD resources more,  so get thief  2/3rd etc. 

What's average?  "good"?  [hate that nonspecific stuff!]   2?  3?  4?  
Actually I've found Factors R more imp that Growth:   Take Physics:       F1  vs  F4:     F4  trains faster ->  higher Phy = higher combat dam,    more production,  etc.    F1's R pitiful    (FYI Daisy's an F1)    Wits R similar.  
You can always  "speed up"   growth XP-----but low F mean less classes so limits options.    [Master MC often "grows" way too fast]
I think cook is  (off top head)  25 Wit?  (min)

HOOKERS-----What VERSION?      That's 1 more thing he's changed recently.     (worse,  IMHO)
Even b4  his "nerf"   fishing was more profitable than  "harlot" class----even moreso now.
So  ALL 10  (?!)  were hookers?   (including Master?)    no healers or anything else?

Would be interested in what *QUESTS* you did   [not all Quests R impossible, but *SOME*  are,  so depends on luck...)   & UPGRADEs  [would need at least to have 10 char----but you'll need a LOT more for med Quests or to craft things.  

Try a Hooker run  w v   *5.3*    [most recent I've used]  has his "nerf" built-in-----let me know Quests & Upgrades & days.  (D)  
OH,  FYI,  Beer/Whiskey easily crafted  (cooking)  provided u have grain.


"aphrodisiacs"----1 of those  *LUCK*  things!     *W/O UPGRADES*    (see how imp they are?)  
you get  6 days    [even on "easy"]        sometimes only get 1 or 0/3.   [or worse,  2/3  LOL]  

Actually,  (depending on LUCK!  LOL)  D24 is cutting it pretty close.   [D28 is Greedy Bank  steals gold day!  ]  
Best I've done so far:   (assume bad luck--includes QUESTS & SHOPS)  PUSH UPGRADES;     Med Quest   for  Workers/Servants/Mages;      
(1 more reason Quests important)  "Dungeon Clear"   (have another post on "Impossible Quests)   R all   "FIGHTER"  Quests  (I think?) 

You're post is a little confusing---did you use hookers?   Or mages?   (or are those 2 diff runs?) 

I do like Mages---but 1 problem  (early on)  is they need STAFFs.     Need Upgrades  (to craft)  *OR*  most R EXPENSIVE  to buy!  Can easily spend  1k gold or more for just ONE staff!    (did your mages have staffs?  ---I assume u bought?)

Daggers R nice----but not useful for mages----& w/o upgrades R mostly a "luck" item   (R u telling me you bought 6 daggers in 6 days?)   +  (again,  depends on luck!)  say a *BONE*  or   stone?    (been a while since craft a dagger)    VS  STEEL or better...   & Daggers  R low dam anyway.     [who R your Dun Runs against?      Goblins?    Bandits?    or?)  
Depends on who you're up against,  But assume no armor---& only daggers  can get you "killed"   (severe dam = you can't fight & low prod)  
(even an easy  "Dun Clear"  vs Bandits  can B too much)

If you reply let me know what *VERSION*  (v)  you're using,  as so much has changed in last several.  

Oh boy, I didn't want to post another long message but here we go. It's mostly from memory so no detailed/ day by day step.

First thing to note, I played the 1rst game since nearly the beginning so I know how the mechanics works. This game is very similar.

I'm playing the current version aka 0.5.3a, my previous post was in this version in one run.

Typically my MC is a mage/healer and my 1rst slave is a combattant, Daisy is also a mage/healer.

When possible I buy 2 daggers and eventually a mace for Daisy (if no staves are available). As soon as some kind  of armor appear (even light armor/cloth) I buy them, the cheap ones will do, this will improve survivability for combat. I insist I buy the cheapest available for the MC and the combat slave, this is priority number one.

I do not use cooks.

Average is 3 I think.

I insist, Growth is the most important stat, it's the only stat you can't improve, the other  stats can be upgraded, F1 and F2 are cheap to upgrade so anybody with those stats can become a decent fighter/mage whatever you want.

When I look for a slave, they need at least F3 (Average) then a F4 (Good) or F5 (Excellent) in the stat I need them, For example a whore would be at worst F3 in growth then F4 or F5 in Charm and Sex factor (worst case F3 if bad luck but can be upgraded through classes so no worry).

Daisy with F3(upgraded cheaply remember) in wits with the good classes can very much kick ass (but mainly here to heal), don't forget that some classes gives additional wits/stats so she can be over 60 in wits while being F3.

[Master MC often "grows" way too fast] => other slaves can grows even faster that means big power up, you'll need F4 growth for that.

