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A member registered Oct 09, 2016 · View creator page →

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Took me a while to complete the game. Some of those levels were quite difficult! I wonder how did you go about designing those puzzles. (I also wonder what happened to the comment that you posted on my game page. I was just about to respond to that!)

How about a new enemy type that requires red fire to kill, but grows/evolves from green fire? That would incentivise a more thoughtful approach instead of spamming.

I like the idea! For now, I feel like there should be a faster and better way to get your health back than running around avoiding enemies. The movement also needs some adjusting, because now it feels a bit too floaty.

A fun and intensive little game that feels good to play. I thought the particle effects were especially cool. Were you by any chance inspired by the risky fire spells of Warhammer Vermintide?

It's a promising concept. :)

I personally like this kind of narration, but I thought you would tell me what controls to use during the tutorial room.

What a cute little game :)

Thanks for the comment! You actually move 2 tiles horizontally, but there is a slight pause in between, which regrettably makes it seem that the controls are oversensitive. The enemies also charge 2 tiles when they are 2 tiles away.

Thanks for playing and commenting! The flames don't disappear, which makes the game constantly much harder by limiting your options. I think the best score I got was 150 (15 kills), but generally I died much sooner.

For something that seems to me like the first (or one of the first) games that you have made, it is surprisingly playable, considering it's made only in 48 hours. However, while the basic idea seems solid (the rules change along with the emotions), the execution is buggy and unbalanced. You cannot swim while blue, you cannot exit lava while not red, green is useless as you don't need to be green to survive the gas, blue is useless as you don't need to be able to stop sliding on ice to get the question marks, etc. You would do the idea a better service if you fixed all of the bugs (including the overlapping music – although it could be interpreted as something belonging to a nightmare, it's annoying), made the graphics more consistent and "focused" (e.g. perhaps smaller tile size, less "unnecessary" colors, maybe try using only the emotion colors + black, only one font, player size same as the tile size, no scaled and blurry images), made the levels utilize the different emotion states better (maybe only allow progress with a certain color(s), find novel ways to test the player, etc.), and made the theme more clear (these are emotion changes, not just different power suits the character decides to wear).

Also, it was a bit frustrating to constantly wait for the correct color to make progress. I would make the changes predictable (I think that even with non-random changes the game would still fit the theme, as the changes are still out of the player's control) and much faster so as to allow the player to progress constantly. Another possibility is to make the environment reflect the character's inner state: e.g. water turns to lava whenever the character is experiencing strong feelings associated with the color red. 

These are just my suggestions, but there are, of course, many other possibilities. Let me know if you decide to make a post-jam update with these considerations in mind. Anyways, good luck with your next project!

Something tells me our "hero" won't be allowed to sleep after what he did.

There are some funny ideas, but the execution is not that great. I almost like the art, especially the colors, and I liked the first "combat" scene. However, the humor and the narrative felt clumsy most of the time, and would have required more fleshing out, but it is hard to create a narrative-based game in such a short period of time.

Good luck with your next project!

I have gamemaker studio 2 (version but I am unable to  load the resources. What version did you use?

Thanks for the comment! As it turned out, the idea I had was not really suitable for a 48 hour project, at least not with my skill set. There indeed is potential for much, much more, and I am currently thinking of turning this into a full-fledged experience.

Thanks for playing and commenting! The grid is for selecting the target cells (of the atmosphere grid, which is the central view) for the "casting" (changing temperature, humidity and pressure of those cells you have selected), which in turn affects the wind, rain, clouds, etc.

Sorry, there wasn't time to make any of this clear.

Thanks for playing! I am fully aware that the game itself is confusing and horribly unfinished. The idea really deserves a better execution. Perhaps, in the near future, I will get on with it.

I too think that the idea is cool, but it was a bit too much for me to handle in 48 hours. Implementing the weather simulation took almost all of my time, and that's why the gameplay is lacking and the UI is confusing (and inconsistent). Not being able to read my mind doesn't make you stupid :)


Thank you! :)

Thank you for playing and commenting! That's a lot of points considering that the video showed you only how to get ten points. However, you still have to get over twice as much points to beat my record of 26540 :)

Thanks for the feedback :)

Hehe, thank you!


Thank you so much for the feedback! The first two problems were decisions made in haste, but I had no idea that the automatic target lock would cause players to miss their targets. Did the wrongly timed target switches occur whenever you approached the targets (because there is a minimum range for the executions) or also in other situations?

