Therapist: VX/VX Ace style Reid isn't real, he can't hurt you.
VX/VX Ace style Reid:
In all seriousness, VERY good! I love the shift between RTP to something unique! The music is a very good rendition of a few MV tracks that I recognize!
Harold is a good boy and I wish to protect him but he's so dumb, man didn't even know what running was, poor lad.
Anyways, gameplay! I like the First person battle system, really added to the feel the game was trying to go for. While the idea of teaching Harold moves in battle, it got stale after a few fights but that's just me. I never felt like I was being overpowered say for maybe the end portion but I could've been underleveled or missed key skills.
There isn't much a story and that is shared with some great A dialogue! Reid is in constant suffering and Harold is having the time of his life!
One nitpick, there was a track right as Reid was transported to the other world that was kinda grating to my ears but that could just be me.
Very different from the rest of the entry, I'm very impressed! I hope to see some more in the future!