To make things easier in the 1rst week I train the combat team (MC, Daisy,  the free slave + 1 whore) it will be a team of 4 so one whore will join, if possible I grab a slave from the bandits, this new slave depending of their stats will be temporary combattant or not so my whore can go back to work.

In order to make more cash you need to sex and train the charm of your whores, I usually train mainly 2 whores to improve incomes. Don't forget that some clothes improves charm, it is good investments so buy them whenever it appears in the shop.

Would be interested in what *QUESTS* you did 

Hmm? all of them? obviously as I said I don't craft the items so I look for them in the shop if they appear else it's a skip. At first I do the easy quests. With a team of 4 I could clear kill quests (wolves, skeletons, ogres), clear dungeons (avoid the bandit Fort if you can't kill the assassins and the troves are indeed difficult so I might skip them early). Usually I do a mix of easy and medium quests at the same time, not all of them on medium at the beginning.

Regarding potions and assimilate I buy every potions/drinks as soon as they appear in the shop because I know some quests requiring them will appear one day.


By day24? Mansion capacity 10 and master bedroom 2 or 3, one luxury room for the lol, that's it nothing else.

No cooking, no crafting, no tailoring.

Try a Hooker run  w v   *5.3*    [most recent I've used]  has his "nerf" built-in-----let me know

That's what I did in my previous post, no gold problem there.

OH,  FYI,  Beer/Whiskey easily crafted  (cooking)  provided u have grain.

I already know that but intentionally bought them instead of cooking, my hookers earns me much more by doing their work than cooking.

Once I have a team of 5 combattants the rest of my slaves are hookers and works non stop, I had 4 hookers by day 24. 2 of them well trained and equipped for the job, the 3rd partially trained and well equipped and the last one not trained at all and somewhat equipped, one of them even had a F2 in Charm ( the 1rst I bought if I remember right, not much choice at the moment).

All my hookers had at least Maid, Harlot, Geisha, Dancer classes, some had the bard and the pet. That's what growth factor can give you.

My combattant team have a lot of classes too, at least 6 or 7 each if I remember right so not much can threaten them (the trove can be though) relatively to the story quest I mean.

I do like Mages---but 1 problem  (early on)  is they need STAFFs.

In the beginning Daisy had a mace... it was the only thing available but hey it does more damages than empty handed. Basic staves will appear like wooden staff or iron staff, those will be enough until you loot the dungeons (and worse case a dagger is fine too).

Depends on who you're up against,  But assume no armor---& only daggers  can get you "killed"  

You assumed wrong, I did say I prefer armor first, light and medium armor are enough for early threats, at least one piece per person as soon as possible. Try to have healers asap too and worse case buy some life crystals. 2 healers are quite enough for clearing dungeons and don't forget that if you are low health you can go back and finish the dungeons after your characters healed up (of course out of combat).

Don't forget you can buy dungeons, the easy ones will give you enough xp to boost survivability since you'll level up fast (remember growth is the factor here).

Hum I think that's all? Sorry for the length, I tried to order it but well I'm not used to write so much and from memory.

(1 edit)

no worries---length.  (sometimes I do long posts too!  lol) 

Haven't tried Hooker run in 5.3-----maybe I will.  

SO, if no COOK  (class)  do you still use cooking?    [1 more debatable thing that can still take a *LOT* of time early on!]
SO MUCH is a TIME/RESOURCE usage Question    (FORGE for example,  can still take 2 char over 20h!!! )

Upgrades----Not Forge?      [MC bedroom not really helpful---can still only date 1/day;  Maybe w 2+ Hookers?]
You did mention Chars----1 -> 2 is cheap, but F2-> F3 & F3-> F4 are costly,  So i Assume you have mult char on (Magic/Iron) Wood?    {can't get those from easy Dun] ---I think it's  10/  for just  1 Char  F2 ->  F3;

Quest----YES,  more info would B helpful!  Esp since you mentioned you skip some?!?  
(maybe you skip the "Impossible" ones  ;-)     [Just from memory,   there's 2-3+ Quests w items you *CANNOT* buy!  (med,  I think?)  So??? ]

[until you get 500 PTS,  you only get 1/Guild/Week, so...]

Especially RELEVANT:   
1)  any *MED* quests    [D1 only easy]   & ...
2) anything you SKIP     [not all Quest items R avail to buy,  so maybe you skip what I would CRAFT???  Eg,  "Magic Cloth"  etc]

How many char did you upgrade?     (upgrades again!)   ESP  F2->F3, or F3 -> F4   [both 10M  or 10 Ir wood + 500g
oh, & *WHEN* !   (D21's a *LOT* DIFFERENT than 1st 14 days!  )

" anybody with those stats can become a decent fighter/mage whatever you want."-----Mage-----Maybe.  FIGHTER,  NO.  
Fighters depend heavily upon Physics F,----  you really need  F4+   to make a good one.

