Was pretty interested right from the tutorial.
I really appreciated the choices about what to eat and buy. Mundane is fun, and my child self is really happy to be able to make choices they didn't get to.
It's also kinda therapeutic NOT having to make choices just to get a certain ending. I have a bad addiction to collecting endings, making choices I otherwise wouldn't, or thinking there's a "right" answer, so it's nice that there's no bad ending here. Sets the bar, honestly. I've played a lot of otoge and let's just say they kinda have a tendency to prime you for mind-reading and people-pleasing haha.
I guess the only things I have mixed feelings about are (spoiler) somebodyxbeingxfromxaxcertainxcountryx cuz it felt thrown out of nowhere...which, I guess, helped me feel even a fraction of that somebody's shock. I don't think that specific country (I'm from there btw) had to have foreshadowing. It's just something I'm used to.
The other thing is being asked about our character's body type, but I guess it could be more of a discomfort thing than being something bad. Plus, I'll admit I sometimes play for wish fulfillment, so there's that. Haha.
For the characters: Cove is adorable, I hope Derek has a happy life, and Baxter has a charm to him. I'd love a sister like Elizabeth and a neighbor like Mr. Holden.
The family dynamics are great. We may not know much about their lives outside of their interactions with the MCs (which would involve a lot more of writing and coding and art) but they already feel like 3D characters to me through the interactions.
Pretty cool to see familiar faces from your other game (spoiler). Xxxxxx is such a baby and I'm still as confused about him as before, but I do hope he lives a good life...which is another thing that's therapeutic about the game.
Meetings and partings and all sorts of valid ways to show affection and consent and ways to spend time by yourself or with other people. People pretty much have their own lives. It's great~ Finished 1st playthrough in 12 hours