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For me, it was time management. Both my partner and I work fulltime, so we had limited time to work on our game jam game. On top of that, we made the decision to start a little late... All that to say, time management was going to play a very key role in the development of our game, and was not handled as well as it could have been. I spent a week after the jam's deadline polishing my game before it reached a point where I was happy with it, and I can't help thinking "could everything I did this week have been done before the deadline if I had managed my time better?" The answer is most definitely "yes".

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Oh boy, yeah time management is also a big factor. I could've done better in that sense as well. I think something to go along with that would be planning. If I had planned everything out earlier on, I could've known what I needed to spend time on instead of blindly working on mechanics which didn't make it to the final submitted version.