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A member registered Jan 07, 2018 · View creator page →

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Great start to this game! All of the existing mechanics feel solidly built, and the game was enjoyable to play.

It may be due to how early in development the game is, but I kinda wished there was a little bit of a guide for what I should be focusing on in the crafting system. There are so many options and there’s nothing that really suggests what I should be kinda focusing on first.

Additionally, I kinda wished there were more ways to get resources. The resource piles are few and far between and, as far as I recall, every single one was camped by a monster. Generally not a huge deal, but by the time it even clicked with me that I needed a fire to cook some of the meat I had, my health was so low, I died in my quest to find a single log… in a forest… with an axe in my hand.

A minor nitpick is that I couldn’t close the inventory/crafting windows with the ESC key. Every time I wanted to close those windows I had an instinctual desire to hit the ESC key to close the window.

While I only got to level a couple times, I was quite happy that the skill point spends did feel like they made my character just that much stronger!

Over all, this is a really awesome start! I look forward to seeing how this game progresses!

Thank you very much for playing the game! I greatly appreciate it! I noticed the issues with the pickups able to fall into the walls of the cabin, but, sadly I noticed it too late to do anything about it before jam.

There is an end game. You need only survive for 3 full day cycles, then Santa will land behind the cabin. If you interact with Santa, you win the game :)

Good luck if you attempt another run, and, either way, thank you again for playing!!

Thank you very much for playing! Well… the firepit will always slowly loose heat, but the cabin will freeze much faster if there’s any opening to the outside… a broken window, or an open door (I did forget to mention the door in my guide). Make sure to close the door when you enter and exit the cabin. Leaving it open will cause the fire to die just like a broken window.

Also, yeah, I noticed the bug with the items going through the cabin walls much too late in development for me to get to fixing it :(

Again, thank you very much for playing, and good luck if you give the game another try!

Thank you very much for playing, and congratulations for avoiding Krampus :D !!

This one is hard. On one hand, the controls feel very good and the ice jumping is kinda addicting. On the other hand, the enemies didn’t feel particularly threatening, there was no end to the level (that I could sus out), and… well, a lot of the graphics (sprites and platforms) were constantly glitching horribly. They only ever seems to work while the summoned ice walls were on screen. Once they were gone, the platforms and character graphics would just glitch out!

I did get a vibe of Hollow Knight from this game, it was just a shame a didn’t get to experience a clean game. Not sure if the graphic issues were just me, however.

If you’re interested, here’s a recent stream I had of the game.

I generally enjoy these types of puzzle games and this one was no exception! The idea of freezing the water to allow the little character to unite with their friend is cool and, honestly, I was rather impressed with the AI’s ability to handle the weird shapes that came from freezing the water!

I have to admit, though, I was very stumped with the puzzle involving the three pits and the three candles. I, sadly, didn’t solve that one.

Wonderful job! If you’re interested, here’s a link to a recent playthough I had of your game!

Very cool game with a fun premise! The graphics were nice, and I really liked the people sprites (including the player). I thought it was very clever how the game information was presented as billboards in the world.

There are a couple critiques I have, however. There doesn’t seem to be enough camp fires! This could definitely be a “me” problem, but, I either had to find my way back to the original starting camp fire, or, maybe if I was really lucky, I would stumble across another camp fire. They just felt very hard to come by, even when I knew I needed one.

Additionally, I think the wolves should be scared away by a lit camp fire, otherwise, there’s not much I, as the player, can do when a wolf spots me but run… and it takes a while to shake off a wolf, all the while I’m getting colder.

Over all, excellent game! If you’re interested, I played your game on a recent stream!

I thought this was a very entertaining, simple game! I was confused at the start, but generally figured out the rules quickly enough. Each entity had a nice, distinct rule to them and the beastiary was a cool addition!

Speaking of the beastiary, I think there’s a bug unlocking the white entity (was it called Bill?) I was caught by that guy a couple times before it’s mechanic clicked with me, but the beastiary entry never unlocked.

Another small mechanically thing that irked me a little was the plant entity. Mechanically it does what it says on the tin, but I felt that this entity should, maybe, give the player a very moments (half a second maybe?) after the bubbles appear in order to react. There were a couple times where I was just shy of clearing the plant, then I was dead the moment the bubbles started. Just a little (very tiny) grace period between the bubbles starting and them killing the player would reduce the frustration with it.

Over all, I really liked this game! Very well done! If you’re interested, I played this game on my stream the other day.

