Hi Steve! I dig what you're doing with the Indie Corner initiative. Thanks for doing these!
Studio Name: Whatnot Studios
Name Of Game: Explobers
Quick Bio of Game: Control cute (and nervous!) little creatures called Explobers as they work together to blast new paths and build their own platforms through dozens of challenging puzzles. A retro-inspired puzzle platformer, Explobers is packed full of varied environmental brain-teasers!
How long the Game was in development and if it's still in development, early access, or complete: Complete. In active development for 8 months (released September 2017). Has received three major updates, most recently in May.
Why you became a game developer in the first place: I'd been sketching out game designs on paper ever since I started playing games. I'm interested in using games to explore traditional mechanics with new twists and as an outlet for creative expression.