No problem! It would be fun to see the polished version!

The landscape is beautiful and the characters are charming. I really liked the atmosphere, but the lackluster gameplay gave me no reason to continue playi... wait what? Online highscores? Never mind!

It was quite fun when you win the other player, but there is still lots of polish required to make the rest of the game fun.

First off, I think that the explosions need some work and the eggs should be more noticeable, because it took me a while to notice what kept killing me when I was trying out the controls. I can't remember what I did wrong, but at first I actually thought that shift was for a ghost mode (and I also thought it was called LAYAN. Yeah, I felt really stupid when I learnt that the "O" in LAY AN "O" meant egg and wasn't some kind of an emoticon :D ). 

Secondly, the collisions need more work, because it was REALLY frustrating to get stuck (especially inside the spinning cross). The sliding of the characters is also frustrating because it makes it difficult to do movements that require precision (and precision is needed in many places because of the unforgiving collisions).

Also, the functions of the colored buttons are not always clear, and sometimes it takes too much time to figure out what each button does and if they are important (and in this game time is of the essence).

However, it's not all that bad. The concept is fine and the art and animations are quite charming. I also liked how the respawning mechanism was done, and the (creatively implemented) eggs could become a source of lots of fun after a bit more polish.

The idea is nice and it was kind of fun to play "chess" without knowing what each piece does.

The sprites are alright, if only a bit rough around the edges. However, I think that the roughness also adds some character to your game, but it's just a personal preference. Maybe I would remove the most obvious signs of freehand drawing and attention-grapping pixels/sharp edges, and use some kind of engraving look/fading/hue shifting around the letters to make them look more natural (again, these are just personal preferences/ideas).

Plus, the loading times are questionable.

Wish there was more to destroy and read

I also wish that the movement was happening in real-time, because I think that it, combined with some animations, would make it more clear who is attacking what (sometimes nothing was happening on the board even though there were enemies standing before my barricades).

Anyways, the concept is really fun, and the unique art-style and ominous music make it stand out in my eyes. However, the controls need more fine-tuning, and especially cancelling the selections felt a little clunky. I feel like binding "back" to the RMB could do the trick. I also had the same problem as randomphantom whenever I tried to crush the enemies that got too close to right side of the window.

Nevertheless, you have accomplished something really cool and unique. Good job!

Making that post-jam version is a good idea, because right now it feels like a crude prototype of something much better it could become. In my opinion this game really needs some kinds of power-ups/upgrades or other clever ways to make you feel like you are progressing. Maybe somehow related to killing the smaller enemies (better upgrades through kill multipliers/drop chances/something else?), because currently there are no incentives to kill them as you can just run past them to the next doorway (those ideas are just off the top of my head).

The overall visuals are really cool, but something needs to be done to the shooting audiovisually. At the current state it just doesn't feel satisfying (imho). You should also consider making the game more fast-paced, because otherwise it can get boring faster due to the lack of content.

Wow, thank you so much for your kind words and the feedback! They mean a lot to me. And if you have any more ideas on how to improve the game, just keep 'em coming!

Thank you for your kind words!

There is a backstory, but it didn't make it to the game because of the lack of time. The company is actually getting a lot of funding for the submarine train, because it is efficient, fast and reliable way of transportation. The same technology can be also used for military purposes, and that is the real reason why the company wants to develop the technology, though the public doesn't know that. The player character knows of their plans, and he also knows that the company is the biggest military drone manufacturer. If the development continues, the company could gain control both in air and underwater. He plans to destroy the train making it look like an accident, hoping it will freak out the public and cut the funding back dramatically.

Like Hindenburg was a propaganda symbol for the Nazi-Germany, the train also has propaganda value to the company. If there was enough time to do it, the ending would have revealed that the accident dented the public image of the company, because it has put much effort in convincing everyone about the train's safety. The funders also got scared, and the future of the submarine trains became uncertain, just like the Hindenburg disaster ended the airship era.

Thanks for the review and the kind words! In my book decent is still a praise for a game made in such a short time.

I also agree with you that the ending could have been much better.

Thank you for your feedback! Did you give it another go? My friend just came across a bug that made it impossible to complete the game. He run out of inventory space before he could get an important item and he had to restart.

Thank you! Indeed, Blade Runner was one of my inspirations for the visual style! Especially the bar is heavily inspired by the noodle bar shown early in the movie.

And thanks for the feedback.  Sound effects could have really improved the game and helped the flawed ending.