Mages  (Daisy or other)   mostly depend upon your *STAFF*  [luck?]     & if no crafting,  mostly a buy/drop issue.  (luck)
Mace---I assume u mean "club"?   (clubs & swords,  but no "mace") 

lol!   Even the "skip"     makes a difference long-term!   [NO cook,  FEW upgrade,  etc]   

Appren  + Wits,  But I assume you use Scholar instead since you mentioned heals?    [Daisy ain't no Elf,  so no Druid....]
Do you have more than 1 Thief?    [checking classes that give Wits Bonus]     Eng  Req  500+ pts;
I assume Trainer is out  [Req  Phy  40]  ?  ;
"Alchemist"  must also be bought   (500+ Pts)  

F4's  or F5's R great----but again,  *LUCK*    [sometimes can't find them early,  so either WAIT, or buy poor stats... ;-( ]

Getting more than 1 char   (unless you Train --a *LOT*)   to  60+ Wits by  D20  is pretty hard  in my XP;
How do u ?     (Make them both thieves?  )       [Gr F won't help here,  only Wits F]

Training [20 days] @ 1/day  =  20   ---->>   That's at most  2/Char if 10 char;       (actual inc depends on your Charm F & their F)
or,   do you only train a few?

I Should do a Hooker run & let you know what Q's I get.   (but if takes too long/  Time/Grind,   no benefit   vs    other "methods")  
B4  D21???

PS hopefully fixed all my typo-----very tired & eyes R buggy...

Missed  1 Q  
u mentioned Hookers & mages:  

Did u use any  Workers/Farmers/Hunters?  [classes] 

If only  2 Hookers  (which don't pay much)   might as well  get Worker/Hunter & just sell stuff   (most fighting benefits come from Hi stats---& classes.  )  

added:     mixed feelings about buying stuff  can't use in ADVANCE    [aphrodiacs---100g EACH! so  5x=500]   
as others have mentioned,  gold's *TIGHT*  esp  1st 3 weeks...  
IMHO   best only buy *AFTER* get Quest-----this is def 1 way have come up *SHORT* on gold before...  

 [stuff sells for ~ HALF----or less----of what u buy it for]

Sorry Eiyal----1 last question   (LOL!)  

Given the whole  "Dungeon runs"  vs   Upgrade    [50 wood/25 cloth]   +  Need 1 space    ("rescue" slave)   so only *FOUR* early on---I assume priority,  is to:
1)  get materials  ASAP,  (Fight/get 5th slave when can)
2)  UPGRADE   (so 10 rooms)  and *THEN*
3)  work on Magic Wood/Iron wood (takes more time)  for Char Upgrades. 


Do you save  1,000 gold  (for D14!)  anywhere?  
[always tempting to buy betters weapons/armor when you can!]

Another example of bad luck:  
Distance:  Why is Millford  (closest Iron etc)  *sometimes*  2-3,  & *Sometimes*  Distance 8  ?!?    [thatt's further than Elf capital!]
The lost Obedience/Travel time adds up-----especially early on when few char
Distances should be the *SAME* every time.

Female char, witch quest: 

it saves time to start with a male elf as your first slave, or hire one in the first weeks.

If you face the witch without having an Elf in your party, go back to Aliron and buy or hire any male elf. The witch isn't choosy; I just sold that elf when she was done with him.

Female char--- even if you're gen is set @100%,  elf's R a rare breed.
Other bypass I found (mentioned elsewhere) is get Apprentice class for Master (F) MC

(1 edit)

I've played to the Mines quest a few times now, here's my tips:

Character Creation:

You get to create a master and your first slave, then get a Bunny girl in the first night.

Creating the char it helps to put 5 into Charm. 

I'd recommend setting some stats to 5. 

Now for Classes:

As you gain XP you'll unlock classes. These provide additional skills, and increase a stat. It helps to think about each person's role:

- Paladin (e.g.  Scholar (single heal) with 4 physics, then get Warrior, Worker for the Physics and Harvesting bonus, and either Healer (unlocked from the church's food quest) or make him an Elf and get Druid. (Healer group-heals and rezzes. Druid has a very useful AoE attack and group heal). Many magic staffs also have good melee; switch him to a stronger melee weapons if you have more than one other caster.

- My Seductress/Whore classes get Bard immediately, then Maid Pet Geisha and usually Farming. I find it useful to upgrade them to 2 Phys and give them hunter for the double attack.

- Pure mage: Very useful to have two casters with group heals, as group heals have a cooldown and sometimes the enemies do focus someone in your party.

