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HITMAN 3 Mod Framework

A tool to dynamically assemble mods to handle inter-mod dependencies and reduce conflict potential. · By onionsquid

HITMAN 3 Mod Framework incl. Offline Content comments Locked

A topic by onionsquid created May 17, 2021 Views: 4,590 Replies: 230
This topic was locked by onionsquid Nov 05, 2021

old comment section, please use separate threads for new posts

Viewing posts 1 to 51

Thanks for taking the time to  put this together! Had a chance to test it and I'm impressed by how clean everything looks and how everything is grouped together. Escalations and Elusives are properly sized and there are there additional menus for the added items.

With that said, I think Elusives should go to the right side of the screen after Escalations&Bonus missions and I think they should fall under the primary mission's header " The showstopper"in your sample image. They just look off on the left side of the screen, especially when there are lot of them. I don't know if this was a limitation you ran into when adding them to the locations menu.

Also, another thing that would be great, would be if it was possible to group escalations together by making escalations into Livetiles. Livetiles are those where multiple tiles are combined into one and you can flip through them using your mouse or keys. Currently the pack only mostly have level 3s but maybe the author would be more open to adding more if there was less clutter. I'm assuming additional metadata would be used to group them together.


The vanilla game places escalations left, without the group. That's why I added them there. I also prefer escalations neatly grouped together, even if they are based on different base missions. I agree that it initially feels a bit weird for Paris with its many ETs, but after scrolling through the menu for testing I grew to like it.

I'm open to adding an option to sort them into the regular flow, if others will not grow to like it, though.

Haven't checked out live tiles, but the menu can access metadata and it would even be possible to automatically generate that for escalations. So probably possible, but I don't know if the live tiles you refer to are working nicely this context. Might look into it.

I'm assuming by escalations you meant elusives, but yea maybe personal preference but I think it's cleaner on the right even if they're grouped together.

 I don't know if you've tried using localghost but that's a case where livetiles are used for added contracts.

Managed to get it to work but thanks. Now if we could just have livetile escalations it would be perfect. I'd prefer it to actually having a working escalation system as then you can choose what escalation level you want to play.


Contract grouping with live tiles was a good idea and is now available in 1.2, but it took way longer than I wanted to implement. I think I will have to take a break after this big update!

I decided against forcing it for all escalations, so the content pack needs to explicitly request it. I updated the unofficial pack to do so for the escalations with more than one level.

I also added an option to merge elusives into each sublocation, but you can of course keep using your approach as well. See readme for details.

Just got a chance to test it and it works great. Though you said it took longer than expected, you still managed to get it done within a day! I think this currently looks as good as it can, if you have personal preferences as to order its easy to make edits yourself. Enjoy your well earned break.

Knowing now that this is possible, another cool idea but probably even greater pain to implement is to have livetiles for items. Then you'd reduce the amount of clutter due to the variations of mks and reskins. I'd be willing to help wit the the grouping of the items if you're eventually up to it.


While likely possible for modded content, it would be very hard to get this to work for vanilla stuff without breaking compatibility, as unlocks can vary for each user and change over time.

Understandable. On a different note, I was trying to install some modded missions from a pack through the framework and I got an error for like half of them.  I moved the scoring folders so that only that content pack would be applied.

I couldn't really identify which lines were causing the issue based on the prompt but after testing I narrowed it down to the objectives section. Maybe getting these to work is more tricky because they are less traditional than other missions?

The ones that wont import are:

Sniper Assassin Hawkeaido

Target Run

Target Streak Miami

Time Trial New York


The framework requires all json files to be valid, while the game seems to tolerate some minor errors. This has nothing to do with the complexity of a contract.

As displayed in the error, the issue is a wrong character following a '\' character in line 172 of a json file. From the rest of the error, it can be derived that the json file in question is a contract file, so the culipit is in the contracts subfolder.

As you see, the framework just prints errors that occur without giving you the filename, so it could be any contract.  Try isolating each one to see which one fails, or edit by adding print(contract_definition) before line 121 and look at the last filename above the error.

I will try to remember to add support for displaying the filename when such errors occur in future versions. No promises though!

I got the files to work, it was pretty easy to isolate when just testing each file. The output is good enough.

This is pretty cool. I'll look into getting my mod to work with this as I update it. I do agree that some sections look cluttered like Paris. Im fine with leaving the elusive targets to the left but could it be possible to add another menu. Like have the elusive target section in each location that you then click on to go to chose which the ET mission. this would clean up the menu a lot. Might also be worth doing something like this for the escalations as well if possible. 


I would not mind a fork of the offline content mod that does that and might even accept a patch for an option, but I'm not interested in adding another layer myself. Most locations have much less content than Paris, so it would likely feel empty again. I like the feeling of having everything directly accessible, even in Paris.

Deleted 3 years ago


Looks like you also have another mod installed that also contains these contracts. Maybe an old version of the offline escalations mod?

Uninstall all other mods and update the framework, then try again.

this worked, thanks!

Was wondering: does the framework currently support overriding the default config for items in the game? Like if I added Perks to a gun, could I use the framework to update the REPO and avoid having to make manual edits each time the REPO is updated? I'm assuming if I just used the same Id, the framework would just add a duplicate entry but wasn't sure there was  a flag or something. Same question about the ORES file.


What context are you asking in? For python mods that is of course possible: get the REPOResource and modify its dict.

For offline content, it is better to duplicate entries and create a new item, like in the poisonous item pack. Iirc you can override complete entries by using the same id, but I would not recommend it as it might introduce incompatibilities between item packs.

Hello, could you please make an update that adds the liability berlin et???  Thank you so much.


I'm not the mod author of the mods packed in the unofficial content packs. That said, I think what you're asking for has been added to the offline elusives mod. I hope to update the unofficial content packs soonish.

Awesomeness spotted :)

Hi Onionsquid ! I hope you're doing good. I've updated my offline escalation mod. I have prepared the contracts for framework but I think I have some errors... I'm not really used to it so here's for you !

Take care !


Did you read the readme of the framework? I included a short explanation on how to set up a content pack there. Feel free to ask for clarifications if something is unclear!

There were two issues: you did not name your folders correctly, and one of your files was not valid JSON, as you had an additional closing curly bracket in an objective definition. The next version of the framework will display the filename on syntax errors, which makes these errors easier to fix.

Download the updated content pack to see my changes. Other than that, I ran everything through a formatting tool to make the files more readable, but kept your file names. File names are used for sorting in the UI and the "campaign" created for escalations: it might look better if you use  the actual names instead of codenames there in the future.

Yup I read it but I couldn't figure out what my errors were.

