I want to write a target remaining count, how to express it in the header?
Here's an exemple of what I did for one of my mission :
"Definition": {
"ContextListeners": {
"PacifiedCounter": {
"type": "objective-counter",
"header": "UI_CONTRACT_HAWK_Objective_Remaining",
"deactivate": 0
"Context": {
"Scope": "hit",
"Targets": ["5dcc84aa-0861-429d-93ad-d8f29693d5a4","d95ca795-c9c5-4e15-9f89-333caeb2d413","c7b9270b-7a28-45be-bc91-7df6bd19f9f3","121b31f5-620c-46ed-8134-c6b2e0a0258f","0e09b959-a198-4efd-b2c4-988583716dc0","d598d898-889e-4d3e-8c5d-1f310a76fc7a"],
"PacifiedCounter": 6,
"Dealt": [],
"Goal": 0,
"ForceUpdateCounters": 0
"States": {
"Start": {
"-": {
"Condition": {
"$eq": ["$.ForceUpdateCounters", 0]
"Actions": {
"$inc": "ForceUpdateCounters"
"Kill": [{
"Actions": {
"$dec": "PacifiedCounter"
"Condition": {
"$and": [{
"$inarray": {
"in": "$.Targets",
"?": {
"$eq": ["$.#", "$Value.RepositoryId"]
}, {
"$not": {
"$inarray": {
"in": "$.Dealt",
"?": {
"$eq": ["$.#", "$Value.RepositoryId"]
}, {
"Condition": {
"$eq": ["$.PacifiedCounter", "$.Goal"]
"Transition": "Success"
If it doesn't work, it might be a bug from the game itself (or maybe it just doesn't like saving for escalations). Try to restart the mission et do it without saving. I didn't touch the objectives from original escalations, just the gamechangers so I don't think it s because of me. Restart it and let me know