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(2 edits) (+1)

Let's just get this out there right off the bat, I really don't like horror games, period. However, that doesn't mean I won't be able to make an objective judgement on horror games. We cool on that? Alright let's get into the review:

I like the inclusion of extra sound options like the mixer (Tony's Plugin?) Raising the low frequencies sounds cool with this edgy title screen music. I'm sure I'll regret raising the volume levels and low frequencies later on (probably jump scares incoming).

Obviously, if I walked into an amusement park and everything went dark and a dead body appeared on the floor... I would just leave.(And call for help) This game doesn't let me immediately leave the park at the beginning of the game. 0/10.(This is a joke, not your score lol)

I like that you gave two light sources to the player right of the bat. The circle radius light and the flashlight. Most of the time these games are too dark.

Good idea with applying a pixi filter to the screen when the player is actively being chased. It's a good que to the player that it's time to hide.

The menu has been simplified and I think it looks clean. The busts are cute and look good. Well done.

I appreciate that not everything is an instant death, like drinking the mysterious liquid. Instead you will suffer HP loss and depending on your current HP it may or may not be an instant game over. This is a much better way to make these horror style games and it still requires trial and error, but gives some room for learning and you end up wasting less time in the menus, saving and loading. Good stuff.

The maps are small and the tilesets used are really good, I'm sure it would be easier to find flaws if everything wasn't so dark, but at the same time I think you're providing enough light in the scenes most of the time. 

The blood fountain's collision is messed up , It lets you walk on top of it instead of behind it.

There are too many events that say "Nothing Interesting." This doesn't mean that there are not enough events, it just means that you're wasting everyone time. If there's nothing interesting then you don't need an event saying that there's nothing interesting. Just eliminate the extra show text padding by remove the event.

Legit got scared when being chased after finding the hall of mirror key, good timing on those chase events. Damn you!

The dragon map looks a little off, It's easy to fix by removing a few tiles. Also the lighting isn't set and I can tell this is where you ran out of time on the entry.

I felt like the ending was missing a scene or two. The last show text thing was just an odd place to roll the credits. Anyway, this was a decent and short horror RPG Maker game. Like I've stated earlier, it's not my type of game and I really didn't enjoy it, however I think it was decently made and with the exception of a few instances, I felt it had good pacing. Unfortunately most of these types of games are just backtracking over the same maps trying to find the switch to flip. Not fun gameplay to me, but there is an audience for this kind of stuff.

The story is dark and demented and I didn't really like it, but I'm just one person. I think you put together a good entry into the game jam so congratulations. I'm sure you've got 100 more demented stories to tell as I know you've already made a bunch of games, so I expect to see more from you in the future of course. 

Thank you for all the feedback!

About the dragon room, yeah I am not entirely happy about that room. I was going to make light effects but then thought that it may make the puzzle harder to see, I may have to think of a way to really make this make sense and still look good.

I'm sorry that you didn't like the game.