Hi! Thanks for your response.
However it seems to not work… The data.json request is working properly I have access to the game_id however the /game/ request do not give the informations that you gave:
"game": {
"p_osx": true,
"id": 28768,
"published_at": "2015-06-21 12:11:55",
"url": "https:\\/\\/thorbjorn.itch.io\\/tiled",
"can_be_bought": true,
"p_android": false,
"p_linux": true,
"created_at": "2015-06-21 09:52:56",
"p_windows": true,
"has_demo": false,
"min_price": 0,
"title": "Tiled Map Editor",
"user": {
"display_name": "Thorbjørn",
"id": 59281,
"url": "https:\\/\\/thorbjorn.itch.io",
"cover_url": "https:\\/\\/img.itch.zone\\/aW1hZ2UyL3VzZXIvNTkyODEvMjE4NzA0LnBuZw==\\/100x100%23\\/kk5Ir6.png",
"username": "thorbjorn"
"cover_url": "https:\\/\\/img.itch.zone\\/aW1nLzI2NTU0MzAucG5n\\/315x250%23c\\/OviaCR.png",
"in_press_system": false,
"classification": "tool",
"short_text": "Free, easy to use and flexible level editor.",
"type": "default"
(I’ve tried with other games, it do not give any information about the uploads..)
and I’ve also tried your download request, and here it works I have the link. But as I said before how did you get the download id ? (the “504289” as I don’t have it in the /game/ request?)
Thanks for your help! It really helps me a lot!
Edit: And I’ve also tried to use an OAuth application api key but it do not work, so I don’t think this is the best solution (since the users would have to give their api key to the app, it’s a bit more annoying than just accepting the OAuth app..)