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Post-submission Thoughts

A topic by SmashArtist created Aug 18, 2021 Views: 422 Replies: 20
Viewing posts 1 to 11

Hey everyone!

Now that it's been a while and mostly everyone has gotten some feedback, what are some things you wish you could have done better or adjusted in your game?

Personally, I really wish I had balanced my game to be a bit harder(near the end). As I realized I had overcompensated for the difficulty my playtesters had originally dealt with. Things like gaining currency and defeating monsters became overly easy near the end, and I wish I had had the time to go back and adjust those further.

I also, of course, wish I had come across the bugs found. Many could've been easily fixed if I had found them while playtesting. Specifically one poorly implemented tutorial dialogue which will go unseen if played through normally.

If I've learned anything from this jam it's to get things at a playable state a lot earlier on so I can get it playtested more thoroughly.


Something that I wish I could have done better, is to balance the battling system, especially at the beginning.  Also to fix the many spelling and grammar errors found in the game. Lastly, I wish I thought of putting in a hint system in each town before submitting, so players have some help with direction.

Of course, noticing and fixing the 2 big progression block bugs so everyone and the judges can experience more than just one dungeon and 2 towns of the game XD

I think I was so focused on making a full game that, everything else became so minimal of a problem to me. 

Definitely gonna work on fixing all these problems plus any more after judging is complete.


There's a few things for sure. 

- Normalizing audio
- Different modes of play (easy or hard), as I want it to be challenging but I should've thought about those who want to experience the story as well
- On top of that I should've gone with my first battle balancing, it was easier for sure
- I didn't have any bugs, I'm quite thorough with testing stuff like that
- Grammar and spelling for sure, I'm a bit dumb so that stuff goes past me a lot

Otherwise I'm actually happy with what I finished as my first game. I'm going to release  a + edition after the Jam, to fix out everything I think I need to do.  


Didn't have any bugs, eh?


Did it? Nothing game breaking was in there. Unless grammar/wording and battle balancing are counted but I call those mistakes. The game itself is 100% functional outside of my general design mistakes/choices.

Submitted (3 edits)

A bug can be anything that deviates from the expected result, such as an attack that is stated to one shot a boss and doesn't.

I'd also consider the image positioning a sort of bug since it is immersion breaking.

The up arrow shows up in the first part of the game, but nothing tells the player that they can't select it or why. (In other places, it looks like the up arrow would at least tell you what is wrong). I'd consider that a bug since it should at least give you some sort of feedback, like you searched for a path, but couldn't find any or such.

Not sure if the broken drum (or the trash pile) would count as a bug that you can walk on it, but it does look weird.

Clarity (Wording) I wouldn't count as a bug, nor would I consider battle balancing. I'd consider them things to fix though. Typos I'd consider a minor bug (they aren't usually that important unless your game is story heavy).

As an aside, I'd actually recommend you check out my recent tips stream to see how I had escape sequences. It is a bit more work (if you mess up enough, you could end up with an infinite loop), but it can definitely help with your post-game stuff.


I see, also I tried it out and I defeated the boss in one hit, without doing any other attacks, just like it said which wasn't exactly what I expected but it's cool to know it's possible. The issue is now that I didn't clarify how it's possible to do so in one hit. I say this in hindsight after doing it myself. The freedom to explore options in battle is what I like and I don't want to dictate but just imply the player can do something one way or another.

I think your talking about the canister right? I did it on purpose but I can see how that is jarring. 

I'll check the stream out then. 

Submitted (2 edits)

You can look at about the 20 minute mark for when I do it with the timer item (press to cancel), and about 2:39 is when I use it for the crafting system (press to continue). You can get a bit of an idea of how you can set it up for your extras images viewer, though if that doesn't help, I could probably show a more specific use case.

Also, great party game. Take a shot of hot peppers every time I say umm.


Thanks man!


I wish I'd started implementing the battle system earlier and realised sooner that my approach to dual/triple techs wasn't working. I ended up with something vastly simpler that would have been easy to implement if I'd just done it from the start.

Having more testing time would have allowed me to catch the gamebreaking bugs near the end, and implemented more gameplay segments (which was the original plan). What I ended up submitting wasn't even close to the vision I had on day 1.