My first successful playthrough was with a Paladin main (moderate in everything) and a Paladin with Magic and Phys maxed; I then understood how the upgrade system works: Each upgrade requires a rarer type of wood. It pays to have some stats at 5 from the outset, and just upgrade your level-1 stats to 2 using 100 gold and 10 wood after day 14. (You'll need to save up gold until then).

2nd playthrough was harder: Rogue/Fighter/Worker main with a Mage as a partner. Having two mages who can AoE and have different damage types and mass heals really helps in the harder fights.

3rd playthrough: Whore/Succubus main with a Paladin partner. I hired a fourth char on day one to make up for her weaker combat skills, and got lucky with guild tasks so I could also get Daisy. My whore main now has the Mines quest, did some medium bandit hideouts, gave birth, has all the charm and sex skills I could find, and still doesn't make a lot from prostitution :D

Current playthrough just started, "easy mode" with two male mages. my plan is to upgrade the bedroom and molest Daisy a lot. :D

Strategy from day one:

Create Main, go to town, talk to a guild and create first slave. I recommend siding with Mages for a good Staff, which makes your caster a bit imba from the start.

Check noticeboard. 

Possible tasks:

- craft (energy shard, collar, ears ...) - ignore until you have the room built. You may get lucky and get a task for3 Energy shards, these sometimes drop in Goblin Caves. 

- farm (meat wood stone etc) - these are great for day one, maybe except Bone.

- single fight (wolves are quite easy, bandits a bit harder. Accept but save for day 2 or 3)

- kill a number of goblins or bandits. Accept if it says Goblins (Bandits is a bit tougher but manageable).

- Complete a dungeon. These are quite easy, accept and save for day 3.

- need slave for 3 days (usually needs a combination of gender and class. Easy to do only that slave will be gone for three days.) 

- need slave (you can buy one and train them up, but usually at a loss I think. Like if it needs a male harlot with sexuals 20, you'll have to hire someone, do a dungeon or two with them (or have them read a valuable XP scroll) until they can learn Harlot, date and train them, then have them work as a whore until the stats are up. And then turn them in at a loss. I'll skip these next time.)

Go home, date your first slave, click Travels, find a resource you need (if you don't have quests, just go farm foods). 

At midnight or 1 am day 2, go to Aliron, check town, get Daisy. Set her to fishing, return your workers.

When everyone's back, date Daisy, praise both. Doubleclick your Scholar if you have one and make sure he has the staff equipped. 

Click Crafting, you should have enough resources to start crafting meat soup.

Go to Aliron, "Buy Dungeon", buy a Goblin Cave. 

I now just buy or hire a fourth character as soon as possible. Enter the goblin cave, Advance. If you have a Mage first slave, and they have a Staff, they can one-shot most goblins. So everyone except your mage with the staff focuses on one enemy. Your caster heals anyone whose HP are under 30, otherwise shoot the strongest enemy with fireball. You other characters all focus on the same enemy, preferably one that's already damaged. Use Magic to heal between fights. Don't use Energy shards if you only have a few, sometimes the guild wants 3 of them. 

Do not hire a fifth character yet. Your mansion can house 5 slaves max by default, you want one slot available for when you win a bandit cave or find a random slave in a dungeon. (Can just sell them, but not if you have 5 people already.)

After a fight or three, you'll be out of mana for heals. Go back to Mansion, hit Travels, go farm something useful. And/or set your casters to cook, have someone fish. If you're just a few coins short of something you want to buy, set Daisy to prostitution. When your mana is mostly replenished, do some more of the goblin cave. 

Getting Thief for your main character is useful for levelling up wits.

Buy weapons in town, even a club helps.

The cycle for me is:

- go to goblin cave until worried about mana

- go back and cook, or Travel and farm for food (occasionally wood) until mana is back up

- Always farm everything at the end of a dungeon (after the boss you get 1 locked chest, and some resources to harvest)

Your characters will become stronger with each round of these. You'll be quite weak in week 1 but should aim to have 4 people, everyone with  a weapon,  and grind goblin caves.

Random tips:

Characters may become pregnant if you forget to turn on Aphrodisiacs. (Double-click the char, click "food and details) in the bottom left. Two of my playthroughs my MC had an unplanned pregnancy, so uh ... :D

If you find a Pyramid:

If the description is something metal ... light ... Moon, it wants food. 

If the description says "sizeable hole", it wants a stone.

If the description says wood female, it wants cloth.

Gild tasks refresh each week. Check on day 6 and day 13 (I think) to make sure you've handed in any completed quests, and maybe cancel impossible ones you've accepted, in order to free that slot for a new guild quest.

I generally make my MC as a fighter, so I can max charm and maybe sex, then put 2 point in physic factor. I then upgrade the physic factor. The charm gives a bonus to the rewards from the guild quests.

