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(1 edit) (+1)

Love the game! Funk + PTR + Cutesy graphics is such a lovely mix!

Some things that I’ve encountered on my playthrough:

  • The support parts are way too sudden and I keep missing them, maybe some sort of UI cue on the previous sentence might help!
  • The filter on the voices is a bit too strong IMO, neither me or my friends could understand most of the lyrics, do note however that neither of us is a native english speaker (though most of the content we consume is in english). I could read the subtitles on the cutscenes but during gameplay I can’t read cause I’m focused on the chart.
  • The L/R icons look too much alike, I kept pressing the wrong ones

That said, I can’t wait to see how this game will evolve!


Thanks! The current to-do list includes warnings for upcoming Support bars, more tweaking to button prompts, and potentially a "Sing-along lyrics" option where they appear under the buttons if I can get it working,,, so hopefully those will do justice!