*almost falls over*
......Who taught you that? =>
999: M-Ma! :D
*blushing* n no I didn’t!
Looking over at her, hold le slipper, Moooool0, Did you teach blobby that? ^w^
999:playin with the toys
*shaking, tail froze* d d d dont…n not again
J-Jeez sorry, i was just gonna make sure you don't step in pile of toys, this kid leaves them scattered,
holding a PAIR of slippers
o o oh I d d didn’t see the other
...-sigh-, i really gotta stop scaring you ;-;
iiits ok
*a like 2 more months*
Hmmm *looking in mirror * should I be this big?
Wdym? You barely grew any, i can still wrap my arms around you, till the point my hands could touch again!