Thank you for the suggestions, I'm glad you're enjoying it.
I'm working my way to build a bit more depth into the game but I always overdo it and have to go back and simplify, so I'll get there!
I added the 3d6 to try and alleviate some of the duplicates but you're going to get quite a few similar rolls throughout the game. Nothing wrong with a reroll from time to time though, it's your world. I'm trying to avoid any "ignore the dice rolls" rules though, I think even though annoying sometimes, it makes for some interesting worlds.
I've had a few comments coming through about making minor factions a little more interesting. I added the quick "add a settlement" line after each era to help a little but I need to spend more time on it. I'll probably add a d6 roll at the end of each era but I'm trying to take the updating in sections.
I was hoping to see a hex map in here at some point! It looks great, and very discernable geographies.