I just added the contracts in the folder from previous offline content pack but it didn't work. I know what I sent to you was with incorrect folder name, it was just for your update. Do you remember in what file my error was ? 

Anyway, thanks a lot for the update, it looks great !


I don't remember, but I just pushed version 1.3 which should display the filename above the error message.

(1 edit)

Hi! Many thanks for your mod framework. Here's hoping you'll be updating all unofficial packages i.e. Offline Elusives and Offline Missions Megapack to the latest versions (3.40). Keep up the great work and thanks again!


Should be updated.

Awesomeness spotted :)

Now that I understand better, I'm amazed how great your tool is really ! Really good job !

  1. hi does using this mod unlock gadgets locked by online access and does it work on 3.40


This is not a mod, but a framework to install other mods without issues. It is not limited to a single game version. In many cases, it permits you to use mods with any version of the game. There are some exceptions, most notably the offline scoring mod.

Either way: anything you unlocked online should remain accessible while you are offline, even when you use mods. Modded items added through the mod framework are automatically unlocked by the offline content mod included with the framework.

so i have to unlock the gadgets in online first than i can use them in offline  

but what if never go online does it unlock the gadgets???


If you do not ever go online you are currently limited to items that are always unlocked and items added by mods. I hope we get more of the latter in the future.

An unlocking mod for content you own could be possible, but somebody would need to figure out how to detect which items you actually own first. Doing that without enabling piracy is hard.

Hi ! Your tool is so useful I did all escalations for H3 and H2. So here's my update :

Is it okay if I put a link on nexus to download the latest update here directly when it'll be ready ? Thanks again for your work, it's so easier and faster now...


I think the right long-term way would be for you to officially publish the mod as content pack and link to the framework for people to install it. Then I can link to your mod here and stop calling your content pack "unofficial".

You can still provide rpkg files, like I currently do with the offline scoring mod. To save work, you can use the framework to build them. Remember to set your username in flags.json, though, else things might get messy if people mix your rpkg version with other mods using the mod framework.

Unrelated, but important: some of your recent additions did not have correct entitlement metadata, so they are available without purchasing the right DLCs. I'll try to fix that for the unofficial version here, but you should consider fixing it in your version as well!


Update is out now. I added entitlements, but no real changes otherwise.

I'd appreciate if you could mirror future updates somewhere without login requirement though, so that people with login issues on Nexus can still get it. ;)

That's perfect so now, my mod page on nexus will redirect people here to download our "official" escalations + offline mission pack !

Thank you for the entitlement metadata, I forgot to check them, but it's strange since it should have been on the jsons I took by default since I didn't erase them... I'll be more careful in the future, thanks again, partner !

Are there any plans to add unrestricted Carpathian Mountains like you have for Freeform Training and The Final Test?


The unrestricted versions were mainly examples for modders, but you are right: it would make sense to have unrestricted variants for other levels that have restricted loadouts as well. I'll see what I can do in the next update.

(1 edit)

I have an error with the elusive targets package, I don't know why it does this. Can you help me to make it work ?

(3 edits)

Hi Kercyx ;)

Did you try to remove all mods before install it  ?

I could install all frameworks without pb


I don't understand French so it is possible that you already got an answer, but the issue is that you have an invalid or outdated rpkg file somewhere. Most likely a different mod.

Either remove/repack the mod that causes this, or add content-pack-offline-elusives-no-undelete as true in flags.json. The latter will disable the brothers elusive.

Thanks to you both, it works now ! I was just to stupid to remove the mods before patch 100 (since it worked in the previous release)...

You're welcome bro ;) Just check my bug's report into your nexus mod (or into the offline content section here)...Apparently, Miranda Johnson's pic  bug is back again !

Yup, I saw that, I'll look into it in a few hours. Why can't things just stay the same haha

Coz things wanna makes us crazy ! 

(1 edit)


I just translated the last fr.json file into the "2 Offline content" folder of the 1.3 framework version.


Please speak English here, I don't really understand French.

You seem to have updated the french translation for the tutorial with loadout content pack, I will include it in the next update. Thanks!

(1 edit)


Yes,sorry. Was late yesterday when I wrote it and I completely forgot that I should write in English ...

I changed all my posts in English ;)

(2 edits)

HI again

Pb with Miranda Johnson's pic on Elusive Target mission briefing and 'The Lost Ark' mission briefing


Thanks for reporting, I can reproduce that. This target has backslashes in its repo entry image path, while the framework always uses slashes. I have a fix ready and will publish that the next time I do an update.

If somebody want the fix this before I get around to uploading, just add a repo folder to a content pack, containing the target's repo entry as a json file and replace the backslashes within.

I don't understand...

I checked all elusive target json files and all content are the same (all scripts are the same in regards to the backlashes).Where are the errors which refer to backlashes/slashes  ?

in the repo file in chunk0patch2, now miranda has a different path with backslashes for her pic

Thanks a lot Kercyx ! I got it ;)

the offline escalations are not working for me,i always get this error

Please delete the mode files and install it again.

It works perfectly.

i did this and still doesnt work,and i have no other mods

Delete this mode and Framework folder and start installing from scratch. Use Install instructions on this page.

I had the same problem as you and now it is solved.

There is no tutorial here on how I can install from scratch.Do you know where I can find a tutorial for it?

Install instructions

1) Delete framework folder at Hitman 3\Runtime\Framework

2) Delete all modes

3) Delete file chunk0patch100.rpkg from Hitman 3\Runtime

4) Download Mod Framework 1.3

5) Download Unofficial content pack based on Offline Elusives Ver...

6) Download Mirror: content pack for ALL OFFLINE ESCALATIONS A...

7) Download HITMAN 3 Offline Scoring Mod

8) Download HITMAN 3 Poisonous Item Pack

9) Place the framework folder at Hitman 3\Runtime\Framework

10) Optional: Copy mods that support the framework into the framework folder. Mods can consist of one or multiple folders that start with a number. You can also delete the offline content registration mod "2 Offline Content" if you don't want it.

11) Double-click on "Install or Update" / "Install or Update.bat". You should see a black window with some progress information and, if everything went well, a confirmation message.

now it gives me another error,i did exactly like you said :(


You seem to either have a broken rpkg file or a mod using an older version of rpkg.

Verify the game files using Epic games. If that does not help, test if removing other mods helps. If you tell me the name of the conflicting mod I might be able to fix this in future versions. As a workaround, a patch level above 100 might work if you patched your packagedefinition.txt.framework-original.


