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A member registered Jan 12, 2018 · View creator page →

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This is amazing! For the potted plants, would you consider adding a "sprout" stage and a "monstrous, animated" stage?

These are great. Would you consider doing a few recolors of the ores? Especially gold and copper.

You can most easily help with bug reporting by joining the Discord (linked in Aric's first post).

I don't know if the website is still being supported at all, but while I was initially excited by the editor side of things, I was turned off by the website being the only place you can publish your games (without spending money on a premium account, which implies subscription based service), the games list having no search function/categories and nothing in the ToS about whether adult games are acceptable to upload.

I was so worried Hierophant was abandoned. It's great to hear this update.

You can add hair length with the hair growth potion.

It's probably because they're bald. I'm not sure if it's been fixed yet, but it is planned to be tweaked.

You can order a dark elf from Sebastian.

Can you please post a few screenshots of the typoed dialogue when you encounter it? It would make it easier to locate to fix.

What was your game called?

I would not suggest Aric's for your first ever playthrough of Strive. While it does add to the game, most of it is geared towards making the game more challenging for veteran players. I would use Ank's bugfix which is link in the first post and maybe the improved random portraits mod for your first playthrough.

As far as I know, it works with the latest build. If not, please let me know and I'll try to fix it.

Hey. Someone in the Discord server helped me with this:!S7oGgaKS!QNA1PlGoZ9NtNt5M_MrU0A

Pastamancy! I am crying. XD

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Another suggestion to do with male virility. Right now, there is no way to make a male sterile (incapable of impregnating a female) and still have a penis, and currently you can move the testes into the body, but still have them breed. I propose changing the current system to three states instead of two.

Currently it's: Removed (but really inside the body) and normal scrotum.

What I'm proposing: Removed (actually removed), Internal (the previous version of removed), and normal scrotum.

I ask because the new Internal would be good for Lamia, Scylla, Nereid and dragonkin to have males with internal testes. (I have to remove the balls for all but the dragonkin because think about it... a snake with balls. An octopus with balls. A fish with balls.)


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Instead of paying 500 gold to raise a baby, it will cost 100 mana.

Link to mana mod:!biRghKII!Trv0gkJcurL4KIasNV0jwg

Not compatible with mods that change pregnancy stuff. Not required for Aric's.

Oh, that's a neat thought as well. Clearly the guilds would still be on the loose and might be looking for another opportunity and after the final battle's events, the Order becomes aware of the guilds' meddling and works to put them in their place?

Yeah, most of the time I don't even need to brand them. Just throw a maid or butler uniform on them and make sure they're happy.

Yeah, this is basically how I play anyway. For a slave owner, I'm generally a good person. XD

Oooh, added to it, thanks.

Good to know. Yes, I really miss her shop in sandbox.

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Would it possible to make the bunnykin assistant take over her shop? That way, the shop is still usable after getting Ayda and maybe it's accessible in sandbox mode, too? I haven't done Ayda's quest so I don't know if that already happens or not.

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I have to admit the ending feels a bit low to an otherwise excellent climax. I don't like how your player character is just promoted to head of the Order chapter. It doesn't feel like those old dudes in the capital would really stick a still relatively new member on the head seat. I'd love to see it tweaked to where you're second in command directly under the old chancellor, who has warmed up to you a bit since you first joined and outright tells you that when he retires, he wants to place you as head, but you'll have to prove yourself. This opens things up for after main story quests where you do things for him, like investigating some desert ruins and being sent to do more complex tasks. (I mention the desert because there's an image in backgrounds called nightdesert.jpeg)

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"Good Guy" Challenge: You have to be a "good guy" who does everything "by the book".  You are not allowed to kill prisoners, cannot kidnap innocents (or kill them) and cannot rape anyone, whether they belong to you or not. Elven patrols are considered innocents and cannot be attacked. You are free to purchase slaves and capture bandits as well as ask people to join you, but NO branding. Jailing is acceptable but farm is forbidden. No Umbra occupations, and no sex work unless the slave has fickle, deviant, or pervert.

The taurus girl main quest also requires additional steps. (Because Melissa implies these requirements and I'm 95% sure it used to be a requirement.) In addition to a taurus female with giant, lactating breasts, she also has to have the lab modification of multiple breasts. (Maximize nipples, develop rudimentary nipples.) Cannot use these potions: amnesia, aphrodisiac.

Must pick the good ending and also choose to save your slave.

For an optional addition, you have to fulfill the repeatable quests as closely as possible and cannot fulfill the darker quests like brothel work and untamed rich slave.

I'd really like to see the bat wings changed. Right now, there are only red and black wings, and the red tends to clash with my blue-toned dragonkin. I'd like to see the color removed entirely from the description and turned into one single "pair of leather bat wings", allowing the players to decide what color is it through imagination.

I went ahead and tested this, and it does seem like there's no way to lose Tisha. I don't know if I've always been repeating false advice or it is was fixed, but I will edit my original post.

I don't normally do their quest but as far as I know, there is a time limit once Emily tells you that Tisha is missing and you can fail to find her if you take too long. This was a few versions back when I did it, but I don't think it's changed.

**Continuing Spoiler Talk** I mostly just have sex with the cheap slave every day, partly to build up mana, and I tend to reach the final battle around day 60 cause I take a slower approach and so far the strategy has worked.

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Emily and Cali both require some decent fighting abilities to finish their quests, so avoid the "commotion at the marketplace" and the "urchin girl" prompts around town until you are a good level. Edit: Emily quest line has no time issues, though there is still a fight that could cause some problem once you start trying to get her sister Tisha.

**Minor Spoiler** Near the end of the main quest, you'll have the option to sacrifice a slave's life or not, and doing so you'll end up with Melissa as your slave. The slave that is selected for the option is your "favorite" slave, which the game determines via a combination of slave loyalty, level, times you've sexed them and the length of ownership. So if you want to get the reward of sacrificing, but don't want to lose a good slave, buy a cheap slave your first day and pamper the hell out of them while mostly ignoring other slaves.


Mousekin (and other new races) might be possible once modding is better implemented in the game and coders start making custom content. I'm sure a lot of other furries are going to go nuts adding their favorite species. And I can't wait to have dragonkin with knotted, ridged cocks! XD

No prob.

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Agreeing with your ideas, but one thing I want to point out: Melissa doesn't take your starter slave, she takes your favorite slave, which is determined by their level, loyalty, times you've had sex and how long you've owned them. I cheese the system by buying a cheap slave on the first day that I pamper like crazy until reaching the end game.

Follow the link on the main page and yes, you'll need to pledge at the $5 tier to access the code.

Impressive. Any chance you've tied virility to having balls or not?

The current Patreon version has a fully working "tentacle spell" which is used as a punishment. Not everything you wanted, but a step in the right direction.

Male pregnancy is possible by adding a vagina to male slaves. (Option is under dick modifications.)  And yes, the nursing potion works on males too.