Lol, fair enough. Thank you very much for playing, and for joining the stream!!

Very nice game with a fun mechanic! Congratulations, again, for completing your first game! This is a great first game!

I thought it was really clever that the lazers themselves become platforms when time is frozen. Made for fun (even if frustratingly fun) levels!

My only real critiques about the game is it felt a little clunky to have to actively unlock the button and click it again to freeze the lazers. Perhaps the button could just detect that the player picked up the key and just freeze the lazers right away. Another little thing was, while the game controlled very well, for some reason, the character felt a bit floaty to me. Not horrendously so, but it was there, for me.

Over all, excellent game! Well done! Here’s a link to my playthrough of the game!

I don’t want to criticize too harshly, as “WIP” is in the title. The Aesthetics of the game are quite nice. The opening does capture that freezing cold environment really well, and the title drop was fun!

The character moves so very slow, though, and the timer does not help matters, in my opinion. Additionally, most of the few scenes that I encountered were straight on side perspectives, so, having the player be able to move (especially in the ice bridge area) was frustrating given the time limitations.

In addition, there doesn’t seem to be a game reset when you fail. I had to close and re-open the web page and allow the game to load again to give it a second try.

Over all, there felt like there was so much missing that it was hard to engage.

I did stream the few attempts I made with the game here.

Very fun game! The movement of both the player and the puck felt spot on to me, and it was satisfying killing multiple zombies in a single hit!

It felt like the hitbox for the zombie or the player is too big. There were a few times I felt I had enough space to slide through, but was caught. Additionally, I’m not a fan of sudden-spawned ambushes. It’s one of those kinda game tricks that can mess with a player (especially on a first run) regardless of their actually skills simply because there’s no way to see it coming. That said, though, these criticisms could be a e thing.

Again, very good game! If you’re interested in a revisit, here’s a link to my playthrough!

This was an amazing game! The slow pixel art style is very appealing to me. The game plays wonderfully, and sounds really nice! I’m hard pressed to think of anything to critique about the game, so I will not try. Excellent work!

Here’s a link to my playthrough, if you want to revisit :D

I thought the character designs in this game were really nice, and the music is definitely engaging! The level was very bare bones for its size, however. In addition, the robots are very easy to avoid, and, in most cases, I rarely felt I needed to actively avoid them. The invisibility mechanic is a fun little idea, but the “FM” meter going down by simply walking kinda feels unfair as invisibility is literally my only defense. At one point I was spotted by a couple bots who were so fast (as fast as the player character?) I didn’t really feel I had the time to stop to let the FM meter fill in order to go invisible. Over all, as I said, I liked the character/bot art style, and the sound and music were very good! The game, over all, works as intended, which is excellent, but I just felt the level design was very very sparse, the enemies were rarely a threat, and, when they were a threat, I felt very defenseless.

If you’re interested, I streamed my play through here.

Thank you very much! I greatly appreciate your time in my streams and I hope you enjoyed the game even a little.

The presentation for this game is really nice. I really liked the monster building system. Lots of options even to start, and the assembled monsters with there parts were really well made! I did like the semi-chess-esk movement and attack style of the battles, though, I think I encountered a bug where one of my monsters had both a -3 attack and -3 movement and was effectively useless, but when I looked at that monster again in the monster editor, their stats were much higher.

Over all, solid game! Very nicely done! If you’re interested, here’s a link to my stream of the game to terrify you this Halloween season!.

A solid little go at a 90s Doom-ish FSP. It’s definitely feeling to not be able to look up and down, lol! Even when I play classic Doom via GZDoom, I feel I need to turn up/down look on.

I thought the environment and monster design was quite creepy and I liked that you used weapon/monster sprites instead of 3D models!

I felt the environments were a little too dark/foggy. A lot of the time it felt as if I needed to hug the walls just to know where I am, and not really in a good way… and that was before I even came across the extra foggy rooms. I think there was way too much, even for a horror game.

As for the monsters… they work well, but are pretty easy to beat, even without a gun.

Over all, I think this was a solid entry! Here’s a link to my stream of this game, if you’re interested.

Up front, I did not finish the entirety of the story, but, for the first two nights worth that I did play, I thought the game’s writing and presentation were very nicely done. Some sound would have definitely helped elevate this entry a little more, but the story (as much as I was able to get through) seems pretty good.

If you’re interested, here’s a link to my stream of this game, and the horror that is my voice.