I made a complete new fr translation for all mods (Elusive, Escalation, Tuto and Offline Scoring)

Nice ! Be ready for all escalations in Bangkok, Colorado and Hokkaido in a few hours ! ;p

(2 edits)

Waiting for that ;) (but be careful with the new pic's bug I found)

I also tried to find a fix for the guards bug into the elusive target 'The Ex-dictator' but apparently, the files doesn't exist anymore (even if you doing the recovering)

Any ideas ?

I think the pic's bug is the same as the other one, it's in the repo, I think onionsuid will fix that in the next update.

Don't know how to "repair" the guards in the Ex-Dictator but I'll ask.

Thanks, So excited...

I'm working faster than I thought so the next update will be ALL hitman 1 escalations, releasing it this week I think


I will include it in the next releases, thanks!

There is another pic bug on the Escalations mission called 'The Szilassi Darkness 5' (121 The Szilassi Darkness 5 in Offline Escalations contracts folder).The pic error is with the character 'Sebastiano Noce'

It will be solved in my next update !

Cool ! Let me know if you want a check before to publish it ;)

Since it will be my last update (well, I'll update it with new free escalations), I'll take a look everywhere to be sure it's perfect ! But 4 eyes are always better than 2 ! Thank you

Ok : Fixed in the lastest version of your mod ;)


I'd like to translate the last tile named 'Other Contracts' into the campaigns menu but I couldn't find a translation folder.So, I tried to modify some json and make a translation folder but I failed...Could you help ?


Should go into 2 Offline Content\translations\fr.json, but I forgot to add that to releases.

You can enable automatic translation file generation by adding

"translations": true,

to flags.json, then it should get generated. Or wait for the next version of the framework.

I made it as you said : generated translations folder and modified the new fr.json.Not working.I gonna wait update I think

aaaand, here we go for all the 400 escalations from all hitman games !

I have to take a beer now...

Good Job !

I gonna test It

(and cheer !!!)

Prost !!!

(2 edits)


Ok :I've installed your mod on HITMAN 3 3.40 with Elusive Taget and I've tested all pics into all mods : Miranda Jamison's pic still missing into briefing of 'The Lost Ark' and into 'The Appraiser' elusive target.

So, I tested your mod with the only chunk0patch100.rpkg file 

-> So,coz Elusive targets are not installed, I found :

Into 'The Lost Ark' : Jimmy Chen'pic, Miranda Jamison's pic and Miranda Jamison's notebook's pic are missing.

Into 'Club Elusive' : Richard Edwensi's pic, Inez Ekwensi's pic and Wen Ts'Ai's pic are missing.

Last Point : Your mod is not compatible with the Offline Elusive Targets Nexus mod (chunk0patch59.rpkg file)


The framework version should be compatible with offline elusives from nexus.

The rpkg version is only compatible if kercyx had the offline elusive mod from nexus installed while generating the rpkg.

(1 edit)

I'm correcting the missing pics if you don't have the elusive pack. I'll send you a link to the update. I can make the elusive targets mod from nexus compatible. Would there be any way to make the same presentation for elusives than the nexus one in the campaign menu (shorter pics and with locations above) and maybe something clearer for escalations in the campaign menu too (not sure if possible to do anything there) ?

(3 edits)


I took the Elusive Targets framework pack here (like everybody do) for a best way.

I didnt get the last update of Elusive you're talking about (I made all my tests with the one of Nexus mod and the framework ver here).

Here is the corrected version (posted on nexus as well) :

It should be compatible with offline elusives from Nexus.

(2 edits)


All works prefectly

chunck0patch59.Rpkg and chunck0patch100.rpkg files only work together again.

I also installed both elusive and Offline escalations framework mods : I didn't found any pics error yet.

Congratulations and great job (seriously)  !!

You can take a deserved rest...

So cool and so glad everything worked fine so far !! Now, I'll do some more creative stuff for hitman than just porting... ;p

Oh my God, Very nice to hear that.

Thanks and Cheers!!!


Check out the new 1.4 features of the framework, I think it now covers all bases for creative stuff :)

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago
Developer (3 edits)

Great work!

It seems that again there are missing entitlements. Also, why did you add cya and ruddy image files? Are they used somewhere?

Edit: updated the content pack above without cya/ruddy and with fixes for entitlements and the missing elusive target image. Feel free to copy.

Did you consider to create a separate page for Offline Escalations? I can mirror it as-is, but the mod definitively deserves its own page under your name.

I'm really sorry, I swear I thought I checked all the escalations for these entitlements, maybe the training ones were missing ? 

And yeah, so tired I forgot to remove the pics of Kevin Rudd's missions that I added for my own pleasure, thank you for removing it, I'll update nexus too.

I think your page is the right place because I wouldn't have done it without your tool, it would have taken me years... I'm proud of our partnership on this so here is very cool to me.

New version on nexus that corrects an exit issue in Scarlett level 1 :


I updated the mirror and added custom campaign tile sizes for version 1.4 of the framework. I hope you're fine with the design change? Live tiles might cause trouble in that menu, as it is designed to showcase the order of missions in a campaign.

Thank you ! It gets better every time ! Would it be possible to put 2 rows of small pictures for escalations too in campaign (like the "other contracts" campaign) ? And maybe the same size of pictures for elusive contracts campaign than the ones in locations ? It looks so great anyway !


Yes, both is possible with ModStoryTileSize in contract json. Modders can now customize how their campaigns should look.

I already added tall tiles to elusives but forgot to upload. Will fix soon.

For escalations I think different tile sizes are nice to get blocks that only contain one escalation each, but it is your mod so feel free to change it however you like.


Content pack for offline elusives is updated with correct story tile size.

Keep getting this error.

"Something went wrong:

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "B:\Hitman 3\Runtime\Framework\tools\", line 42, in <module>


  File "B:\Hitman 3\Runtime\Framework\tools\..\2 Offline Content\", line 45, in apply_to_mod_builder


  File "B:\Hitman 3\Runtime\Framework\tools\..\2 Offline Content\contentpacks\Offline Elusives\", line 7, in prepare_pack

    ioi_hashes = m.rpkg.get_deleted_hashes(chunk, patchlevel)

  File "B:\Hitman 3\Runtime\Framework\tools\..\tools\", line 97, in get_deleted_hashes

    assert == b'2KPR'


Try these following steps :

1 - Delete packadefiintion.txt 

2 - Delete Framework folder,packagedefinition.txt ,packagedefinition.txt.framework-original file and all chunckXpatchX files that you'll find after all chunckXpatch2 files.

3 - check that u must have only chunckXpatch0, chunckXpatch1 & chunchXpatch2 files into your runtime folder.

