Fairy-----ok, [v 5.2B, SOLO]
BTW someone said some solo was harder than "Default" but I found them both about the same----since by far *MOST* of my bad luck/difficulty has been QUESTS. (Mentioned in other posts)
+ To fairy Idea! (Fairy/Cent) Free heal Helps a *LOT* w early fight/clear quests.
Now bad news:
Had got 2/3, [ok tech Xari still in prog, but just need 2 go back lol] ----*FIGHTERS* (STRIVE if you're reading this, *MOST* of my troublesome Quests R *FIGHTERS or *MAGES*; )
They wanted an ARCHER (Assignment Q)----didn't have one----so saved up & GOT ONE----& now says "YOU HAVE NO SUITABLE CHARS!"
(sorry Beran not your fault)
if it's *MY* fault & I'm messing up then I understand I need to change/try something else. But *UNLUCKY* Problems like this----make me want to give up this whole thing Entirely!
[BTW, D20, so *REALLY* need to clear this one so can get another one]