So, the music is repetitive, the rpg is OP, and the enemies are too easy to kite. Honestly.... that's all the negatives I saw. I listened to that repetitive music with my OP rocket launcher for 43 waves, every 10 waves thinking "ok these next 10 are the last, I have to try other games today". Your game had to kill me to make me quit lol. I love the minimalist graphics, the music is nice and calming, having more songs along the same line would make it AMAZING. If I were you, and if you wanted to still work on the game of course, I'd drop the RPG and make the enemies spawn throughout the wave instead of all at once. That would tighten up the skill gap and add some variety to the list of "usable playstyles and weapons". This is a REALLY solid game, keep up the great work. I'd kill to be making games this fun when I was 13.