4 - Download this package

5 - Unzip it then copy all in runtime folder into your runtime game folder. Run unstall.bat into framework folder ;)

(1 edit)

Still the same error

Nah hold i think it does. Thanks anyway.

Maybe files are corrupted.

Reinstall til 3.40 and try again


This error is most likely caused by the framework choking on a mod using an unexpected rpkg file format. Version 1.4 should skip files on errors, so this error should no longer occur?

It still can't hurt to verify your game files just in case.


I made a new fr package for your updated version of framework 1.4

But,when I install it with all other mod (Offline Elusive, Offlinbe Escaltion, Offline Scoring) the translation stay in english (menus,texts,destination,...all  stay in english)

Here the complete translated 1.4 package I used :

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks! You should delete the tutorial with loadout content pack, that moved into Unrestricted Loadouts.  If you want to translate that or my poisonous item pack as well, just send me updated files.

There is indeed a bug that prevents translation files from being correctly generated, will be fixed very soon fixed in 1.4.1.

(3 edits)

Complete new FR translation pack (with 'bad' translations corrected), inluding :

Mod framework 1.4.1

Offline Elusives

All Offline Escalations

Poisonous Item Pack

Unrestricted Loadouts

Offline Scoring


Thanks, will include them in the next updates!

(2 edits)

Sorry but I modified 1 text in Unrestricted Loadouts (more adapted to the title).I already updated the link but don't forget to change the fr.json file into your next update if you didn't yet (with apologizes)


no problem, got it.

Question.  Since several H1 escalations were able to be ported over, do you guys think there is any way to mod in the Sarajevo Six missions from the PS4 version of H1?

I don't know anything about the structure of how Hitman content is packaged, but I'd be interested to know if you guys thought it might be possible.


kercyx might know more as he is the author of that mod, but I believe the gameplay elements are not in the game files of the PC version.

If somebody has access to the actual gameplay elements it might be possible to also port those parts, but I expect that to be a lot of work.

Unfortunately, it's way more complicated because it's PS4 to PC and not PC to PC. I think some people are trying to do it but it's a lot of work yeah, and I have no clue how to import elements from PS4. It's a whole other subject than escalations...

I ask again but I try to find the files to fix the graphic bug into the elusive targets 'The Ex-Dictator' and 'The Warlord' in Bangkok from H1 (all guards are black without any textures).

If someone could help...


This is likely not a simple matter of missing files.

I suspect a bug in the vanilla game, so this will likely require substantial modding experience to fix. If you want to work on that, I'd suggest to start by converting the bricks of the elusive targets to the entity.json format used by the framework. Then you have a chance to understand how the mission is supposed to work. Look at how the guards are spawning and check if that looks correct. In the best case, the guards spawn with the wrong outfits and you can just change the values. In the worst case, the guards are really incomplete and you need to re-implement the missing parts.

To pack the fix up, you can add the updated entity.json file into a raw folder for the correct chunk and pin its hash to the hash of the original resource with a framework.json file. That will cause the framework to overwrite everything as needed when the content pack is installed.

mmm...I tried to find outfits guards relative links into chunck24patch0 (and his patch1) where the elusive targets are compiled.Unfortunatly,I just found main characters ways.

Maybe  import files from H1 and recompiled them in H3 could be an idea but it's over my competence.


Should be fixed now. I did not find a problem in Warlord, maybe IOI fixed it to prepare for a  reactivation?

Thought you were done with the framework, but thanks again for continuing to enhance and add awesome features to it! I'm liking the option for custom tile sizes, makes sorting through other missions much more manageable when there are tons of missions for category.

Not sure if its on your to-do list but the only other category that could use a small tweak are the livetiles for escalations since there are so many. I tested making the escalations small but they weren't grouped like on the destinations menu.

Also, is there an option to exclude specific missions from the destinations tab without manually deleting the mission entries in the destinations Json?


The logic of the campaign page is to display each mission in a clear order. Grouping would destroy that, so it is not possible there.

Having a campaign-only mission is something I haven't considered yet, but that would be possible. Not sure if there are many uses for that, though.

After new update Brothers ET does crash while loading. Is there any plans to fix it? Is there any updates to planed for framework? Thanks

Brothers ET works well for me.

Have you deleted all mod before installing ET ? Have you replaced by error with another rpkg files ? All mods works well so,if you can't reach Brothers ET,try delete all replaced mod and if it still not working,re-install the whole game

(1 edit)

Even after fresh install same. It starts loading and then does crash. Before update it was working fine. Not sure where the issue is

only Brothers ET does not work. Other ET works without any problems. Escalations do work as well. 

Do you let the framework finish his job ? It takes a lot more time since the update but you must let it finish.

(1 edit)

Yes I do wait until it tells that it is done. I have no other mods, I did verify game files through EGS and started framework again. I did delete all leftovers from mods from before. Still does crash. What else could cause this. Is there a possibility that there are other leftovers somewhere?

15 days ago,I made a post with a link for the last framework 100% working I used.

So,try to make a new install of the 3.40 version then use my link to download the framwork and install it.

So which version of game you are using? 3.40? Because new game version is 3.50

I confirm that 3.5 broke The Brothers. Onnionsquid will surely update the framework tool to make it work again.

That why I said to install 3.40 version...The 1.4.1 version of ET can"t work with 3.50 version of the game (there is new ET and new things that brokes prfevious mods).So,play with 3.40 or wait for @oninosquid update ;)


Good and bad news: the crash is fixed with the new versions, but deleted subtitles no longer get restored as workaround. Old subtitle files crash in 3.50 because of new translations. As file format is unknown, updating the old files is not yet possible.

Offline Elusives are updated to new version on:

It will be great to update Unofficial content pack based on Offline Elusives.

Thank you.


Nexus is not letting me log in at the moment, so it might take a while until I can download the update to convert it. In the meantime you can remove the content pack and install the official rpkg file with a patch number below 100.

Here's the mod from Nexus :

and here's a new custom mission I'll add to my package. It's complex and hard, so a good challenge and a remake of an original mission from the first game :

have fun !


Thanks, update is out. You might want to switch to the flashback type and use localized fields in your custom contracts, though. That would permit translations and fix some display issues.

You can then set the type the contract is displayed at with the subtype field, look at offline elusives or unrestricted loadouts for an example.

Also, not sure if you saw my comment below but you are of course also invited to PM me on if you want to help me test something I can't publicly announce yet. If you have a new account you can also tell me your username there and I will PM you.

Have patience peeps. Everything will be updated in due time. Be thankful that this get's updated every time there's a new update from IO. We're not worthy for this awesomeness ;)

Agreed! His work is awesome.

