It was quite fun when you win the other player, but there is still lots of polish required to make the rest of the game fun.
First off, I think that the explosions need some work and the eggs should be more noticeable, because it took me a while to notice what kept killing me when I was trying out the controls. I can't remember what I did wrong, but at first I actually thought that shift was for a ghost mode (and I also thought it was called LAYAN. Yeah, I felt really stupid when I learnt that the "O" in LAY AN "O" meant egg and wasn't some kind of an emoticon :D ).
Secondly, the collisions need more work, because it was REALLY frustrating to get stuck (especially inside the spinning cross). The sliding of the characters is also frustrating because it makes it difficult to do movements that require precision (and precision is needed in many places because of the unforgiving collisions).
Also, the functions of the colored buttons are not always clear, and sometimes it takes too much time to figure out what each button does and if they are important (and in this game time is of the essence).
However, it's not all that bad. The concept is fine and the art and animations are quite charming. I also liked how the respawning mechanism was done, and the (creatively implemented) eggs could become a source of lots of fun after a bit more polish.