 I usually make the free character a Dark Elf mage so they can get Druid early. Druid has a useful AOE spell. 

Usually give them the Life Power sex trait for the sexual healing. This lets me do more dungeon a day without using the gems. 

Side with the Mages, they give a good staff which is other wise hard to get. Usually there is some kind of crappy weapon in the shop that will do.

Set the guild quests to medium  after the first day. This gives better rewards. 

Do easy dungeons. The bandit den boss may be a useful slave, but otherwise can be sold. Sell any loot you can't use immediately. Rarely, there is a friendly goblin in the goblin cave. Early in the game the MC will noy a high enough Charm skill to recruit her, but you may be able to enslave her if you wish.

Give your combatants some speed classes (Rogue, Archer, Bard) so you can hit opponents before they hit you.

Do the builder tools and forge tools upgrades first. They are cheap and improve the speed of upgrading

By doing easy dungeons and the guild quests you can make the first payment, plus a quite a bit extra.

I've played to the end of the current content several times, trying out different races. Seraphs (female or futa), dragon kin, and orcs have good unique classes. Haven't played a dwarf yet.  The elves and the fairy can get the Druid class which is VERY useful. Fairies die easily.

Interesting all the different methods:    Fish/Hookers/Mages etc...    Depending on version,  some work better than others!  lol

Samyotix---Thanks for tips on Pyramids   ---1st 14 days Resources can be tight,   everything helps.   (esp if can use for QUESTS!) 

Lately been trying the  "med Quests"  Idea---Anybody else have Med Quests  (1st 21 Days)  can't solve *IN TIME*  ?    [part of what makes some quests Impossible is the time limit)  
Some do the upgrades  (I usually do)  some don't;   But can take a *LOT* of upgrades to do some Quests!    [20 Magic Cloth for example----No,  Can't buy either]

Do you skip?   Do upgrades?  
Mythic Leather  (see my "Impossible Quests" post)  STILL is Impossible as far as I know.  
Anybody do the "Ancient Jungles (Dungeon CLEAR)" Quest   (Fighters---Med)   before D21?
How about Chasity belt?  [before D14]
(sometimes  *DO* manage to do a [usually Med] Quest-----but not b4 the 6 day time limit  (with the only 1 Quest limit,   you can't get another till that one's gone)


For quests that I can't do or don't want to do, assignment quest being a good example, I take the quest and then forfeit it. This removes the quest so it isn't still around the next week..

I have done a Ancient Jungle quest before Day 21, I ran away a lot. Took two excursions to complete. I also do lot of dungeons (not nearly as many as some) thus I have some looted gear and lots of classes. The new random buffs on dungeon opponents can make some fights very difficult. Bard and shaman classes have become more useful.

Looks to me (changelog)  like the new 5.4 version's *TOUGHER*,  not easier!       [like  Caster is now a *LOCKED* class!  :-(   ]
Have u played it much?     Is there anything to make  (DEFAULT----DURING loan Quest)   that EASIER? 

Speaking of quests----  (esp *MED* Quest-----more gold/pts than easy ones)  Have you ever had a *MEDIUM* Quest that took longer than 6 days?  [so you never got the next one  (only spawns one at a time)  b/c you're still doing that 1st one?    [Example:  Chasity belt or anything requiring multiple upgrades]

Had this b4 but not sure if worth it.


[checked my post]
On my  "Impossible Quests"  Post  I list  "Ancient Jungle" [CLEAR]   Before  DAY 14.

Have you ever done that?   [that would mean you *GET* the Quest on D7  (D1 Quests R all easy)

When you did your AJ----did anybody "die?"       [the "heavily damaged"  penalty's a LOT,   so not sure if it's worth having *MULTIPLE* chars like that...     (can't fight,   low production, etc   ----even if you heal them )

When I tried it before----for a Char to survive very long,  they need *VERY* high health,  HEAVY  armor,---  or ideally,  both. 


Upgrades:     (since you seem one of the most XP people on here...)  

What are your thoughts?     Someone  (this thread)    says they do----& suggest----  *ONLY* upgrading rooms    (b4 end Greedy Bank gold stealing...      etc    [EG    CW start]  )  ------*AFTER*  D21  so,   Day  22 to D 26?

IMHO 1 of the ways protect against "bad luck"   [Esp w MED Quests!]    is *UPGRADE*  ASAP!     Lots of quest  require high level crafting.
DRs (Dungeon Runs)   ----or not,   doesn't help help much w Med Quests.   ---I've tried both ways.   [not sure about *MED*  lvl  DR----everyone I know of that does them uses easy.   ]    Even if you get a "drop"  it's only like 1-2,  & nothing of the Quantity you need for Quest.    (often 20+)

I may have said this before, but in 5.4 the speed granting classes have become more important. Getting them early allows you to hit before your apponents. It also seems(not sure about this) to help with running away. 