I genuinely think we'd have made it to at least round 2 if we'd had all of the story, the ending, and the proper recruitment sequences finished.

But you'll be able to play that version soon anyway as we're going to continue working on it. :)


Yeah, I definitely felt I could've worked better to give myself more testing time. I've definitely learned how valuable early testing is!

Submitted (1 edit)

In fairness, I had a few hours left at the end where I *could* have fully tested it and worked the bugs out, but my wife had carpal tunnel surgery the next morning and we figured it'd be better to have me better-rested for the drive than it would be to have a bug-free game.


Honestly, I should have made keywords noticeable instead of relying on the player to figure it out. I definitely didn't expect people to ignore the tutorials. I should also have slowed down the pacing of the game a lot (though it couldn't really be helped with the weird limitations of the jam and how my game worked).

Definitely wish I had started earlier instead of basically halfway into the jam. Jam happened at a really bad time since there was another contest I joined at the same time and some IRL stuff delayed me by a week. My artist wasn't available for the last bit of the jam, so there was some stuff that I had to drop that would have made certain things more obvious.

I do wish I had implemented the alternative way of doing crafting that I was considering and figured out a way to deal with the issues resulting from not using plugins (ie, skill/item screen returns to field after every item use. Couldn't figure out a way to get around that without using a plugin.) Also wish I had just given up on changing the battleback when I knew that it was absurdly difficult without plugins even in previous versions of the engine.

I definitely put a bit too much focus on the secret elements of the game that most people didn't encounter because they skipped those elements instead of venturing out and trying things.


I almost cried in excitement when I saw people started to play my very first game. It is an amazing experience. Thank you all for your support and encouragement!


I just wish I had dedicated more time to playtesting and balancing. It's not awful but there's definitely points that are too hard or too easy that could have easily been fixed if I just spent even 1 more day with playtesting.  


I wish I had more experience but that can change from now on.


Well, you've already gained experience from participating in the jam! I'd say finishing a game is a huge boost to experience, since you get to see the process of creating an entire product. (plus setting up it's public page!)

You're well on your way to making even better and bigger games. :D


For me, it was time management. Both my partner and I work fulltime, so we had limited time to work on our game jam game. On top of that, we made the decision to start a little late... All that to say, time management was going to play a very key role in the development of our game, and was not handled as well as it could have been. I spent a week after the jam's deadline polishing my game before it reached a point where I was happy with it, and I can't help thinking "could everything I did this week have been done before the deadline if I had managed my time better?" The answer is most definitely "yes".

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Oh boy, yeah time management is also a big factor. I could've done better in that sense as well. I think something to go along with that would be planning. If I had planned everything out earlier on, I could've known what I needed to spend time on instead of blindly working on mechanics which didn't make it to the final submitted version.


Pretty much everything for me comes down to time management. I should have spent time learning how to use MZ before starting my game. A lot of things I thought would be easy or "just like MV" proved to not be. I never figured out how to correctly do half the things I was trying to do, and instead of removing all the things that weren't working, some of them I just left because I needed those things (a purple gas overlay, a weird font, etc). I spent a lot of time trying to do parallax mapping for it not work and look ugly. And because things weren't working out and I was spending so much time trying to do things that didn't work, I got discouraged and stopped working on it off and on. I really should have spent more time writing things out on notepads when not actively at a computer working on the game. I should have managed my time better by making a schedule and sticking to it, and if something was taking too long, to just move on to doing something else. And really I should have chosen an easier idea to execute in the time given. On another note, I really need better air conditioning! If it's going to be this hot every summer from now on, I won't get any work done without serious air conditioning of some kind.


I would've started at the beginning of the jam. This extra time would've made it possible for me to add battle backgrounds, more playtesting, which would lead to more balanced combats, solve small passage bugs and translation problems...
And I wished I could make the battles more interesting. Adding new powers and giving proper recompense when powerful enemies are defeated. Working better on the Stellar Keys system to add more usable keys.
Well, that was my first complete project. Making it was one of the best experiences of my life. A lot of people actually liked it, so I hope I can do better in future versions. I'm already planning to make a last update for this prototype after the judging period ends.

Congratulations to everyone for making so far! Completing a game is a big challenge.