A rather nice entry. I didn’t quite get the feeling of being in a mansion, particularly, but the presentation felt well done. I managed to find the Good ending… which felt good… though, I’m not sure how I would have encountered the other endings.

Over all, this was a nice simple entry and charm! Excellent work! Here is a link to me playing this game on a recent stream of mine… just to add horror to your Halloween season :D

I had quite a bit of fun with this game! Simple game idea executed marvelously, in my opinion! If I was to critique anything, it may be that the book sometimes felt like it was held out a bit far. Maybe this was part of the plan… have the book fall out of the player’s hand if they take corners too quickly? It just felt a little odd, but, over all nothing serious.

The ghost effect was great, both visually and in operation!

Wonderful entry you have here! Here’s a link to me streaming this game recently!

The visuals and sound design were really nice! I love the shader effects being used! The monster designs were really excellent and I loved how the skeleton monster’s eyes glowed in the distance.

I thought the controls mostly felt decent. Functionally, they were spot on with nice smooth animations, however, on a personal level, I really did not like the turn-and-move of the A,S,D keys. There were a lot of points I I pressed those keys expecting to strafe, but got turned around unexpectedly. Honestly, there’s nothing wrong with the action, themselves, it was more I didn’t like that particular style of movement. Perhaps an option to turn and move or just move.

Wasn’t totally sure what the point of the game was. I assumed it has something to do with finding the exit, but nothing is really explained in game or on the games page. There were walls with holes in the corner that, I think, might have been secret doors or breakable walls, not never figured them out. The Eye monster kept killing me before I realized I was supposed to close my eyes to get rid of it, and, even after I did figure it out, it feels like it takes quite a significant period of time for the Eye to give up… which lead to several deaths as other monsters kept attacking me while the Eye had me stuck! One last issue I had with the Eye is that it often seemed to just suddenly appear, instead of me getting too close.

Over all, I felt that most of my failures while playing had more to do with pure RNG than it did with my skill (or lack there-of) with the game. Like, Eyes require you to close yours. You need the knife (oh, BTW, there is a knife) to kill the Skeletons. We have ghosts that you can’t(??) kill. You need the torch (oh, BTW, there’s a torch too!) to (I think) go down dark passages. There’s just quite a bit that’s not explained. Mystery can be really fun in a game, but not explaining the core mechanics anywhere (except movement and closing one’s eyes) can lead to quite a bit of frustration.

I am not trying to bash the work done here. The visual and audio presentation is wonderful! The game mechanically plays great (even if I may have disagreed with the how some of the movement was executed)! The monsters (from the rules I gleaned) all seem unique and function very well! This is all excellent work! I just feel the lack of communicating some of these system (especially with the monsters) lead to (my) frustration with the game.

If you’re interested, here’s a link to my stream of the game.

Thank you very much for playing! I’m sorry about the mouse sensitivity settings. You’re not alone with that issue, though. I’ll have to dig in and find out what I messed up there. Again, thank you very much for playing, I appreciate it!

I’ve really glad you enjoyed yourself and thank you very much for playing our game!!

Yeah, there were a number of rough patches in the game. Had we the time, I definitely would have gone over some of them to clean them up. Of specific note, lol, I forgot to “kill” the player if they wandered too far from the motel. Glad the clown was able to keep you company while you explored the very roughly sculpted in mountain side!

Again, thank you very much for playing!! We greatly appreciate it!

Oh man… I really think this game could be a great, creepy time! I love the art and the sounds! The small number of interactions I found were fun. The little stories you interact with, I think, are a great game play mechanic.

That said, there were things I either didn’t understand, or were potentially bugged, which took away from my totally enjoying this game.

My biggest issue is, whatever is going on in the office/station itself, is still active when interacting with the tasks. In both my attempts at playing the game, I died (by my neighbor?) both times after finishing the second task. I never understood what killed me.

I heard/saw my window being broken, and the creepy shadow fellow in the darkness beyond that window (which I shot a couple times). Never-the-less something still killed me. Was I supposed to fix the window somehow?

Again, aesthetically, I think this game looks and sounds great with game play systems that feel like they’d add a wonderful horror/suspense element to the game, but the latter systems don’t seem to work (or I failed to realize what I was supposed to to).

If you’re interested in watching a strange internet fellow play your game, here’s a link to my stream of this game.

For such a simple concept this is a very very well executed game right here! Your monster scared the shiz out of me, not once, but at least three or more times! That’s some excellent execution!

