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Very enjoyable game. The graphics are very charming and the music was quite enjoyable!

Once I got a handle on the gameplay, the biggest issue I had was, given how little time we have to start off with and how little we’re given for making drinks, it just feels a little unfair to be loosing 4 or 5 seconds just waiting for the next customer. Perhaps adjust it so the timer pauses after each order and only starts again when the next customer appears, perhaps. Or, I could just be really bad at the game, lol.

This is a wonderfully made game!

I’m really glad you liked it! This was the first game ever for the artist and the music was just ridiculous.

Yeah I think after the jam is done we’ll tweak the timings on the drink bonuses and the delay between customers. Definitely shouldn’t feel like an unfair loss.

Thanks for the feedback and thanks for playing!