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(2 edits) (+1)

Thanks for responding, and those older animations not being as polished is totally understandable. Getting a foundation in before going back to polish it sounds like a good plan. While it's rough now I have high hopes if the stages and boss fights can get anywhere near as cool as some of the stuff in later Contra titles or games inspired by the series like Blazing Chrome and Super Cyborg. 

I'm no game designer, but planning out the different level themes and boss fights even if you don't implement them on the first version of the level seems like it would make it easier in the long run. Of course it will be a challenge to have it both be cool from a game perspective and also work as porn, but I'm sure you have some ideas already. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

Also on the subject of animations, when you do polish some of the older animations I think two things that would be nice to see for the MC are:

A: Altered animations for when you have a non-basic weapon with a bigger gun, similar to how Metal Slug handles it.

B: Visible force from the firing of the gun, which would make the animations both less stiff and sexy, as in the character's torso and shoulders could be pushed back slightly from firing the gun, and at the same time her T&A could jiggle slightly from the force travelling through her body.