My biggest issues with the game were… Currently, when the torch goes out, the player has a chance of being left in total darkness. This would be fine if this meant instant death for the player, but I had a run where my torch went completely out, yet the monsters never came for me (probably ran far enough away from them). This would have been fine if I has just enough ambient light to kinda make out the scene to some kind of navigation, but I was utterly blind, which kinda sucked. So, again, if the torch goes out completely, either the monsters should instantly kill the player, or the player should have just enough ambient light to navigate, but without protection from the monsters if they stumble across one in the dark.

I feel the stamina meter should only dictate if and for how long you can run. I don’t think your walking speed should be effected by the stamina meter. I’m sure this could be debated, though.

Over all, excellently made game! Wonderful job! And if you want the treat of watching this internet weirdo get jump scared by your creepy ass monsters, here’s the link to my stream of your game!

Hey… just want to clarify a typo in my comment… I meant to say “Not UNenjoyably do…”. That is to say, I did enjoy the dialog, even if it sounded clunky at times.


The idea for this game is amusing. You’re having a spooky party and everyone, including a killer, wants to come in. Sadly I think I might not be very good at these types of games.

Some things that confused me… The doorbell system has two buttons at the bottom. An up arrow and down arrow. Clicking these seemed to change a channel, but, I wasn’t exactly sure if I should have been doing so, or what I was looking for if I did. The description said something about breathing (which I think I came across a couple times), but, if I heard breathing, it was right away, without having to use the arrow keys. I didn’t know what I was supposed to do here.

When interacting with the door, I wasn’t sure if there was something visual I was supposed to look out for. Half the time, if the murderer was out there, they’d kill me before I even got to talk to them. Other times they’d kill me after the dialog. I never really figured out when one murder happened over the other.

The font used for the dialog was, for me, hard to read at times. A simpler, less styled font would have gone a long away to making the game easier to read.

Over all, I think there a good game in here, but I was having difficulties with it, and I’m not sure how much of the problems I had were my own inabilities, vs possible game bugs.

Here’s a link to me streaming the game recently, if you’re interested in such horrors. :)

I could definitely see the potential in this game! A sort of Wario Ware meets Saw kind of party game! Pretty damn cool. The low rez video at the start really adds, in my mind, to the over all feel of the game. The character graphics were well done and the dialog was decently voice acted!

Sadly, the mini-game brought it down. To be fair, this is mentioned in the description, but, still. The beating heart(s) challenges specifically… I know these kinds of games are supposed to be very short, but 5 seconds seems quite short to find one heart, let alone 2 or more.

Additionally, there is a lot of effort in the opening dialog discussing these fate cards, which, according to the dialog, come into play when one fails a challenge. Yet, when I failed a challenge, the game just instantly killed me. No dismemberment, and no fate card being chosen or played. I suspect it was a game play feature that got cut for time (which is a shame, as it felt like it could be a really cool system).

Over all, I feel this game could be really awesome if you can get in there and nail down the mini-games (and add more variety of them). Still, good job on what you have!

If you’re interested, here’s a link where I streamed your game!

I’ll be honest… I wasn’t totally sure what I was intended to experience in this one. I’m not familiar with the Bitsy engine. As such, I’m guessing it was geared to 8bit, classic Atari style games. If this was the point, then the graphics and sound were decent for that generation of game. It controlled well, and the little dialog messages were creepy enough.

Congratulations on getting a game released for the jam! If you are interested, here’s a link to my stream where I played your entry.

This was quite an enjoyable experience! The aesthetics… art, effects, sound… were all very much on point! If this was, indeed, based on a true story, I am fascinated to know what actually happened that night.

I will admit, however, the dialog felt a bit clunky to me at times. Not enjoyably so, but, if there was more time (or if you plan to continue with this project), another pass may be worth while.

Over all, wonderful entry for the jam, and excellent work to all involved! As I warned I would do… here’s the link to my stream of the game :D

Very cool concept! I liked the idea of playing as the ghost and scaring away ghost investigators! A really solid idea there! The controls, for the most part, worked well, and the physics seemed on par.

Over all, while it doesn’t take long to figure out what’s going on, it would have been nice if there was an explanation of what each ghost hunter did so the player knows which one is more critical to avoid (though, I got the feeling it was the camera man… that guy was on me like flies on shi..anyway…)

There were times I got the “Scare” message when I was close enough to one of the investigators, but clicking didn’t seem to do anything. It was kind-of a 50/50 shot.

