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Even after the update to lazer grid, it's still impossible for me to complete. My brain legitimately cannot parse out where I'm supposed to go with all the other scenery making everything blur together. I tried for a full 2 hours. It might be possible without the grid chasing me but that defeats the purpose of the minigame. I guess I'll just have to settle for not getting all the emotes, shame because it's the last one I need.

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You're not alone. Trying to get the last emote is legitimately one of the most frustrating gaming experiences I've ever had. It's fine to have a challenging minigame, but putting an emote at the very end of it was honestly a huge mistake. None of the other emotes are even remotely difficult to collect. I really hope they fix this, because making the grid move slower was not enough of a solution. If they don't change it significantly, I'd imagine a huge portion of players will never get the final emote, myself included. After about 30 hours of trying to get it, I give up.


If you haven't tried yet, I would recommend using the moving platform near the arcade cabinet to throw yourself up into the air. Also agree that it's a really difficult emote, the new update helped me just barely reach the emote before the grid hit me.

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In what way would that work if it phases through you anyway? I've tried that at least twice and it only goes through me, standing or jumping. *update, okay so now I don't phase right through it anymore but I have to stand on the right spot. Still to get away from the grid is irritating considering I can't find as many shortcuts as floor is lava, which is the only minigame I could complete but there's nothing up top sadly.

I've been struggling with this immensely as well. i had been trying to get all the emotes from realms and worlds in one single session and nearly had it but failed with the grid. gave up after 7 hours solely on that minigame, i really do hope an alternative method of acquiring it gets added.


Hey there, I'll admit when I made Lazer Grid the intention was for it to be very difficult but still beatable. At the time I figured that some people just wouldn't be able to get it, and since it was the only emote in the game that required mega-gamer-skills it would be fine. I still kinda feel that it's ok considering the other 190 emotes don't really require any kind of hardcore platforming challenge, but at the same time it bums me out to see people are sort of having their enjoyment of the game ruined by not being able to get my dev emote. We already made Lazer Grid easier twice, but it's still challenging, even more so with controller. 

I'm not planning on making any changes to Lazer Grid but after seeing comments here and in Discord I may come up with an alternative way to get the emote that is still a challenge, but more of an exploration one. Not making any promises, but it could be something as a potential future update that would be a fun thing for people who have already completed the game to also try and figure out. No promises, but it could be a fun post game update if I have the time to add something, plus maybe a fun new reward for people who already 100%'d the game.

I appreciate the feedback though. I didn't think it would be so frustrating for people, but I get how being 1 away from 100% completion would suck.