Agreed 100% !  He's the best ! (oh and don't forget the fix for miranda johnson pic ;p )


Speaking of awesomeness, I might need a small confidential circle of alpha testers for something. If you or anyone I talked to in the past are interested, PM me on with a list of what DLCs you own, if you bought or transferred them and mention your itch username.

It will still take a while until I have something to test, so no need to hurry.

(2 edits)

I'm very much interested and I own everything (H1 + H2 content, Deluxe content, 7 sins collection). I'm now a member at but I can't send you a PM since new members are restricted.


I sent you a PM there.

Cool! I'm in. Thx heaps :)

Hi Onionsquid ! Would it be possible to add these in the package definition each time you update ? : 

in Sapienza :





in Marrakesh :



in Bangkok :



in Colorado :


in Hokkaido :



in Santa Fortuna :



in Mumbai :



I have a plan for something cool ;p

And maybe a new folder to put some non-contract json (for custom entrances) ? 

Let me know and thanks again for your work !


Unless you have word from somebody at IOI that these bricks are officially supported, I would prefer if you just add these entries in your content pack. I don't want the responsibility of keeping specific bricks alive in the framework!

You can look at the offline elusives pack on how to add packagedefinition entries from a content pack, it is at the end of If you think the resources could ever be used by  other content packs, maybe also add a check if they are already registered to prevent double-registration.

These are internal bricks used by the game in their respective levels. I would assume IO supports them, as otherwise every level would have the exact same default lighting.


I would fear that loading in two lighting bricks causes issues, so you would need a base scene without lights as well to use them from a contract.

Did somebody test using these scenes from a contract and verified that does not cause problems? Or do you need the registration for something else?

From looking at the Sapienza ones, it seems that the intended way to use these bricks is to use them from scenes, not from a contract. That does not require a registration in packagedefinition.txt and is already supported by the current version of the framework.

(1 edit)

I've already try, and it works quite good. You just have to restart the level and the lighting works well. So I can add for some missions the time of the day you want with live tiles ;p But you have to add them in the package definitions to add them as simple bricks into the jsons in bricks[ ...] but it works !

I found some problems with the kill conditions of The Kerner Disquiet in the Paris escalation contract. In addition, there is Hokkaido escalation contract 161-The Dexter Discordance 1. When I complete the task, the exit will not appear. I think there is a problem with the event id referred to by "EnableExits". Please pay attention, thank you. 

At present, I have successfully modified it myself, and look forward to your repair, so that I don’t have to repair it every time I upgrade.

I also need to ask:sometimes I want to edit a contract. I need to obtain certain items in the contract to start the next task. I need to show the location of the item on the map UI. What should I do?

(1 edit)

Yeah after 400 missions ported, it's possible that I've made a mistake or two...Thank you for letting me know for the exit, I will update it (a massive update is coming). I don't think I can do something for the kill condition since it was ported from hitman 2016 and the condition doesn't seem to exist in H3 I imagine. Unfortunately, I don't think it's possible to show the item to pick on the map without a brick... I've not succeed to show it myself sorry

Here are some of my suggestions for modifying the kill condition:

In json, the statements related to the kill condition are as follows:

        "TargetConditions": [


            "Type": "weapontype",

            "RepositoryId": "d075aa8e-f334-4fa1-880f-525b0e531ec6",

            "HardCondition": true



This is a condition for using a shotgun as a weapon, but it cannot be displayed correctly on the UI. I tried to change it to the following and it can be displayed.

        "TargetConditions": [


            "Type": "killmethod",


            "HardCondition": true



It's fixed !


Ok, I will see what I can do then. Maybe the framework should just add all scenes and bricks. Then it does not look like I support anything specific!

(1 edit)

Perfect thank you ! It can help you for the lighting bricks  :


I missed the custom entrance question: that is already possible, see Training and Untouchable missions in unrestricted loadouts. Both use the original entrances, but need to register them again as they use a different scene. Untouchable also changes the ids to remove the restrictions on the original entrance.

To add new entrances, you of course need to add new spawn locations in the scene as well.

Sorry I was unclear. I was just asking a folder that just will include entrances Json in the jsons folder before repacking (but not changing anything else, just to put them in the folder before repacking).But it's really not important, it would just save me time ^^

I have these files (with these id's) to put in json folder each time :


You can just build a rpkg and install with patch number below 100? The framework should be compatible with most rpkg mods.

(1 edit)

Yeah good idea, I don't know why I didn't think of something simpler like this  ! So busy thinking about building the perfect patch that I did not think about creating an another one... ;p


I added an option to the modder tool so you can have your perfect patch.

(1 edit)

I want to know the target[“xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx”] corresponding to the peacock table so that I can see the location indication on the map. Sorry for the poor English, I try to be clear.


No idea what target, peacock or table you are asking about. Maybe look for a community in your language and ask there?

When I used the flow editor to customize a contract, I found that the repo ID of the NPC was consistent with the hexadecimal string of their Marked targets, but when I edited the item, I found that they were different. May I ask Why is this? I can use quicksearch to determine the repo ID, but how do I determine the Marked targets of an item?


Targets are displayed in instinct view and on the map based on the repo id, if the objective lists them as target and is not hidden.

I don't know what marked targets you refer to is. Maybe you refer to the objective id. The objective id is only needed when objectives refer to each other, for example if an objective becomes visible when another objective is completed. You can generate new objective ids with any uuid generator.

For example, I need to get a gun on the map of Hokkaido. I want the gun to show its position on the map. What should I do? The repo ID can help me show that the task is complete after picking up the gun, but at my current level, I can't let the gun show its position on the map to guide my direction.


Reading it again, I'm still not sure I understand.

I think what you want is to mark a place on the map, where the player needs to obtain an item. Not sure how that works, but look at the Sapienza mission for an example. You might need to add a modded brick to the level, then you can set your own id in the brick and use that in the contract.

I do not think there is a way to do that by only editing the contract json, as weapons are not unique.

Thank you so much, you let me understand the principle, but how to edit the brick? Are there any tools available?


The modder tool of the framework can convert TEMP/TBLU to entity.json, download it on this page. You can then create a new entity.json from scratch based on what you learned from reading entity.json of sapienza files and a few bricks to understand how bricks are set up. Although the format makes it easier than it was before, it will be much harder than editing a contract and I cannot help you with that step!

Once you have your brick as entity.json file, add it to a raw folder with a TEMP.framework.json file to set its name to use in the contract. Look at the unrestricted loadouts content pack for an example. You will need to replace entitytemplate with entitytype as that pack uses scenes instead of bricks, but if you got this far you probably figured that out by yourself. ;)

(1 edit)

Here's my new update with the Garden Show and a lot of missions where you'll be able to change the time of the day (and fixes the Kerner escalation bug) :

I removed Traditions of the Trade mission because it will be on Peacock server August 19th, so I'll add it a few days later.

