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The game has potential. While I just got thrown into the fray in the beginning, it was obvious what I should do in the first 'upgrade screen'. The raid had some issues, though. First, the time limit for player movement really doesn't let the player pick and choose a really good move to play. Usually turn based games let the player take as long as they like because it's really essential to think. The "retreat" bar made sense, but here's the thing: 1. The npcs took up retreat time. 2. The npcs would sometimes get stuck mid-walk, losing the player time. The final big bug I found was that you can't attack an npc that's standing next to you. You have to walk to another square and then you can attack them. The game looks quite worked on, so nice work.


Thank you for your comment. I agree on the time limit thing, but I added it for 2 reasons, the theme is chaos so I didnt want to allow the player too much time to think, as I wanted to force a 'speed chess' kind of gameplay. The other reason is you can cheese the retreat timer by just taking no action. if there is no time limit on turns..

Yes there a few bugs. I was working on the underlying grid system and AI for the first 4-5 days, at some point I had to say 'good enough' and actually work on the gameplay and art. I did want a title screen, ranged attacks, tutorial, etc. but I simply ran out of time hehe.

Thank you for playing.


The AI was impressive, very good job still.