Boring7 [strange handle]
What VERSION? (the latest restrict fishing @ Mansion)
Tools can vary greatly in cost---but are generally cheaper than weapons.
are you doing "default" or "advanced" mode? [Default has GREEDY BANK loans, + more quest restrictions.]
ADVANCED----you can advance the plot at your own pace (as you say)
D14 is 1st payment [1k] ; D28 2nd payment [3k gold] 3rd is D50? (need to check) 10k gold, so 14,000 gold TOTAL ---which is actually quite a LOT if you're focused on doing *ANYTHING* (quests, Upgrades, etc) besides making gold 4 Greedy Bank.
This whole thread of posts is about "freezing bank loans" or "advance the plot to the election cycle" as quickly as possible!
[Literally time is GOLD here! LOL ]
I definitately concur w some: Working very hard, & then giving EVERYTHING to the bank, *SUCKS*.
[FYI the whole "BALLOON PAYMENT sys" was how *THOUSANDS* lost their homes in the RL 2008-9 Recession. ]