Deleted 3 years ago

Hi Kercyx

I'm about to translate all your additional missions into your megapack.I need your agree and if I also can translate the 'Traditions of the Trade' mission (even if you don't include it,you can keep it translated for later).

Waiting for your reply ;)

see ya !

Hi Pouncha ! Vas-y je t'en prie, ça m'épargnera un peu de temps ! Merci beaucoup à toi !

Hello,kercyx.For example, I need to get a gun on the map of Hokkaido. I want the gun to show its position on the map. What should I do? The repo ID can help me show that the task is complete after picking up the gun, but at my current level, I can't let the gun show its position on the map to guide my direction.


Please do not post the same question in multiple threads. That is rude. You can reply to your own post if you have something new to add.

Sorry, I will pay attention.

OK ! Let's go...

Be right back in few...;)

Good luck ! ;p

I sent u all the package to your nexus personal email to preserve your will about the 'tradition of the trades'.

See ya ;)

Deleted 3 years ago

Updated. Compared to your version I fixed missing entitlements and restored story tile sizes.

For me, the day/night changes duplicate all lights so everything is bright, please check if they still work for you. If so, it might be tied to specific quality settings or drivers.

(1 edit)

Hi ! That is normal, you have to restart the mission once and it will be good !! Thank you for your fixes ! You're on fire !

In my opinion,better to get the all tiles as they were in 1.5...

If you won't,please tell me how to do or could you make a choice before install ? Thank you

Thank you for your teaching, I just tried the new version 1.6 and there were some errors, but I don't understand what it means.

Hi onionsquid, I have some errors too and and I don't know why as I've done everything as usual... Can you help ? many thanks

I have the same problem!


Sorry everyone, I did not consider spaces in the path. Test 1.6.1?

Ok,I installed :

Mod framework 1.6.1

Offline Elusive for framework (last)

Offline megapack (last)

Poisonous Item pack 1.2.1

Unrestricted loadouts 1.0.2

Offline Scoring 1.11 (with sa+so objectives flag) -> Need to include my last fr translation ;)

All seems to work !

BUT PLEASE : Get back tiles as framework 1.5 in Escaltation missions...


Escalations were not changed? Lee Hong Assassination was wrong and should be fixed now, download the content pack again.

I did

My meaning was :

In Escalations missions, we have all big tiles

Before,we had 1 medium and 4 smalls (like u made into Main Campaign)

For Lee Hong Assassination, the pb was some wrong symbols at the beginning and the end of title but yes, he fixed it !


The version for download on this page should still have the tile sizes. Does that not work for you?

I have good news ! Kevin Rudd is ok to be a part of the offline pack ! So now  we can add his missions. Just one thing : for his Choose your Adventure Marrakesh, he had to edit two bricks :




both in chunk25patch, to swap the bottle of vodka


for a usb drive


That's what his "chunk25patch200.rpkg" is for. So I changed the Bahadur Level 3 to 5 escalation in the same way with a usb drive instead of the vodka bottle.

Since you modify it too for The Brothers, is there a way to make the swap automatic in the two bricks too so you won't have to paste the chunk25patch he made after the update ? And I switched Lee Hong Assassination back to "featured" rather than "flashback", I think it looks better (I will do it for Traditions of the trade too).

You'll find everything here :

Thank you again buddy for all your fantastic work ! We're close to build the perfect offline mod !

Oh and I've read all the REPO file too and we can unlock a lot of cool items/weapon too if you're interested in it too (not items that you have to unlock, just unused stuff so IO wouldn't be mad I hope ?)


I don't think it is a good idea to make any changes to bricks in the normal game or change an escalation for a custom mission. We have the tools for custom bricks now, so you can either add the existing TEMP as new raw resource or maybe even create a new entity from scratch containing just the swap. Then add that to the content pack and register with a framework.json.

Unrelated suggestion: I'd like to see your Additional Missions content pack split up into more logical content packs with better names.  You did rename your mod after all!

No idea what happened to the Lee Hong mission, but that one is completely wrong in the version I last uploaded: as flashback it lacks a subtype, so it is displayed as seasonal. Also, it would need a translated title. If I changed that one on accident while mass-editing other things I'm sorry! I will upload a fix just for that soon.

Regarding making items available, I did think about it but don't have a clear opinion yet. It would be easy to add all non-unlockable items to loadout with a framework mod, but IOI would probably not like that and it would be a mess in the item menu. A more selective approach as a content pack could work, but the question is which items to include. Feel free to propose something in the private alpha forum.

(3 edits)

I agree with you with the changing of original bricks. I just have no idea how to create a new one or edit bricks... I'll ask to Kevin Rudd but if you know, please be my guest ! Then, I won't change my 3 escalations. You can just do the swap for the two bricks and called them in packagedefinition v2 or something and do the same in his CYA Marrakesh. It would be great but again I'm sorry, I don't know a thing about brick editing...

Renaming the packs could be a good idea too, do you have any  ?

The Lee Hong thing was my bad sorry, I tested with flashback to have a bigger picture but it's better as featured withtout the quotes.

Would there be any way to have a big picture like a main mission for Garden Show but keeping the live tiles ?? 

Everything works great, thanks again for all the effort !!! It's getting bigger each time !

I sent a message to you in the alpha forum for some other things ;p


I outlined the process for bricks in

In your case it is a bit easier as you just want to edit an existing brick, so you can use that as a starting point.

I don't think custom contracts should claim to be big missions unless they provide a similar level of content than a regular bonus level. That said, live tiles apparently only work for small tiles according to their resource names. But I haven't tried forcing them to be big. Garden show might be a reason to look into that again.


New FR translation for Framework 1.6.1 including :

Main mod 1.6.1,Unoficial Offline Elusives,All Offline Escalation (Tradition of Trades not included),Offline Scoring 1.11,Unrestricted loadouts 1.0.2 and Poisonous Items Pack  1.2.1


Thanks! Will include them in the next updates.

The translations for the additional missions from kercyx cannot be used, as kercyx did not add translation support to his missions.

@kercyx if you want the missions translated, you must use a different type like flashback with subtype usercreated and switch to {#modloc} statements for each translateable string. Look at my content packs for examples. Then update the game with the translations flag set to true to generate translation templates. The templates will be used automatically.