Alchemist is now a unlocked class. It can help with row damage by a mage. 

I try to get the builder's tools, forge tools, and the first levels of forge, tailor, and alchemy done, but put off anything else until I've got the guild rep up to 500. 

The Servants will always support you even when you don't have 500 points with them. That means you only need two other guilds at 500. That's usually easy to do. When you side with a guild you get 100 rep point right away. 

One thing I do that not many people do is take Life Power as the starting Sex Trait. It won't remove the grievious injury penelty though.

LP-----been recently doing that myself.   (only ST that has any real *PRACTICAL* use!)   + Early on very difficult to heal.  (or costly)

Did a separate post  (Alchemist )

LOL  so cowards live 2 fight another day?     (probably not an ideal trait...  ;-)  

What about the "Attendant" class?   [never used them much]     With less power  (UGH----Caster locked!)   maybe healing more important?  
(can now buy bandages---no need to craft)   In theory,  cheapest way to heal w/o  staffs.    (even Scholar can't heal much w/o a staff)

The "Forge Tools"  [100 IW/100 THICK L,  50 ST]    just isn't worth it IMHO.   If doing upgrades, get [MAKE] 2 CS  (Craftsman Suits) for both guys, work just as good.   (they do help a LOT!)
Builder Tools has changed Req so...  (?) 

"...forge, tailor, and alchemy [lvl1]" ----I  Agree,  pretty much the ABS MIN.    Basic crafting  + easier to Upgrade if needed  4  Med Quests!

Servants---Actually,  that's not true.   (they act like they will but don't!)  You need  3/4, MIN,  & if you don't get the 500 Servant pts,  you must get all 3 others.   (F/W/M)     [I've tried that B4 & didn't work---unless he changed something?]  You still need 3/4 Guilds  at 500 Pts each.

Maybe you have a save   (older is fine)   where you *ONLY* go 2/3 Guild support?    [& ended loan quest/start CW etc]
That means *LESS* than 500 pts w Servants.

QuestS R a *HUGE HUGE HUGE*  part of what makes   "Loan Quest"  so difficult    (so if there's an easier legit way 4 when there's *BAD LUCK* I wanna know about it!  LOL)     [Fighting/DRs don't help much if at all here]

The other Guy can keep his Crazy Ways-----I'm going w my XP + your Advice:     (Upgrading GOOD) 

BTW bell?  anyway  can B crafted  (have used b4)    & rarely/never on sale---helps w SPEED-----so one more reason to upgrade.

"What about the "Attendant" class? "

Never used them for now because other classes gives much needed stats.

If you want to heal with a mage/healer you need high wits, a staff is accessory and more suited for magical attack.

If you have troubles with Med quests simply stick with the Easy ones, it requires way less and more common things..

"Servants---Actually,  that's not true. "

You're wrong, it has been changed in this version, in my save you can see that I don't have 500 rep with them but I already have a guild supporting me. So Yeah only 2 guilds to please.

"QuestS R a *HUGE HUGE HUGE*  part of what makes   "Loan Quest"  so difficult    (so if there's an easier legit way 4 when there's *BAD LUCK* I wanna know about it!  LOL)     [Fighting/DRs don't help much if at all here]"

As I said stick with the easy ones, it's enough to attain the 500 REP with those alone.

"The other Guy can keep his Crazy Ways-----I'm going w my XP + your Advice:     (Upgrading GOOD) "

I hope you are not referring to me? I made a full detailed run with saves at disposal to prove what I said is true, I even made it harder for me and I was still able to proceed to the elections easily.  You have all the keys to have successful runs now.

Pic is just for you!  

[Workers:  722, Servants:  616,   Mages 774]   ----By  D17!    [B4 Noon]



(maybe ambergrain can comment?)    IDK  what the EXACT Req are,   but Servant support is *NOT*,  repeat,  *NOT*  FREE.   [should I post a pic to prove this?]    I INSIST.   In above pic,  (ck  #'s )  got 616 Servant support.    Even if you side w them  (100 pts)  *STILL* not free.  

