The mechanic is really damn cool, and could make a full game. Enemies and such should probably be synced to the music as well, and the music could be a bit more clear with where the beats are. Controls work well, took me a second to figure out that space is jump (after having played waaay too much celeste), but after that it was pretty smooth sailing. The screen scrolling is kinda wacky, and I would understand it if every screen was a checkpoint, but it isn't so I wonder why it is there, instead of a camera following you. The screen scrolling is what kept me from finishing the game, I fell into spikes and barrels (?) that I couldn't even see a few too many times. All in all, I kinda liked it and the idea is great, but there are a few things that makes the game feel frustrating.
Thanks for the detailed feedback! I tried making the enemies sync to the music, but within the time limit of the game jam I couldn't get it to work reliably. As for the camera, I was forced to lock it to a single screen, as moving a camera at such a small scale as 64x64 causes a lot of jitter. Some parts of the game are admittedly unfair, however I think in your case the camera might have glitched out, a bug that I wasn't able to fix.
These are very insightful issues for you to address, and I'd be sure to incorporate everything you said if I were to make a full fledged game. I'd definitely make the camera size bigger, and make a better camera system in general. Thanks!