You know if that true I should played around with slime man see how that worked out you know with story run I don't if works or anything but still pet peeve later, I think game creator should make strive for power little better by working on content little more like nursery give us general idea what does, or beauty parlor...content and room design go long way...or have videos in there make little more alive, Okay farm I think if has no point being there unless your making "adult" toy manufacturing there or testing them on characters who considered ill fit for anything else like work and being useful elsewhere. They could remain on farm and be hand there.
Nursery was one places I believe deserved upgrade -> needs to where you can lower the price to raising a kid in nether-space why heck is 500 it should be 50 if you went through struggles getting upgrade. There are no events that tie you raising the child even so what point of spending 500 wad on it. Why not make 50 so you spent time dialogue sequences...and raise it properly the course you want to take it like charmed existence...or charmed existence, or really rotten apple you have tame the child.
Laboratory and storage is pretty much biggie also need another place visit...that has more stores and more supplies.
player tournament would be nice but your still long way off maybe NPC tournament which player could complete against other in village AI which would upgrade the character tad.
Also beginning characters why can't we make slime uncle and whatever we want character like someone from villager or something else...random choice is bare minimal still?
Dying and restarting is so last season why not dying and loosing everything and point taken restarting somewhere new for change there no game with that. I haven't seen game where you die and restart in heaven and have repay in kind as slave of god or something hey you have pay in community service to angel until your free...again as master of new villa? there nothing like that in this game...which explains my biggest woe.