2 things--  *VASTLY* different  from your suggestions   [glad I started this thread,  learned a *LOT !   (52 days ago) ]   that I've been doing a LOT, & that used in above run to get that  [Could *EASILY* finish Loan Q b4 D21!] : 

1)  UPGRADES.   Like someone else suggested:   [beyond the obvious   Rms 1] .. the first levels of forge, tailor, and alchemy done,  (Note:   "Forge Tools" upgrade is ridiculously expensive,   *MUCH* better IMHO  to get Tailer   (lvl 2?)    & then  *CRAFTSMAN SUIT*   [also 25% Upgrade Bonus *PLUS* 25% to Cook/Smith/Tailer/Alch]

2) MEDIUM Quests.    (another repeated suggestion.  )        Actually,    It's   Fighters---Easy,   Rest:   Med.  
Fighter's Med often =   "Ancient Jungles",  another impossible Quest (early on)----even you with all you extra classes don't do that right?
BTW Med Quest often require items which Req *MULTIPLE* Upgrades.     (for better or worse)   *NOT*  easy,------but not impossible.    (sometimes not possible in the given timeframe [7 days] , & so much skip/cancel.

W/o *BOTH* of those things,   such runs just aren't possible!      [confirmed from others when I've got details]    Your [Hooker] run:     Finish D28----& STILL PD greedy Bank!

YES,  my MC Master only has 3 classes.     (using "Longer Shifts" helps to rush upgrades)  ----but he can use Med Armor,  [easy 2 craft w current upgrades] & has Mythril sword---43   ATK  ----with a "+ 10"  hit bonus.  (& Phy 115)  When properly "dressed"  ;-)  can handle any Easy Quest,  & most Med   (EXCEPT AJ!)   Dungeons.  

Where your Time,  Gold, & Resources go are *HUGE* factors   ----making good armor  (buying mostly matter of "luck",  even if lots gold; *PLUS*,   No Elf Cap = 1 less shop,   so more difficult to find some things)    is one good example,   & for a decent team you'll need 2x6=12 Outfits.    No armor or even just "cloth"  often means die fast!     (even against Rebels) 

As you've said yourself,  (somewhere?)  the fun comes *AFTER* "end of LoanQuest"-----Plus,   once Time Pressure is off,   if you want/need to, you can get more classes.     [Generally I find good ARMOR *MUCH* more beneficial than tons of classes!] 

Oh,   Sidenote:    Current runs,  Including this one,  R 1)   to test out Alchemy,   & 2)  To try to narrow down /repeat  "screen/Location" bug.
But I use many things learned from advice in this (now LONG lol!)  Thread.  

(3 edits)

I guess you didn't saw my 2nd run with saves where I finished by D23? the run went way easier when I played  as I liked. The run when I finished by D28 was with HANDICAPS to prove you it was feasible.

"Ancient Jungles even you with all you extra classes don't do that right?"

Actually I could (done that in my 2nd run) but it's extra work when under equipped, still managed to finish it.

With all my classes, 92 EVA enemies are not a problem contrary to you it seems. And I'm still under equipped which means with good items (which will arrive easily) it will be a piece of cake.

Even with just clothes I'm doing fine, I don't die. You saw yourself, half of my 'military' don't have armor and did fine.

Tons of classes gives Tons of useful skills too... make life easier in dungeons you know.

PS: Congrats on your successful run! It seems you found your own way to play the game.

Edit2: W/o *BOTH* of those things,   such runs just aren't possible!      [confirmed from others when I've got details]    Your [Hooker] run:     Finish D28----& STILL PD greedy Bank!

Again look at my 2nd run. Without both of  those things I did it before D28 and hence did not pay the bank the 3k gold. So yeah I must be a good player after all if others thinks it's impossible without those things.

2nd run saves (not day by day) :

Edit3 : quoting myself so you won't have to dig the post

I did encounter some bandits with the nimble and precision trait early on D3 or D4, my squad miss a few hits but I was able to kill them, not an impossible foe to kill imho. I must say when I play normally I steam rolled them. Later (around D15?)  I even encountered someone with 90 EVA, 3 mages attacking him and he met his end.

Finished the Loan Quest on D23 and had already 3.3K in gold + materials from dungeons. 

Regarding incomes my best hooker was earning 204 gold/day and she could be trained to earn way more ( the cap is 210 in CHA and she is at  134). The 2nd gave 174 gold/day. For the most part I had only 2 hookers. The last 2 slaves were bought specifically for assignment quests.

Concerning dungeons, by the beginning of the 2nd week I can steamroll all the easy ones and potentially do at least 2 per day (if I don't loot but I do loot the area). For 100 gold they are worth it, I obtained great loot in there (staves, armor some made from adamantine and obsidian too, raw materials) By looting the dungeons I could if I wanted build some mansion upgrades without having to buy them in the shop.

I did all the easy quests on the notice board, no MED quests so yeah quite accessible.

I'm repeating myself here but I don't see what prevent you from having successful runs. It's all about time/resource management.

OK, here we go:

MC: Nereid Hunter. 4 PHY, 4 CHR 5 SEX.  Sex trait: desired.  Likes fish hates whatever.

