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I’ve been using Godot for long, but never for 3D, so as weird as it might seem, I have almost 0 experience with 3D programming. That’s probably what I’ll focus on

Woah I guess I'll steal that Idea as well. I never used the 3D workstation in Godot nor have I made anything in 3D, so it'll be a challenge.

I'm on that train also, I've been playing with Godot since 2.6 but never did anything 3D, that'll be my focus in this jam. Good luck! 


A couple of hopefully helpful tips based on my relatively limited Godot 3D (& non-3D modeller) experience:

  • CSG ("Constructive Solid Geometry") nodes (which enable you to create complex shapes by combining simple shapes together with boolean operations) can be a great way to start prototyping 3D games/levels but be aware that there are some trade-offs involved in terms of the "quality" of the resulting mesh. This is primarily a factor when you want to start applying textures & you may encounter issues with UV coordinates/normals etc.
    There's a CSG intro tutorial here:
    You may wish to read-up on some of the potential issues (e.g. here: before committing to CSG in case your plans might be impacted...
  • In part I started prototyping with CSG because I wasn't aware that there was another option for easily creating simple a.k.a. "primitive" (e.g. cube-based) level geometry in Godot (an option which also has the benefit of seemingly having fewer issues with mesh quality/UVs etc).
    The prototyping option I now turn to first, is to add a MeshInstance node to the 3D scene and then click on the `Mesh` property which enables you to choose to instance one of a number of simple/primitive meshes, e.g. cube, capsule, cylinder, etc.

Hopefully that helps some people avoid running into the same issues I did. :)

Bonus tip: If you're looking for some basic prototype textures to apply to your prototype geometry the famous "Kenney" has some freely downloadable CC0 (public domain) textures available here: (And also directly through the Godot Asset Library on the web or in the editor: (And, someone who, just quietly ;) has also recently started using Godot for some of his projects. :D )