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A member registered Mar 03, 2016 · View creator page →

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I do now!  Thanks for asking for it and reminding me, I should have had something more printer friendly done a long time ago. 

This one?

When you click "download" there's a link that says "no thanks, just take me to the downloads". That will take you back in to get the PDF.

It's a free game, the $10 is more of a tip (which I greatly appreciate!) allows me to do a Pay What You Want system, so if you wish you can toss a few bucks my way but it's certainly not necessary.


Also, I'm glad you enjoyed it!  I would love to see the map if you don't mind sharing it here :D

I love it!

Of course, I'm very curious to see what you come up with!

Thank you!  Sorry I missed this comment somehow, I'll get that hyperlink fixed soon!

I originally had them separate, but the rolls ended up being very similar and decided to combine them into one.  Also, combining them helped put all of that "neighbors develop" section onto one page.

For a little idea help, you could think of a tribe strapping together some rafts and building the town (like Lake-town from LOTR), and if you don't see them putting it in the sea then just use a river or lake.

Of course, you can always re-roll if it doesn't fit.  I won't say anything :)

This is great!

Got it fixed, thanks for letting me know!

I forgot to add, I playtested this final update with a few friends to make our new D&D campaign world.  Here's the video if you'd like to see it played

ooh nice, is that with Incarnate?

still truckin’ along.  Since this will be the final update I’m trying to make it a big one.  shouldn’t be too much longer though (hopefully) 

Oooh, very nice!  I want to have it all done in a couple weeks.  My d&d campaign just ended and I want to use Mappa Imperium to create the world for the next one.  I will have it all done for that (which will be streamed)

The biggest change is the overall look to the PDF, should be much cleaner and hopefully easier to read.  Right now I'm working on developing the Prime faction a little more, adding some steps to help flesh them out and give a little more story to each of 'em.

60 to 70 is pretty accurate.  I mostly just have some testing to do and a few things to draw in to pretty it up.

Sorry it's slow going, but I'm working on it.  Rather than put out a few smaller updates I decided to lump them all in together for one big final release update.  Here's a sneak peek at what I've been up to  

The pdf is the rules for the game.  It’s played with pen, paper, & dice.

That's great, nicely done Elodin!

yes, I plan on getting one more update out before calling it done.  

Your map is incredible!  I look forward to hearing about this card game :D

That's great!  I hope to hear how it goes over!

Many of the rules are written to be a bit on the vague side so the "rules" don't box you in to something that doesn't work with your story.  If you come across some gray areas then just do what fits best.

For any roll that creates a new faction I would consider them a completely new entity, however, there's a few instances where you could consider them merged.  The hive creating a monster is one of those instances, it could be a new queen that still lives with the hive, or, you could treat it as an ally that still rolls separately between ages but treats the hive as an ally and works together.  Basically, it's up to whoever rolls to create the story and meaning of that result.

There are a few things that are meant to be map "beautifiers" and the shrine would be one of them.  Little things like monuments, shrines, & landmarks to help add some fantasy character to the map.   

You can also use shrines as an excuse to get your gods more involved in the story.  The Pantheon section doesn't really do anything for the game unless you choose to use them.  They are there to help you get ideas and create stories for certain groups.  (New cult pops up and have a god of the moon. Maybe they're werebeasts?)

Heroes is something I've been thinking about for a long time but I haven't figured the best way to implement them.  Either way, they'll be more for story than actually doing much to sway a roll or faction.

Thanks for the questions, I hope I've been somewhat helpful.


Nice! Did you use the free Inkarnate assets or do you own the subscription?

Great map!  I love seeing how the pen & paper ones turn out.  

How’d your 5 year old take it?  I’m not sure mine would be patient enough. :)

Fantastic looking map!  That’s going to take forever, lol!

I like the idea of adding a government system, a simple roll could add a lot of story into the empires.  Good idea!

I just want to make sure you got my response, my email is 

I will be updating the eras a bit next time, but that was just a mistake.  

Fixed now, thank you!

Nice!  How did the 4 year old do with it?  I haven’t tried playing with my 4 year old, I’m not sure she’d have the patience. 😂


Be careful switching the dice around, it’s balanced to have some results pop up more often than some.  You may end with an extra crazy world, which might be a lot of fun 😂

great looking map!  You really filled it out very nicely

Not too brash at all, and I appreciate the thoughts.  I’m still working on adding more to it to hopefully help with filling out the map a bit better, incorporate deities, and most importantly, add more variety to the rolls.

The challenge is trying to come up with a way to create a fun and simple fantasy map but with as much depth and story as possible, without going too overboard.


fixed, thank you!

Thanks! I’ll be adding a few more things in to hopefully add more pantheon integration.  As of right now it’s more of an optional thing to add a bit more story into your world.

You can use the email in the pdf, thanks again!

sure, that’d be great!

Thanks!  it's 7 times for each player.

Thank you for the suggestions, I'm glad you're enjoying it.

I'm working my way to build a bit more depth into the game but I always overdo it and have to go back and simplify, so I'll get there!

I added the 3d6 to try and alleviate some of the duplicates but you're going to get quite a few similar rolls throughout the game.  Nothing wrong with a reroll from time to time though, it's your world.  I'm trying to avoid any "ignore the dice rolls" rules though, I think even though annoying sometimes, it makes for some interesting worlds.

I've had a few comments coming through about making minor factions a little more interesting.  I added the quick "add a settlement" line after each era to help a little but I need to spend more time on it.  I'll probably add a d6 roll at the end of each era but I'm trying to take the updating in sections.

I was hoping to see a hex map in here at some point!  It looks great, and very discernable geographies.

Very cool, I completely missed that one when I was searching for similar map making things.  Thanks for sharing!