Day 1: Side with Workers and recruit: Orc Worker, PEON(this is important). 5 GRO, 5 PHY, 4 WIT, 4 CHR, 2 SEX. Sex trait: curious. Likes Fish hates whatever.  Date Orc and train PHY then sex Orc and try to maximize Orc orgasms. Use social skills to up obedience.  Set MC to fish then send Orc to the closest place that has wood, equip workers outfit and axe and set orc to gather rough wood.  Advance time until there is just enough time to bring the orc home then check the shop and buy enough rough wood to make 30 total.  It's no big deal if you have to wait a day to buy the wood but we want to start the tailor on day 3.  You'll also want to secure 5 cloth and 10 health crystals so check the shop daily until you have them. Accept any guild quests and finish any that can be easily finished with shop purchases. Bring the Orc home.

Day 2:  Same as Day one except gather/buy stone until you have 25 then immediately switch MC to upgrading and start tailor.  Remember to use all social skills on Orc including lust relief for xp.

Day 3-14:  Start as normal but send Orc to nearest iron wood site.  They will be gathering iron wood without returning until you have 15.  Once you have 15 iron wood bring orc home to finish upgrading then build a bow using iron wood for both parts then some bandages. At your first level take attendant then archer for your second.  Remember to date sex and social every day you can(you will probably miss a day while gathering iron wood).  You should be done around day 8 at which point you are ready to start solo clearing dungeons with your orc. Finish any combat quests first(remember to use lust relief option 4 now and equip that bow!) then start spamming bandit dens.  After the first dungeon run you should be able to get fighter, berserker, and thief.  You get a free slave at the end of each bandit  dungeon which you will sell unless they are a human with average or better growth either no class or one or more of the following: worker, harlot, watch dog or trainer.  Harlot is optional, really only for the reward with sex skill, but you are looking to recruit 2 humans and get the other 3 skills + foreman eventually on them.  You can use your orc to power level them and MC to build their stats with dates. Gather wood, stone, and iron from the ends of dungeons until you can make a lvl 1 forge then upgrade using your MC. Move MC to fishing whenever they aren't crafting or upgrading.  When you have your production team ready to go send them to a location with mithril and ancient bones and have them each gather one of those. Use watchdog skills to keep obeddiance up and discipline from trainer every day.  Harlots can use reward with sex as available to increase xp gain.

From here on out the game should be pretty easy.  Earthshatter from berserker will demolish  low level dungeons.  Attendant will allow you to heal without using an action as long as you have health crystals and top off with bandages between fights.  I can't stress the importance of attendant enough, the action economy means you don't have to stop killing to heal and bandages scale with your hp rather than matk.  The income from dungeons should more than pay off the bank even if you never touch the main quest and the ability to produce high quality tools from mithril and ancient bones should kick your economy into gear.

Hi  Timm

Hey,  2 things important & didn't see either mentioned:  
1)  Upgrades:    What did you do,  & when?     [was forge your only one?    etc]
2)   QUESTS.       Since the Greedy Bank comes   frequently, pays to get MAX Guild pts &  END the "Loan Quest"  ASAP! 
Did you do Med,  or only Easy?    When did you finish the "Loan Quest"   [get 500+ pts 3 or more factions] ?

I've done the "fish run"   also---a little harder since he restricted slots @ Man,   but not impossible.
Workers gives free Worker's Outfit---very useful.  (& worth 300 alone!)

PS   Earthshatter's  *GREAT* reason to use Orcs!   [alas   (see my posts on  5.4/bugs)    had *MAJOR* bug last Orc run,  & no recent save.  :-(  ]

Upgrade path was tailor 1 > forge 1. Of course the guide above only covered the first 10 days and involved no main quest beyond siding with workers.  I had 5k gold by day 10 without selling any of my fish so wasn't worried about the bank at all.  After that point I would typically move fighter and worker up to medium to get the second quests asap but I mostly only care about the guild quests to get the classes from fighter and worker guild shops.  If you want to start the elections quickly I suggest moving workers and mages to medium on day 1 and be sure to abandon any unfinished quests on day 6.  If you have ongoing quests you won't get new ones for that guild when the new week comes.  As a variant you can run a fairy mage as your dungeon clearer.  In this case you don't need upgrades at all, just side with mages and equip the staff they give you. Once you get attendant, apprentice, and druid you should be able to finish trouble solving quests and clear bandit dens allowing you to finish all week one quests before week two.  For the mage support quest if your MC has the apprentice class you can bully the sister into just giving you the books.  I've done full story clears as well as full loan payment clears but I don't think I ever did elections before the second payment.  It isn't possible without moving to medium quests and that can be very rng dependent if you can't get a strong combat character up fast.