Thanks for playing! It's really wonderful to get positive feedback on aspects I spent a lot of time on, however small. I appreciate it :)
I appreciate nitpicks in game jams! Yeah, I could easily expand my current coin animation method. I think right now it only adjusts up to 1000 per frame, so not nearly enough for the lategame nonsense. I would have loved to do a "highlight purchasable" system for the upgrades, but it didn't make it off the idea board unfortunately. The upgrade UI really ended up limiting me, too. Next time I'll add more flexibility and use the space better. My initial idea was to have space be it's own exploration tier, but of course that got cut for scope creep in the end. The game actually has space dragons in the files, but I never got to implement them properly. It'd be fun to add distant planets and other things, too. Lots of potential for a 'late game' if I kept developing.
Thanks again for checking it out, I really appreciate it !