Thanks, I'll try to do that this week ! I will read what Pouncha did too (sometimes, 4 eyes are better than 2 ;p)

Indeed ;p

But,for the Kercyx mission, I just replace my files (without changing json names)  with original and it works (just Ruddy pack can't be installed, English or French))


If you replace the files, you lose English and it is always French. Modders need to use translatable strings so the game can select the translation depending on the settings.


Was my meaning...(of course,if you replace my files with others,you'll have the translated json language) but I really couldn't install Ruddy pack whatever the language

Deleted 3 years ago

Does not seem like you use the most recent version of the content pack uploaded by me.

See my earlier response

Deleted 3 years ago

You are not using the latest version of the offline escalations and more content pack that I uploaded.

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago

Maybe an encoding issue, make sure to use utf-8.

(2 edits)

Ok, my fault ;p

I fixed all pbs which were in 'Marrakech', & 'Sapienza' (I made some errors with json colors editing while translating) and 'Chase a Ghost' was a duplicate of Chase a Specter file (I deleted Chase a Ghost which was an old and unfixed map replaced by Chase a Specter by Kercyx)

All is there :

Hello, kercyx. I was trying to restore the upgrade contract of The Satu Mare Delirium, but found some problems. When I completed the task, the exit could not be displayed, which made it impossible for me to evacuate. I checked the planning_contract file (json) of the game. It shows three entrances and three exits. I can specify the entrance to make the starting point correct, but the exit is still not displayed correctly if I specify a specific exit to evacuate. why is this happening? 

I m not sure what you re trying to do. You want to put all 3 Satu mare levels in one? If yes, I don't think it s possible since all exists and entrances are blocked, so you can't merge all 3 levels together. It just won't work. It s a brick/scene problem. 

You may have misunderstood, I want to restore this upgrade contract. When I did it, I found that the exits of these three levels could not be triggered. I don't understand how this is caused. 

I don't know how you did it so I can't help you. Anyway, maybe you have to put the EnableExit thing if you haven't 

Since I cannot use Google Cloud Disk, I can only take up a relatively large space to explain the situation. I hope that the moderator will not be angry. 

I need to bother you again. The following is the content in the json file. You can copy it and test it. I believe you will find the problem.

When the target is killed, the exit is prompted to evacuate, but the exit is not displayed on the map. 


"Data": {

"EnableExits": {

"$and": [{

"$eq": ["$5b708b8e-0550-46f7-bb65-8dc180d9bcf5", "Completed"]



"EnableSaving": true,

"Objectives": [{

"Id": "5b708b8e-0550-46f7-bb65-8dc180d9bcf5",

"IgnoreIfInactive": true,

"ObjectiveType": "custom",

"Image": "images/contracts/AssRace/AssRaceTarget.jpg",

"BriefingName": "Eliminate Arnold Terman By Snapping His Neck",

"BriefingText": "Eliminate Arnold Terman By Snapping His Neck",

"LongBriefingText": "Eliminate Arnold Terman By Snapping His Neck",

"DisplayAsKillObjective": false,

"HUDTemplate": {

"display": "Eliminate Arnold Terman By Snapping His Neck"


"Category": "primary",

"Primary": true,

"Type": "statemachine",

"Definition": {

"Scope": "session",

"Context": {

"Targets": ["8213f8ef-858f-41cc-88ff-a4715ef4ccac"]


"States": {

"Start": {

"Kill": [{

"Condition": {

"$and": [{

"$eq": ["$Value.RepositoryId", "8213f8ef-858f-41cc-88ff-a4715ef4ccac"]

}, {

"$eq": ["$Value.KillMethodBroad", "unarmed"]



"Transition": "Success"

}, {

"Condition": {

"$eq": ["$Value.RepositoryId", "8213f8ef-858f-41cc-88ff-a4715ef4ccac"]


"Transition": "Failure"






"Bricks": [],

"GameChangers": [],

                                "Entrances": ["88f47eb3-d914-46d9-99aa-6fb848964c7c"],

"GameChangerReferences": [],

"GameDifficulties": [],

"SimulationQualities": [],

"MandatoryLoadout": []


"Metadata": {

"Id": "68b38714-a065-11eb-bcbc-0242ac130006",

"IsPublished": true,

"CreationTimestamp": "2015-07-02T15:18:30.1639035+02:00",

"CreatorUserId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",

"Title": "The Satu Mare Delirium-Level 3",

"Description": "",

"TileImage": "",

"CodeName_Hint": "Polarbear Module 002_B",

"ScenePath": "assembly:/_PRO/Scenes/Missions/Edgy/mission_fox/scene_fox_cornflower.entity",

"Location": "LOCATION_EDGY_FOX",

"LastUpdate": "2015-03-11T13:50:08.347Z",

"Type": "featured",

"Release": "1.0.x"


"UserData": {}


Yup, you ve written the enable exit thing wrong. Don't put "and" or "eq", just  

"EnableExits":  ["$5b708b8e-0550-46f7-bb65-8dc180d9bcf5", "Completed"]

See my other contracts for exemple

I have been studying your contract for a long time. You are almost my teacher studying the contract. Thank you very much. I read your contract and followed your instructions. I used the sentence you suggested, but the exit still cannot be displayed normally. When you use the statement you think, does it work properly?

I saw that all the contracts you created used "$eq", so I did the same.

I understand the relationship between these three levels, it is like a continuous task is divided into three parts, each part has its own unique exit. I use quickedit to make a contract. The feature of this tool is that it generates "$and". When I reply, I simplified the task process in order not to take up too much space. I only wrote a goal and forgot to delete the "$and". , I think "$and" or "$eq" is not the main reason, maybe it is a need to customize a certain entity, like 331 Berlin Egg Hunt, I hope you can think about it again. I would like to express my respect for you again. 

Thank you for the kind words ! I'm sorry I was on vacation so I didn't have my're right you have to write :

"EnableExits": {

                    "$eq": [







for exemple.

If you try to recreate some contracts, you'll have to load the correct bricks for them too.

But I cannot do much more about it because it's a DLC so it would be close to piracy... I'm really sorry but I'm sure you'll figure it out soon.

Regarding brick and entity, it has always been my blind spot. I will only refer to existing bricks and entities instead of creating them. How did you create them? What tools are you using?

There is another problem: I have never understood the usage of framework modder tools. I use RPKG tools to export temp and tblu files. When I try to drag temp or tblu files into the modder tools script, the script will exit directly, so I can't do further research. I don't understand if there is a problem with my operation. If so, can you tell me the tools I need to use and the correct operation steps? 

I only did create bricks for CYA Marrakesh from Kevin Rudd's Pack, using Modder Tool.