It was fun, though, to keep pelting a guy with a couch until victory was had! Ha! Good times!

If you’re interested, I did stream the game recently.

I really appreciate you playing our game! Thank you very much. I’m sorry the sensitivity sliders didn’t work. Not sure if they failed to set or maybe I gave them too shallow of a sensitivity range. It’ll be something for me to look into for the next game/jam I work on.

I’m really glad you enjoyed the game! Once again, thank you very much!

Yay! Victory for scaring children! cough… I thank you very much for playing!

As far as time… there’s a clock on the wall behind the reception desk in the office. It displays the in-game time. When that strikes 6, your shift is over, for better or worse. That said, I can totally understand the clock can be easily overlooked. It did pop into my head at one point that I should put the clock in every room, and I did intend to do that, but then the idea flew out of my head with all of the other systems I was trying to get finished.

I agree with the hotspot issue. One of those short on time, issues, I’m sad to say.

Again, thank you very much for playing, and let your daughter know, there’s no such thing as clowns… cough

Thank you very much for playing! I glad you enjoyed the game!

Thank you very much for playing! We greatly appreciate it! You are definitely right about the environment. Lots more could have been added environment-wise. I can also see your point of slowing down the player movement. Would definitely add a little more tension.

Thank you, once again, for playing!! I’m glad you enjoyed it!

Thank you very much for playing our game! I’m glad you enjoyed the atmosphere :D

Thank you very much for giving our game a play! I agree the game play portion is a little light. mostly just a matter of keeping the lights on while making sure the clown stays put. Obviously there was more intended, but… Regardless, I’m glad the setting was unnerving, if nothing else impressed :)

Once again, thank you very much for playing!!

A delightful take on Pacman! Over all, the game runs very well. The graphics were nice and clean, with a fun cartoony style to them I appreciated!

Picking up items feels a little strange. As if the sound effect triggers a little late or maybe is too soft? Can’t quite put my finger on it.

The shooting of the gun and the defeat of a ghost needs some animations. As it currently stands, the ghost simply disappears (no effect, no death animation), and the gun only seems to play a sound effect. Firing and defeating a ghost should have a little more spectacle.

Also, I think there should be a greater visual effect around the ghost making them easier to spot around corners. Several times I turn a corner and the ghost is just there and I loose. That kind of death feels less like a skill issue and more like not giving the player a clue.

Over all, though… very nice interpretation of an FPS Pacman game!!

Here’s a link to my stream of the game to add to your spooky season!

I think this was a very pleasant game! While some of the graphics were a little simple, they all worked very well together. The story seemed well presented, and the mechanic of sharing your treats with your friends, while simple, was quite fun when I guessed correctly! I also like that there’s not just a type of candy they like, but bonus points for giving the specific candy!

Speaking of the candy… wonderful play on the candy names and descriptions! I enjoyed that humor quite a bit! Who don’t love Reanuts Peanuts ;)

The only real glitch I encountered (and I have not finished the game proper, to be fair) was that some conversations mixed up or down-right used the wrong portraits in the dialog. That confused me briefly at one point, but, otherwise didn’t detract much from the game!

Also, one idea I had… not that it would change the gameplay or story at all, but to add a little extra “juice” to the experience… is when Boo hovers under a lit lamp, they should be a little transparent (to remind the player Boo is actually a ghost). Nothing major… just a little sight gag!

Still, very nice work to all on the team!!

Here’s a link to my stream of the game… my little trick of treat of the season :D

Over all, I think this is a decent puzzle game. I think the aesthetics work very nicely, and the sound design was good.

That said, The instructions were not entirely clear for me. The part about “If the anomaly is removed I should try sleeping again.” suggested to me that I should remove the anomalies before sleeping, which isn’t the case and threw me off for a little.

I will admit that my confusion over the detection tools on the left and removal tools on the right was partly down to my mind not clicking with the statement (as in, it totally didn’t register with me through no fault of the introduction).

If you were to continue working on this project, I think an optional tutorial “level” would work very well. Basically, tell the player exactly what to press to detect the tutorial ghost, where in the journal to find the what to do about it, then exactly what tool to use to remove the ghost. Something for the smooth-brained players (such as myself) to get an active idea on what’s expected of me.

As I said in my stream, I could see this being a cozy little phone game. Chill on the couch with a phone out and just try to remove the ghosts!

Here’s a link to my stream of the game to haunt your Halloween season!