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(1 edit) (+6)

Mostly right now, the game make my day better by the story in it. It felt like everything in this story could happen in future( like Tesla's bot ).

For me I just want more story of this Anon and Bot, for example :
1. Story about Anon worry about Bot and try to go outside with Bot. First they could go to rooftop or moving to window to see outside of Anon's room. Then thing change he will try to move her go further than his dorm like park or some back alley. 

2. Story about Anon teaching Bot to do some housework, This will make his mood better because he will feeling like living with someone.

3.Story of Anon ex coming back begging for help. What will happen? Will he help? Or will he throw her away? Or Will She done something even him cannot hold himself back?

4.Story of Bot start to act like lifeful human, lifeless droid depend on how Anon treat Bot. If Anon still treat it like a normally like object, yee It will act and continue staying like a object. but If Anon treat Bot like his fam or lover it will start to learn how  to interact with Anon first. 

5.Story of Bot getting more fetish, like during some session of streaming Bot start to getting more PLEASURE and giving EVEN MORE PLEASURE to Anon, because Bot knowing that the other human is watching. 



And I wish we will getting more part or dress for Bot. also more sex position and place for Anon.


just my Opinion for 
no 1, i think it couldn't be done, because in order to make their trips to the outside world safe is to update the "Big Daddy store" first, the skin module needs to be upgraded from changing the skin color to "hyper realistic artificial skin" or better, it's been used in many film, by film maker nowadays in RL, got the idea right? the game itself is in the future setting so.... yeah, it should be possible. then in order to support the theory, it needs to be a new location like a clothing store that also sell accessories, the bot need something to wear before go outside and the rest is depend on the Dev. team.

no 2, it's already done, remember the fist time anon tell the bot to do some dish washing?, i think what it needs is the actual "action(s)" of the bot when it do the chores, then the rest is depend on the Dev. team, probably could add friking action when the bot do some chores.

no 3, the answer probably depends on the player choice(when Dr. Blau's asked how about MC's feeling of certain issue he has)

no 4, i don't know about this, i think, from the begining of the game, the status of the bot is as a "frik bot" that only have 1 purpose "to ensure owners satisfaction" (i guess), and with the improvement/update it downloaded, it enhances the capability. but i could be wrong, maybe in the future there'll be the choice not to "violate" or "exploit" the bot for the mc satisfaction or main story line, and probably more choice what to do to the bot and it's future in the begining.

no 5, well, i think what you mean is 'the bot being more submissive' when the camera rolling, and use it's capability to give more pleasure to the mc. but as it is a bot and the story tells 'the bot have artificial intelligent and more touch sensitive sensor than a human in it's body and probably can download any personality it wants' the bot could just have any and/or every fetish it wants in command or by itself.

well, that's it from me. hope nobody get offended by this