You have to rename the TBLU and TBLU .meta with the same hashes than the TEMP and put them in the same folder as TEMP too.

Once your 4 files are in the same folder and have the same hashes, you can drop the TEMP flle in modder tool and it will succeed.

If you just try to recreate Satu Mare, you'll need Satu Mare's bricks too.

Please help! i cannot install any mods.


This error means that the framework cannot extract game files at all.

Try moving the game into a different folder with an English name. I suspect the special character with the line over might cause the problem.

(3 edits)

New FR translations for "The Lost Ark" 's mission mod

And "Hawke-aido"'s mission mod

I've reinstall and update my game but it still says [errorno 13]. what should I do? please help :(

delete packagedefinition.txt file and rename packagedefinition.txt.framework-original to packadefinition.txt (don't forget to delete all old previous installed mode like chunk0patch100.rpkg...)

Developer (1 edit)

As Pouncha said, there is an issue with packagedefinition.txt.framework-original.

Use epic games to verify game files and delete packagedefinition.txt.framework-original, then try again. If that does not help, you might need to start the framework as administrator (easy) or permit your normal account to write to the game folder (better).

(1 edit)




There is a pb with Tiles when Termiantor mode is installed.

When you go to Destination Mode or Main Campaign Mode, some tiles are not displayed or changed if you back to a previous tiles.

I think it's better to move this Terminator displaying mode to only 1 folder (like Escaltations or Elusives or Sniper)


Can you make a concrete example where tiles are not displayed? Did not have time to look at terminator mode yet, haven't even uploaded it here.

I agree that terminator should have its own campaign, would just be a matter of adding a campaign.json file. Not sure why kercyx did not do that?

(3 edits)

Because Kercyx is a moron ! He wanted to do it fast to make the update before going to vacation for 3 days and he forgot to do it ! But to be fair, I almost never go to campaign for escalations for exemple since there are so many missions so it's not usable really with no tiles so I didn't think doing it for Terminator Mode. I'll add it in the next version anyway. Just wondering if it could be a good idea to add a score counter with Streak Kill of two NPC = combo * 2 = double the points or something like that, more points for head shots, something like Kevin Rudd's mission maybe... Or maybe you have a better way/idea to do it using a custom scoring with your mod onionsquid ? Just thinking

@kercyx : Have you got my last message on NexusMod ?

Yup ! I just saw that (I was away this we). I'll look at it this evening ! Many thanks man

@onionsuqid & @Kercyx

Sure, here some pics :

On this one, you're in Destination mode : You can see only 2 of 3 Terminator maps only

The fun is that it changes map itself after seven 7 seconds. On the previous pic, you had Terminator Mod : 3min, but after 7 seconds, you have :

Terminator mode 5min (without doing anything !). It changes only when your cursor is on it.

of course, you can change the level you want manually (scrolling with the mouse middle button, or triggers with gamepads) or just wait a few sec to have the next one, it always have been like that. It's just like the main online menu.

Ok,but why 2 tiles of 3 ? Or just only 1 for the 3 differents ways (3min,5min,10min) ?

you have 3 levels each (3min,5min,10min = 3 tiles) per mission "variation" (for miami you have 2 variations of the map, one with and other without the "Parole, parole" target). 

Ok.So, it can keeping like that or maybe making is own campaign coz There is too much maps for thisd mod into the 'Other Contracts' campaign

(1 edit)

Yes as I said, I ll add its own campaign in the next version in two weeks


I want to write a target remaining count, how to express it in the header?

Here's an exemple of what I did for one of my mission :

"Definition": {

              "ContextListeners": {

                  "PacifiedCounter": {

                      "type": "objective-counter",

                      "header": "UI_CONTRACT_HAWK_Objective_Remaining",

        "deactivate": 0



              "Context": {

      "Scope": "hit",

                  "Targets": ["5dcc84aa-0861-429d-93ad-d8f29693d5a4","d95ca795-c9c5-4e15-9f89-333caeb2d413","c7b9270b-7a28-45be-bc91-7df6bd19f9f3","121b31f5-620c-46ed-8134-c6b2e0a0258f","0e09b959-a198-4efd-b2c4-988583716dc0","d598d898-889e-4d3e-8c5d-1f310a76fc7a"],

      "PacifiedCounter": 6,

      "Dealt": [],

                  "Goal": 0,

                  "ForceUpdateCounters": 0


              "States": {

                  "Start": {

                      "-": {

                          "Condition": {

                              "$eq": ["$.ForceUpdateCounters", 0]


                          "Actions": {

                              "$inc": "ForceUpdateCounters"




                      "Kill": [{

                              "Actions": {

              "$dec": "PacifiedCounter"


                              "Condition": {

                                  "$and": [{

                                  "$inarray": {

                                      "in": "$.Targets",

                                      "?": {

                                          "$eq": ["$.#", "$Value.RepositoryId"]



                              }, {

              "$not": {

                  "$inarray": {

                    "in": "$.Dealt",

                    "?": {

                      "$eq": ["$.#", "$Value.RepositoryId"]







          },  {

                              "Condition": {

                                  "$eq": ["$.PacifiedCounter", "$.Goal"]


                              "Transition": "Success"







I found some problems with the escalation contract 251 The O'Leary Conflagration. When I threw the target into the incinerator and ignited it, the game showed that the mission failed. Maybe, there are some problems with the kill conditions you set.

If it doesn't work, it might be a bug from the game itself (or maybe it just doesn't like saving for escalations). Try to restart the mission et do it without saving. I didn't touch the objectives from original escalations, just the gamechangers so I don't think it s because of me. Restart it and let me know

(3 edits)

@kercyx    I saw it before, and it was shown as "Bodyguard Remaining" in the level, I hope to be able to replace "Bodyguard" with "Target" : "target remaining"

In the contract of The Red Circle Eradication, which is the first contract you made by yourself, I found some problems by checking the json file:

①The image of the target (I can find the image for this, so I have repaired it). I think it is necessary to solve this to reduce the difficulty for players to find the target;

②The first few goals are to pacify and hide the body. The conditions for the target to be pacified are clear, but there is a problem with the condition for hiding the body. You are not designated as the pacified NPC, so a strange scene appears: When I pacified Target, pacify a non-target, hide the body of the non-target, and the misson can also be shown as completed. I think this is the place that needs to be modified the most (I have also fixed it);

Thank you for your work.

Hi there, I m in vacation for 10 days so I can't check it now. I made this a while ago so I don't really remember it (I made it via quick edit at this time). I ll maybe take a look when I ll be back and if I have the time. Thank you for your support. And good luck finding the good header, maybe take a look at Kevin rudd s missions. See ya! 

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